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Running Code at IETF 86

13 Mar 2013

Our meeting in Orlando ended on Friday. I thought it was a very successful meeting, and brought up many new topics that we should pursue.

Bufferbloat demonstration at IETF 86 Bits-N-Bytes
Bufferbloat demonstration at IETF 86 Bits-N-Bytes

I will talk about some of those topics in this blog in the coming weeks.

After the meeting ended, I talked to some of the people who were coming into to the IEEE meeting that is taking place in the same hotel right after IETF. While our two organisations are different, we share some of the same participants, and some IETFers stayed in Orlando for two weeks. Our organisations also share many of the same visions about how standards should be defined in an open manner, and face many of the same challenges in our work. I learned a lot from my discussions with IEEE.

But back to the IETF. I wanted to write about some of the technical work that was going on during the week, but then I realized that it might actually be better to invite people who were actually doing the work. With this in mind, I want to introduce Chris Griffiths from Comcast. He talks about some of the testing and demos that were going on in our new Bits-N-Bites program. As you know, in the IETF we like to focus on running code, and I thought Chris’ story highlights this nicely.

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