comments on draft-abarth-mime-sniff-03

Larry Masinter <> Wed, 20 January 2010 22:42 UTC

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From: Larry Masinter <>
To: Adam Barth <>, Ian Hickson <>
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 14:41:43 -0800
Subject: comments on draft-abarth-mime-sniff-03
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Although this document was discussed a while back
in httpbis, it seems to address non HTTP sniffing
as well. 

I'll send notes to http-wg, html-wg, www-tag
to move discussion here (as advised).

Several W3C specs are advancing using this document 
as a normative reference (including HTML), so getting 
this reviewed should be timely.

The document should note the venue for discussion.

I admit I haven't chased down the archives on
the previous discussion of this, and maybe I've
gotten some things wrong, but the current draft
is already 4 months old. (Compared to other drafts
the authors are updating regularly.) 

All or nothing:

  Whenever possible, user agents should avoid
  employing a content sniffing algorithm.

The normative advice seems to apply to roles
other than "user agents"; whether or not
there is a user isn't really relevant.

Secondly, it's not clear the scope of the
"should avoid" or whether this is really
intended to be normative.  I'll assume
that it is.

   However, if a user agent does employ a
   content sniffing algorithm, the user agent
   should use the algorithm in this document exactly

The algorithm isn't exact (more below).

And think this is the wrong normative advice.
Implementations SHOULD NOT sniff labeled content,
and MUST NOT sniff any way beyond the ways 
explicitly allowed here, and when they do sniff,
should opt into sniffing on a situation by situation,
type by type basis.

The application of sniffing should be reserved 
for situations where the implementor has sufficient
reason to believe that there is sufficient existing 
deployed content that would not function as expected 
if sniffing were not implemented, and these situations
should be encouraged to be as fine a granularity
as the implementor needs.

This normative advice should not require
updating as the deployed content evolves.

TERMINOLOGY "resource"

This document seems to have the same use of "resource"
to talk about what is fetched and not just the source
from which it is fetched, as discussed in HTML-WG
at length:

For example

   For HTTP resources, only the last Content-Type HTTP header,
   if any, contributes any type information; the official type 
   of the resource is then the value of that header, 
   interpreted as described by the HTTP specifications.  

But HTTP specification cited says is:

   The "Content-Type" entity-header field indicates the
   media type of the entity-body. 

not applying "media type" to the resource but as metadata
of the response.

For example, instead of using "resource" inconsistently,
this sentence might say:

  For HTTP resources ... the official media type of
  the representation is obtained from the value ...

since of course, the same HTTP resource might return
different representations depending on accept headers.

Malformed content-type information vs. missing content-type 

I think the cases where content-type information supplied is
malformed should be treated differently than the cases where
content-type information is missing. In particular, it
should be possible and allowed to raise an error
if content-type information is malformed, even when
sniffing is performed on well-formed, but incorrect, 
content-type. That is, the "opt-in" behavior could allow
an implementation to sniff when no content-type, but
not sniff when there is a malformed content-type.

Contextual application

There are many different contexts of use of MIME labeled
material in the web, and the opt-in behavior for sniffing
should be allowed to be contextualized. For example, one
might opt in to sniffing for <img src=...> but opt out of
sniffing a script or rel link and opt in when doing a GET
on the main body of a web page.

multiple content-type headers are malformed:

> For HTTP resources, only the last Content-Type HTTP header,
> if any, contributes any type information

A message with more than one content-type header
should be treated as malformed.

   If the Content-Type HTTP header is present but
   the value of the last such header cannot be 
   interpreted as described by the HTTP 
   specifications (e.g. because its value doesn't 
   contain a U+002F SOLIDUS ('/') character), then
   the resource has no type information (even 
   if there are multiple Content-Type HTTP headers and
   one of the other ones is syntactically correct).

The "algorithm for extracting an encoding ...."
   Note: The above algorithm is a willful violation of the HTTP
   specification.  [RFC2616]

The word "encoding" is confusing, since HTTP uses
content-encoding and this is actually talking 
about what HTTP calls "charset".

The HTML algorithm for 'sniffing' a charset when
one is explicitly supplied but is changed by HTML --
that isn't part of this draft? It is HTML only?
It seems to be part of the same family of
"sniffing" and should be reviewed with the
same scrutiny, moving it either into this
document or to a parallel one. (Perhaps someone
can raise this as a bug in the HTML spec.)

The nature of the "willful violation" 
(I.e., how it is different) and the 
justification for the "willful violation" 
should be included. I can't fathom any
justification for it.

file extensions:

  Note: It is essential that file extensions
  are not used for determining the media type
   for resources fetched over HTTP because
  file extensions can often by supplied by
   malicious parties.

 "Often" is dubious. How can file extensions be
supplied more often than  content-type headers?
What is the security threat? 

  For resources fetched over most other protocols, e.g. 
  FTP, there is no type information.

"most other protocols" is imprecise.
Does this apply to imap? data:? There seems
to be some attempt to define this for RSS?

Is it the protocol or the scheme that 
determines the method, or both?

I also don't think this matches implementations
for FTP, aren't file extension used frequently
to determine content-type?

Waiting (section 5)

   1.  The user agent MAY wait for 512 or more bytes
   of the resource to be available.
   2.  Let /stream length/ be the smaller of either
   512 or the number of bytes already available.

*This* document doesn't define "available" or what
it means to "wait" or really have much to do with
what most of this document is about. I think the
choice here is that type sniffing apparently
can work on whatever prefix the agent chooses
to give it, from anywhere from 0 to 512 bytes.
If it chooses to send 0 bytes, this is equivalent
for turning off MIME sniffing completely 
(since there is nothing to sniff).

I'd think that the behavior of "how to sniff"
should start out with what the inputs are
(the first N bytes of some data from a response).

Note that the n bytes are not the bytes
of the actual traffic over the wire, but the
bytes resulting from undoing any

Adding new types:

" User agents may support additional types if desired,
   by implicitly adding to the above table."

This makes no sense and is a disaster for

The only reason why we have badly deployed content
is that user agents "sniffed" new types. If the
deployed infrastructure doesn't deploy new
kinds of sniffing, then people won't distribute
content.  This is a harmful escalating path and
encouraging implementations to add to the table
is disruptive and harmful. Don't do it.