[apps-discuss] Appsdir review of draft-camarillo-rai-media-policy-dataset-01

ht@inf.ed.ac.uk (Henry S. Thompson) Thu, 31 May 2012 13:14 UTC

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I have been selected as the Applications Area Directorate reviewer for
this draft (for background on appsdir, please see

Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments
you may receive. Please wait for direction from your document shepherd
or AD before posting a new version of the draft.

Document: draft-camarillo-rai-media-policy-dataset-01
Title: A User Agent Profile Data Set for Media Policy
Reviewer: Henry S. Thompson
Review Date: 31 May 2012
IETF Last Call Date: 2012-06-11

Summary: This draft is almost ready for publication as a Proposed
         Standard but has a few issues that should be fixed
         before publication

Major Issues: 

1 A bit more context is needed, given that section 3 dives right in to
defining attributes.  We need to know Why this XML format
is _needed_ -- why aren't session definitions (per RFC4566)
sufficient?  Just a brief explanation of motivation should do the job.

5.3/4/5/6 "Multiple <media-types-allowed> elements MAY only be present
in a container element if each applies to a different set of streams
(e.g., one <media-types-allowed> element for incoming and one for
outgoing streams)." -- How is this possible?  The only 'container
element' allowed by the schema is <session-policy>.  How does an
application know _which_ stream is meant to be constrained by _which_
allowed set???  Simlarly for all the other allowed/excluded elts, and
various max/min settings if they appear under <session-policy> rather
than <session>.

6.5 max-stream-bw: It's not clear if it's an error == "MUST ignore" if
the media-type attribute and the label attribute conflict, i.e. the
stream picked out by the label isn't for the named media.  In a
similar vein, it's not clear to what extent merging is restricted to
pairs whose label and/or media match. . .

Similar issues arise for <qos-dscp>.

Minor Issues: 

3.1 It's a bit odd to reference XML 3rd edition -- XML 5e [1] has been
available for over 3 years now. . .

3.3.4 'media-type' attribute -- Are more specific values than those
listed allowed?  Probably the most common understanding of the phrase
'media type' is exemplified by text/plain, image/svg or
application/xml -- if these are _not_ allowed, say so.  If they are,
include one or two in the "such as" list.

4.1 Wrt codecs, the two MUST statements wrt description
vs. offer/answer are superficially contradictory.  This para. needs to
be split into two sub-cases, so the processing for single
descr. vs. pair of descrs is clear.

4.1 It would be nice to see two generic templates demonstrating the
mapping rules for the one- and two-description cases, i.e. something
along the lines of

   c=IN IP4 h                       <session-info>
   m=m1 p1 RTP/AVP c11 c12 . . .      <streams>
   a=label:l1                           <stream label="l1">
   a=rtpmap:c11 t11		          <media-type>m1</media-type>
   a=rtpmap:c12 t12		          <codec q="0.9">
   a=rtpmap:. . .		           <media-type-subtype>t11</media-type-subtype>
   m=m2 p2 RTP/AVP c21 c22 . . .          </codec>
   a=label:l2			          <codec q="0.8">
   a=rtpmap:c21 t21		           <media-type-subtype>t12</media-type-subtype>
   a=rtpmap:c22 t22		          </codec>
   a=rtpmap:. . .		          . . .
   . . .			          <local-host-port>h:p1</local-host-port>
				        <stream label="l2">
				          <codec q="0.9">
				          <codec q="0.8">
				          . . .
				        . . .

and similarly for the two-input case.

4.1 The fact that the specified mapping is lossy in both directions
should be called out, e.g. v= and t= lines are lost in one direction,
and <context> is lost in the other.

5.1 Wouldn't this be better at the _end_ of section 5, once the
elements to be merged have been introduced?


    The two </codecs> end tags should be
    </codecs-excluded> and </codecs-allowed> respectively.

7.1 The <session-policy> element needs

    The end tags </media-types> and </codecs> should be
    </media-types-allowed> and </codecs-excluded> respectively.

7.2 Both <session-info> elements need

    All the <codec> elements need 'q' attributes according to the
    text.  The schema does not require this.  Shouldn't it do so?

8 Schema

ElementInfoContext is undefined.  I presume something along the lines

           <define name="ContextModel">
                     <element name="info">
                       <data type="string" />
                    <element name="policy-server-URI">
                       <data type="string" />
                    <element name="token">
                       <data type="token" />
                     <element name="contact">
                        <data type="string" />

           <define name="ElementContext">
               <element name="context">
                    <ref name="ContextModel"/>

           <define name="ElementInfoContext">
            <element name="context">
              <ref name="ContextModel"/>
		<element name="request-URI">
		  <data type="string" />

is what you meant, if I read the text correctly.

With the above fixes to schema and instances, the examples are all valid.


3.1 "namespace URIs for schemas" --> "namespace URIs for elements", I
would prefer. . .

4 "<session-info><\session-info>" --> "<session-info></session-info>"

5.1.2 "encoding of profile of the codec" --> "encoding or profile of
                                              the codec"
      [I guess. . .]
      "Other encoding or profiles of the same codec are unaffected." -->
      "Other encodings or profiles of the same codec are unaffected."
      "apply all containers it has received one after the other the
       set of media- types/codecs it supports." -->

      "apply all containers it has received one after the other to the
       set of media- types/codecs it supports."

      [I guess. . .]


[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-xml-20081126/
       Henry S. Thompson, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
      10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh EH8 9AB, SCOTLAND -- (44) 131 650-4440
                Fax: (44) 131 650-4587, e-mail: ht@inf.ed.ac.uk
                       URL: http://www.ltg.ed.ac.uk/~ht/
 [mail from me _always_ has a .sig like this -- mail without it is forged spam]