[aqm] FQ-PIE kernel module implementation

"Hironori Okano -X (hokano - AAP3 INC at Cisco)" <hokano@cisco.com> Thu, 04 June 2015 22:07 UTC

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From: "Hironori Okano -X (hokano - AAP3 INC at Cisco)" <hokano@cisco.com>
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Thread-Topic: FQ-PIE kernel module implementation
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Cc: "Rong Pan (ropan)" <ropan@cisco.com>, "Fred Baker (fred)" <fred@cisco.com>, "Bill Ver Steeg (versteb)" <versteb@cisco.com>, "Preethi Natarajan (prenatar)" <prenatar@cisco.com>
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Hi all,

I’m Hironori Okano and Fred’s intern.
I’d like to let you know that I have implemented FQ-PIE as a linux kernel module “fq-pie" and iproute2 for fq-pie.
This was done in collaboration with others at Cisco including Fred Baker, Rong Pan, Bill Ver Steeg, and Preethi Natarajan.

The source codes are in my github repository. I attached patch file “fq-pie_patch.tar.gz” to this email also.
I’m using the latest linux kernel (git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/next/linux-next.git)

fq-pie kernel module

iproute2 for fq-pie

If you have any comments, please reach out to me.

Best regards,

Hironori Okano