
Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts.

Internet-Drafts are not an archival document series. These documents should not be cited or quoted in any formal document. Unrevised documents placed in the Internet-Drafts directories have a maximum life of six months. After that time, they must be updated, or they will be deleted. Details of the expiration procedure can be found in "Guidelines to Authors of Internet-Drafts." After a document becomes an RFC, it will be replaced in the Internet-Drafts Directories with an announcement to that effect.

All Internet-Drafts that are submitted to the IESG for consideration as RFCs must conform to the requirements specified in the I-D Checklist.

Submit an Internet-Draft

Submission Tool  |  Guidelines  |  I-D Checklist  |  ID-Nits Tool

Note Well: Any submission to the IETF intended by the Contributor for publication as all or part of an IETF Internet-Draft or RFC and any statement made within the context of an IETF activity is considered an "IETF Contribution." Such statements include oral statements in IETF sessions, as well as written and electronic communications made at any time or place, which are addressed to:

All IETF Contributions are subject to the rules of RFC 5378 and RFC 3979 (updated by RFC 4879).

Statements made outside of an IETF session, mailing list or other function, that are clearly not intended to be input to an IETF activity, group or function, are not IETF Contributions in the context of this notice.

Please consult RFC 5378 and RFC 3979 for details.

A participant in any IETF activity is deemed to accept all IETF rules of process, as documented in Best Current Practices RFCs and IESG Statements.

A participant in any IETF activity acknowledges that written, audio and video records of meetings may be made and may be available to the public.

Find Current Internet-Drafts

Internet-Drafts Database Interface  |  Index of Current Internet-Drafts  |  Index of Current Internet-Draft Abstracts  |  Internet-Drafts Under Review by IESG (I-D Tracker)  

Internet-Drafts can also be retrieved from mirror sites using ftp. If you wish to use rsync to check the contents of the Internet-Drafts directory, then click here.

IETF Secretariat - Questions on Internet-Drafts should be sent to the Internet-Drafts Administrator.
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