IP Security Working Group
Twenty-Ninth IETF
March 31, 1994

Co-chair: Paul Lambert

Co-chair: Jim Zmuda

IP Security (IPSEC) Agenda

Thursday, March 31, 1994 - Morning Session

IP Security Protocol Environment

Figure (GIF - 32271 bytes)

IPSP in Reference Model

Figure (GIF - 13754 bytes)

Applicable Standards

Standards for Lower Layer Security

Figure (GIF - 15070 bytes)

IP Security Protocol


IPSP Proposal (Lambert, Zmuda and Others)


IPSP Protocol Processing

Transmit Processing Receive Processing

IPSP Generic Format

Figure (GIF - 7498 bytes)

IPSP Format With DES-CBC-MD5

Figure (GIF - 17799 bytes)

IPSP Action Items

IP Key Management

What is key management and what is the group's charter for key management?

Key Management

Existing work we might be able to take advantage of:

Peer-to-Peer Exchanges

Security Management

Key Management Issues