Minutes of the Netconf WG Session in IETF 92 [2015-03-24 Tue] ============================================================= **** Andy Bierman (AB) - RESTCONF ***** slide 5 - Juergen Schoenwaelder (JS): what happens with YANG 1.1 anydata? - AB: If we have a standard notion of layers, it will be the the same. It has to be defined depending on how it is defined. I see no reason to mention YANG 1.1. ***** slide 6 - JS: Unified datastore persistence not defined, that's a problem. - AB: NETCONF has no concept of persistence. It is a performance issue. ***** slide 7 - Dean Bogdanovic (DB): Giving the NV option is confusing. It should be always persistent. - AB: This exposes the option of NV-storing or not. It makes a difference for performace-sensitive apps. ***** slide 8 - Martin Bjorklund MB): Mixing two things - URL can stay. - AB: YANG Patch will change and this issue will go away. - JS: Concerned about making some proto spec action that's really not so. - AB: We should make an effort to remove all RESTCONF-specific stuff. - Phil Shafer (PS): Why do you expect that not all models will be available. - AB: YANG modules have a lot of RPCs that are tied to sessions, these are not supported. - PS: RESTCONF and NETCONF should be able to get to the same data. - AB: That could be implementation restriction - business & marketing decision. ***** slide 9 - Peter van Horne (PvH): It should be mandatory. - Chairs: Take it mailing list. ***** slide 10 - JS: I2RS distinction ephemeral v. config. Unified datastore doesn't solve this. - Mehmet Ersue (ME): We should start WGLC ASAP. - PS: Can you answer the q about scope? - ME: This has to be discussed in ML **** Andy - YANG Patch ***** slide 4 - PS: NETCONF ops not specified - should it be clarified in YANG 1.1. - MB: It is NETCONF issue. ***** slide 6 - JS: YANG Patch is RESTCONF patch, it is part of scope discussion. Is the server expected to translate a RESTCONF op -> NETCONF? - MB: Why not make it avaliable in NETCONF as well? - AB: Pointless to use edit-config in two ways. - PJ: You can ask the same q for unified datastore. - I wish we used unif. datastore in NETCONF. ***** slide 14 - Kent Watsen (KW): I support using these features in NETCONF as well. - JS: What you are doing is a new RPC, should work. - PS: We should maximize the NC/RC overlap. **** Andy - YANG Library ***** slide 4 - Lada Lhotka (LL): Why is the conformance leaf needed? Modules that are used only for typedefs and groupings needn't be in YANG library. - Conformance should be changed to enumeration. Specially, as it relates to 'import by revision'. - AB: YANG library contains all modules that the server implements. - LL: The dependence on yang-json can mean that RESTCONF and other docs will have to wait on YANG 1.1 because of the decision of the NETMOD WG to address anydata in yang-json. - JS: YANG Patch is a client of anydata. **** Andy RESTCONF Collection Resource - Not much work done on the draft. **** Kent - Call Home - KW will send -05 version in couple of weeks. - Chairs: May need a second LC. **** Kent - server model - 13 issues. ***** slide 10 - AB: Prefer just seconds. - PS: Complexity breeds bugs. ***** slide 11 - MB: Is it obvious it is needed? ***** slide 15 - Mikael Abrahamsson: Why not using TCP keepalives? - KW: Not encrypted, can be spoofed. - PS: Is it necessary. - KW: Usual approach in similar application. - Jeff Hass (JH): SSH may think it is up but the application on top of it in fact isn't. That's why keepalives are done in the app. - ME: Is it really needed to move the whole section to CH draft? - KW: This is about how to implement keepalives. ***** slide 16 - MB: An option would be to say MAY. ***** slide 17 - PS: Dependence on Y1.1 is not a problem. - KW: It came from Honolulu, now it may be reasonable to use Y1.1 features. - 16 Y and 1 N for including YANG 1.1 features. - ME: Rough consensus to include Y1.1 features despite possible delays. **** Kent - Zero Touch ***** slide 13 - ME: ANIMA requirements should be brought in as written text. - ANIMA chair: We don't have official requirements towards NETCONF - Michael Behringer (MB): IN ANIMA, nodes can talk to each other. We can merge the two requirements. **** Jeff Haas - I2RS requirements ***** slide 8 - Sue Hares (SH): we need help with ephemeral state - Benoit Claise (BC): This is an individual draft, how is it related to I2RS architecture? - JH: This is arch doc translated to YANG terms. Need help with defining ephemeral state. What it means is not clear. - SH: Traceability and pub-sub are requiremebts, too, but we aren't asking for help there. Would rather have a discussion that send a set of requirements. - Dan B, Martin, Ken and Andy to help with ephemeral state. - ME: Propose to have a conference call in a few weeks. - JH, SH: Support. **** Eric Voit - pub/sub - ME: Schedule for this work? - EV: Not decided yet. - JH: It has a priority. **** Alex Clemm (AC) - Subscribing to push updates - ME: Who read the draft? Not many. Please read the draft. - ME: Does this draft address the pub/sub reqs fully? - AC: It doesn't allow for alternative transport. - ME: Should NETCONF address this? 12 yes and no no’s. Support was indicated. **** Liu Bing - Processing multiple requests - ME: Who read it? 5. All of them support working on this topic. ME: Authors please seek for support on mailing list. **** Time Stamp in NETCONF - Ran out of time. - ME: Authors please seek for support on mailing list.