Network Working Group C. Bonnell Internet-Draft DigiCert Intended status: Standards Track J. Gray Expires: 3 January 2025 Entrust D. Hook KeyFactor T. Okubo DigiCert M. Ounsworth Entrust 2 July 2024 A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in Paired Certificates draft-bonnell-lamps-chameleon-certs-04 Abstract This document specifies a method to efficiently convey the differences between two certificates in an X.509 version 3 extension. This method allows a relying party to extract information sufficient to construct the paired certificate and perform certification path validation using the constructed certificate. In particular, this method is especially useful as part of a key or signature algorithm migration, where subjects may be issued multiple certificates containing different public keys or signed with different CA private keys or signature algorithms. This method does not require any changes to the certification path validation algorithm as described in RFC 5280. Additionally, this method does not violate the constraints of serial number uniqueness for certificates issued by a single certification authority. About This Document This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC. The latest revision of this draft can be found at chameleon-certs.html. Status information for this document may be found at chameleon-certs/. Discussion of this document takes place on the Limited Additional Mechanisms for PKIX and SMIME (lamps) Working Group mailing list (, which is archived at Subscribe at Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 1] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at Status of This Memo This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet- Drafts is at Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." This Internet-Draft will expire on 3 January 2025. Copyright Notice Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved. This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Documents ( license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document. Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect to this document. Code Components extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License. Table of Contents 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2. Conventions and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.1. Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3. Relationship between Base Certificates and Delta Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4. Delta certificate descriptor extension . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4.1. Delta certificate descriptor content . . . . . . . . . . 6 4.2. Issuing a Base Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4.3. Reconstructing a Delta Certificate from a Base Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5. Delta certificate request content and semantics . . . . . . . 10 Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 2] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 5.1. Creating a Certificate Signing Request for Paired Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 5.2. Verifying a Certificate Signing Request for Paired Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 6. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 7. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 8. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Appendix A. ASN.1 Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Appendix B. Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 B.1. Root certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 B.1.1. EC P-521 root certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 B.1.2. Dilithium root certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 B.2. Algorithm migration example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 B.2.1. Dilithium signing end-entity certificate . . . . . . 29 B.2.2. EC signing end-entity certificate with encoded Delta Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 B.3. Dual use example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 B.3.1. EC signing end-entity certificate . . . . . . . . . . 42 B.3.2. EC dual use end-entity certificate with encoded Delta Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 1. Introduction In certain public key infrastructures, it is common to issue multiple certificates to a single subject. In particular, as part of an algorithm migration, multiple certificates may be issued to a single subject which convey public keys of different types or are signed with different signature algorithms. In cases where relying party systems cannot be immediately updated to support new algorithms, it is useful to issue certificates to subjects that convey public keys whose algorithm is being phased out to maintain interoperability. However, multiple certificates adds complexity to certificate management for relying parties and exposes limitations in applications and protocols that support a single certificate chain. For this reason, it is useful to efficiently convey information concerning the elements of two certificates within a single certificate. This information can then be used to construct the paired certificate as needed by relying parties. This document specifies an X.509 v3 certificate extension that includes sufficient information for a relying party to construct both paired certificates with a single certificate. This method does not require any changes to the certification path validation algorithm as described in [RFC5280]. Additionally, this method does not violate the constraints of serial number uniqueness for certificates issued by a single certification authority. Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 3] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 In addition to the certificate extension, this document specifies two PKCS #10 Certificate Signing Request attributes that can be used by applicants to request Paired Certificates using a single PKCS #10 Certificate Signing Request. 2. Conventions and Definitions The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here. 2.1. Definitions For conciseness, this document defines several terms that are frequently used throughout. Base Certificate: A X.509 v3 certificate which contains a delta certificate descriptor extension. DCD: An acronym meaning "Delta Certificate descriptor", which is a reference to the X.509 v3 certificate extension defined in this document. Delta Certificate: A X.509 v3 certificate which can be reconstructed by incorporating the fields and extensions contained in a Base Certificate. Paired Certificates: A Base Certificate and the corresponding Delta Certificate whose information is encoded in the Base Certificate's DCD extension. 3. Relationship between Base Certificates and Delta Certificates In some public key infrastructures, it may be common to issue multiple certificates to the same subject. For example, these certificates generally contain the same (or substantially similar) identity information and generally have identical validity periods. The differences in certificate content generally stem from the certification of different keys, where the named subject may have multiple keys of different algorithms certified by separate certificates. The use of different keys allows for the subject to use the key that is most appropriate for a given operation and intended recipient. For example, as part of an ongoing algorithm migration, it is useful to use stronger algorithms when both of the systems utilized by the subscriber/sender and recipient have been upgraded. However, in the case where systems have not yet been Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 4] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 updated, the use of a legacy key algorithm may be required. Additionally, multiple certificates may be issued to the same subject that certify keys for different purposes, such as one key for signing and another key for encryption. The management of multiple certificates may be complex, and there may be limitations in protocols regarding the handling of multiple certificate chains. To account for these concerns, this document proposes a method to efficiently encode the differences between two certificates with sufficient information such that a relying party can derive the complete certificate from another. For the purposes of this document, the "Base Certificate" contains its own fields and extensions and additionally includes an extension that conveys all differences contained within the paired certificate. The certificate whose elements which differ from the Base Certificate and are captured in the Delta Certificate descriptor extension of the Base Certificate is known as the "Delta Certificate". Delta Certificates are reconstructed from the Base Certificate either on the sender's side or the recipient's side depending on the protocol and application(s) in use. The sender may elect to send the Base Certificate or the Delta Certificate based on information that it has about what the recipient can process. Similarly, the client may send either the Base Certificate or the Delta Certificate based on what the server can process. This assures backwards compatibility as the certificate sent to the peer (server or client) is chosen based on what it can process. The negotiation on which certificate to use is out-of-scope of this document and is deferred to each protocol and application. In the absence of information concerning the capabilities of the peer, it is unknown whether it understands the DCD extension in the Base Certificate. When the recipient does not understand the DCD extension, it only processes the information within the Base Certificate and ignores the information found in a non-critical DCD extension. If the recipient receives a Base Certificate and is capable of processing the DCD extension, then it may reconstruct the Delta Certificate to be used for processing. In a protocol, the sender may perform a cryptographic operation with the key conveyed within the Base Certificate. If it understands the DCD extension, then it may reconstruct the Delta Certificate and choose to perform the same operation with the key conveyed within the DCD extension. Alternatively, if the sender understands the DCD extension and knows that the receiver will only process the Delta Certificate, the sender can reconstruct and send only the Delta Certificate. This behavior is deferred to the software in use. Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 5] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 4. Delta certificate descriptor extension The Delta Certificate descriptor ("DCD") extension is used to reconstruct the Delta Certificate by incorporating both the fields and extensions present in the Base Certificate as well as the information contained within the extension itself. Certification authorities SHOULD NOT mark this extension as critical so that applications that do not understand the extension will still be able to process the Base Certificate. The inclusion of the DCD extension within a Base Certificate is not a statement from the issuing Certification Authority of the Base Certificate that the contents of the Delta Certificate have been verified. Conversely, the DCD extension is merely a mechanism to encode the differences between two Paired Certificates. Given this, it is possible for the Base Certificate to expire prior to the Delta Certificate, and vice versa. However, the policies governing a public key infrastructure may add additional requirements for the content of the DCD extension or alignment of validity periods for Base Certificates and Delta Certificates. For example, a policy may require that the validity periods of the Base Certificate and Delta Certificate be identical, or that if the Delta Certificate is revoked, the Base Certificate must also be revoked. 4.1. Delta certificate descriptor content The DCD extension is identified with the following object identifier: (TODO: replace this temporary OID) id-ce-deltaCertificateDescriptor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { joint-iso-itu-t(2) country(16) us(840) organization(1) entrust(114027) 80 6 1 } The ASN.1 syntax of the extension is as follows: Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 6] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 DeltaCertificateDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE { serialNumber CertificateSerialNumber, signature [0] IMPLICIT AlgorithmIdentifier {SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM, {...}} OPTIONAL, issuer [1] IMPLICIT Name OPTIONAL, validity [2] IMPLICIT Validity OPTIONAL, subject [3] IMPLICIT Name OPTIONAL, subjectPublicKeyInfo SubjectPublicKeyInfo, extensions [4] IMPLICIT Extensions{CertExtensions} OPTIONAL, signatureValue BIT STRING } The serialNumber field MUST be present and contain the serial number of the Delta Certificate. The signature field specifies the signature algorithm used by the issuing certification authority to sign the Delta Certificate. If the DER encoding of the value of the signature field of the Base Certificate and Delta Certificate is the same, then this field MUST be absent. Otherwise, it MUST contain the DER encoding of the value of the signature field of the Delta Certificate. The issuer field specifies the distinguished name of the issuing certification authority which signed the Delta Certificate. If the DER encoding of the value of the issuer field of the Base Certificate and Delta Certificate is the same, then this field MUST be absent. Otherwise, it MUST contain the DER encoding of the value of the issuer field of the Delta Certificate. The validity field specifies the validity period of the Delta Certificate. If the DER encoding of the value of the validity field of the Base Certificate and Delta Certificate is the same, then this field MUST be absent. Otherwise, it MUST contain the DER encoding of the value of the validity field of the Delta Certificate. The subject field specifies the distinguished name of the named subject as encoded in the Delta Certificate. If the DER encoding of the value of the subject field of the Base Certificate and Delta Certificate is the same, then this field MUST be absent. Otherwise, it MUST contain the DER encoding of the value of the subject field of the Delta Certificate. The subjectPublicKeyInfo field contains the public key certified in the Delta Certificate. The value of this field MUST differ from the value of the subjectPublicKeyInfo field of the Base Certificate. In other words, the Base Certificate and Delta Certificate MUST certify different keys. Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 7] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 The extensions field contains the extensions whose criticality and/or DER-encoded value are different in the Delta Certificate compared to the Base Certificate with the exception of the DCD extension itself. If the extensions field is absent, then all extensions in the Delta Certificate MUST have the same criticality and DER-encoded value as the Base Certificate (except for the DCD extension, which MUST be absent from the Delta Certificate). This field MUST NOT contain any extension: * which has the same criticality and DER-encoded value as encoded in the Base Certificate, * whose type does not appear in the Base Certificate, or * which is of the DCD extension type (recursive Delta Certificates are not permitted). Additionally, the Base Certificate SHALL NOT include any extensions which are not included in the Delta Certificate, with the exception of the DCD extension itself. Likewise, there is no mechanism to remove extensions from the Delta Certificate that are present in the Base Certificate. Therefore, it is not possible to add or remove extensions using the DCD extension. The ordering of extensions in this field MUST be relative to the ordering of the extensions as they are encoded in the Delta Certificate. Maintaining this relative ordering ensures that the Delta Certificate's extensions can be constructed with a single pass. The signatureValue field contains the value of the signature field of the Delta Certificate. It MUST be present. 4.2. Issuing a Base Certificate The signature of the Delta Certificate must be known so that its value can be included in the signatureValue field of the delta certificate descriptor extension. Given this, Delta Certificate will necessarily need to be issued prior to the issuance of the Base Certificate. To simplify reconstruction of the Delta Certificate, the signatures for Base and Delta Certificates MUST be calculated over the DER encoding of the TBSCertificate structure. Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 8] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 After the Delta Certificate is issued, the certification authority compares the signature, issuer, validity, subject, subjectPublicKeyInfo, and extensions fields of the Delta Certificate and the to-be-signed certificate which will contain the DCD extension. The certification authority then populates the DCD extension with the values of the fields which differ from the Base Certificate. The CA MUST encode extensions in the Base Certificate in the same order used for the Delta Certificate, with the exception of the DCD extension itself. The certification authority then adds the computed DCD extension to the to-be-signed Base Certificate and signs the Base Certificate. 4.3. Reconstructing a Delta Certificate from a Base Certificate The following procedure describes how to reconstruct a Delta Certificate from a Base Certificate: 1. Create an initial Delta Certificate template by copying the Base Certificate excluding the DCD extension. 2. Replace the value of the serialNumber field of the Delta Certificate template with the value of the DCD extension's serialNumber field. 3. If the DCD extension contains a value for the signature field, then replace the value of the signature field and the signatureAlgorithm field of the Delta Certificate template with the value of the DCD extension's signature field. 4. If the DCD extension contains a value for the issuer field, then replace the value of the issuer field of the Delta Certificate template with the value of the DCD extension's issuer field. 5. If the DCD extension contains a value for the validity field, then replace the value of the validity field of the Delta Certificate template with the value of the DCD extension's validity field. 6. Replace the value of the subjectPublicKeyInfo field of the Delta Certificate template with the value of the DCD extension's subjectPublicKeyInfo field. 7. If the DCD extension contains a value for the subject field, then replace the value of the subject field of the Delta Certificate template with the value of the DCD extension's subject field. Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 9] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 8. If the DCD extension contains a value for the extensions field, then iterate over the DCD extension's "extensions" field, replacing the criticality and/or extension value of each identified extension in the Delta Certificate template. If any extension is present in the field that does not appear in the Delta Certificate template, then this reconstruction process MUST fail. 9. Replace the value of the signature field of the Delta Certificate template with the value of the DCD extension's signatureValue field. As part of testing implementations of this specification, implementers are encouraged to verify the signature of the reconstructed Delta Certificate using the issuing Certification Authority's public key to ensure that the Delta Certificate was reconstructed correctly. 5. Delta certificate request content and semantics Using the two attributes that are defined below, it is possible to create Certificate Signing Requests for both Base and Delta Certificates within a single PKCS #10 Certificate Signing Request. The mechanism presented in this section need not be used exclusively by requestors for the issuance of Paired Certificates; other mechanisms (such as the submission of two Certificate Signing Requests, etc.) are also acceptable. Additionally, this document does not place any restriction on the amount of time that may elapse between the issuance of a Delta Certificate and the request of a Base Certificate; such restrictions should be defined by the policy of a particular public key infrastructure. The delta certificate request attribute is used to convey the requested differences between the request for issuance of the Base Certificate and the requested Delta Certificate. Similar to the semantics of Certificate Signing Requests in general, the Certification Authority MAY add, modify, or selectively ignore information conveyed in the attribute when issuing the corresponding Delta Certificate. The attribute is identified with the following object identifier: (TODO: replace this temporary OID) id-at-deltaCertificateRequest OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { joint-iso-itu-t(2) country(16) us(840) organization(1) entrust(114027) 80 6 2 } Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 10] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 The ASN.1 syntax of the attribute is as follows: DeltaCertificateRequestValue ::= SEQUENCE { subject [0] IMPLICIT Name OPTIONAL, subjectPKInfo SubjectPublicKeyInfo, extensions [1] IMPLICIT Extensions{CertExtensions} OPTIONAL, signatureAlgorithm [2] IMPLICIT AlgorithmIdentifier {SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM, {...}} OPTIONAL } DeltaCertificateRequest ::= ATTRIBUTE { WITH SYNTAX DeltaCertificateRequestValue SINGLE VALUE TRUE ID id-at-deltaCertificateRequest } The delta certificate request signature attribute is used to convey the signature that is calculated over the CertificationRequestInfo using the signature algorithm and key that is specified in the delta certificate request attribute. Section 5.1 describes in detail how to determine the value of this attribute. This attribute is identified with the following object identifier: (TODO: replace this temporary OID) id-at-deltaCertificateRequestSignature OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { joint-iso-itu-t(2) country(16) us(840) organization(1) entrust(114027) 80 6 3 } The ASN.1 syntax of the attribute is as follows: DeltaCertificateRequestSignatureValue ::= BIT STRING deltaCertificateRequestSignature ATTRIBUTE ::= { WITH SYNTAX DeltaCertificateRequestSignatureValue SINGLE VALUE TRUE ID id-at-deltaCertificateRequestSignature } 5.1. Creating a Certificate Signing Request for Paired Certificates The following procedure is used by a certificate requestor to create a combined Certificate Signing Request for Paired Certificates. Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 11] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 1. Create a CertificationRequestInfo containing the subject, subjectPKInfo, and attributes for the Base Certificate. 2. Create a delta certificate request attribute that specifies the requested differences between the to-be-issued Base Certificate and Delta Certificate requests. 3. Add the delta certificate request attribute that was created by step 2 to the list of attributes in the CertificationRequestInfo. 4. Sign the CertificationRequestInfo using the private key of the delta certificate request subject. 5. Create a delta certificate request signature attribute that contains the signature value calculated by step 4. 6. Add the delta certificate request signature attribute that was created by step 5 to the list of attributes. 7. Sign the CertificationRequestInfo using the private key of the base certificate request subject. 5.2. Verifying a Certificate Signing Request for Paired Certificates The following procedure is used by a Certification Authority to verify a Certificate Signing Request for Paired Certificates that was created using the process outlined in Section 5.1. 1. Create a CertificationRequest template by copying the CertificationRequest submitted by the certificate requestor. 2. Verify the signature of the base certificate request using the public key associated with the base certificate request subject and the signature algorithm specified in the signatureAlgorithm field of the CertificationRequest template. If signature verification fails, then the Certification Authority MUST treat the Certificate Signing Request as invalid. 3. Remove the delta certificate request signature attribute from the CertificationRequest template. 4. Replace the value of the signature field of the CertificationRequest template with the value of the delta certificate request attribute that was removed in step 3. 5. Verify the signature of the delta certificate request using the public key associated with the delta certificate request subject. If the signatureAlgorithm field of the delta certificate request Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 12] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 attribute is present, then the Certification Authority MUST perform signature verification using the algorithm specified in this field. Otherwise, the Certification Authority MUST perform signature verification using the algorithm specified in the signatureAlgorithm field of the CertificationRequest template. If signature verification fails, then the Certification Authority MUST treat the Certificate Signing Request as invalid. 6. Security Considerations The validation of Base Certificates and Delta Certificates follows the certification path validation algorithm defined in [RFC5280]. In particular, the certification path validation algorithm defined in [RFC5280] MUST be performed prior to using a Base or Delta Certificate; it is not sufficient to reconstruct a Delta Certificate and use it for any purpose without performing certification path validation. If a use case requires it, a Delta Certificate can be reconstructed specifically for the purposes of validation to ensure that the Delta Certificate is valid for its intended purpose on final reconstruction. That being said, some form of validation such as revocation checking, and signature verification MUST always be assured at the point the certificate is used. There are some additional considerations for the software to handle the Base Certificate and Delta Certificate. The Base Certificate and Delta Certificate may have different security properties such as different signing algorithms, different key types or the same key types with different key sizes or signing algorithms. The preference on which certificate to be used or using both when available is deferred to the server or client software. The software is expected to make choices depending on the certificate's security properties or a policy set for the particular PKI. One example of handling two certificates is "fallback" where if the validation of the first certificate fails, it attempts to validate the second certificate. Another example to handle two certificate is "upgrade", where the validation of the first certificate succeeds but still attempts the validation of the second certificate. While this document provides a vehicle to convey information of two certificates in one, it does not address the rules that are expected to be set by the policy of a PKI on how to issue Paired Certificates and how to handle them. Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 13] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 The algorithms that are used for the Base Certificate and Delta Certificate respectively should be carefully set by the policy of each PKI reflecting the best current practices in usage of cryptography. The behavior of the server or client software is expected to be well-defined in accordance with the policy in order to avoid downgrade attacks or substitution attacks. 7. IANA Considerations For the Delta Certificate descriptor extension as defined in Section 4.1, IANA is requested to assign an object identifier (OID) for the certificate extension. The OID for the certificate extension should be allocated in the "SMI Security for PKIX Certificate Extension" registry ( For the Delta Certificate Request and Delta Certificate Request Signature attributes as defined in Section 5, IANA is requested to create a new registry under SMI Security Codes and assign two object identifiers (OID). For the ASN.1 Module for the extension and attributes defined in Appendix A, IANA is requested to assign an object identifier (OID). The OID for the module should be allocated in the "SMI Security for PKIX Module Identifier" registry ( 8. Normative References [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997, . [RFC5280] Cooper, D., Santesson, S., Farrell, S., Boeyen, S., Housley, R., and W. Polk, "Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile", RFC 5280, DOI 10.17487/RFC5280, May 2008, . [RFC8174] Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, May 2017, . [X.680] ITU-T, "Information technology - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation", ISO/ IEC 8824-1:2015, November 2015. Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 14] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 Appendix A. ASN.1 Module The following ASN.1 [X.680] module provides the complete definition of the extensions, attributes, and associated identifiers specified in this document. DeltaCertificateDescriptor { iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) id-mod(0) id-mod-deltaCertificateDescriptor(TBD) } DEFINITIONS EXPLICIT TAGS ::= BEGIN EXPORTS ALL; IMPORTS AlgorithmIdentifier{}, SIGNATURE-ALGORITHM FROM AlgorithmInformation-2009 -- RFC 5912 { iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) id-mod(0) id-mod-algorithmInformation-02(58) } EXTENSION, ATTRIBUTE, Extensions{} FROM PKIX-CommonTypes-2009 -- RFC 5912 { iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) id-mod(0) id-mod-pkixCommon-02(57) } CertificateSerialNumber, Name, Validity, SubjectPublicKeyInfo, CertExtensions FROM PKIX1Explicit-2009 -- RFC 5912 { iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) security(5) mechanisms(5) pkix(7) id-mod(0) id-mod-pkix1-explicit-02(51) }; -- Temporary OID arc -- id-temporaryArc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { joint-iso-itu-t(2) country(16) us(840) organization(1) entrust(114027) 80 6 } -- Extension -- id-ce-deltaCertificateDescriptor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-temporaryArc 1 } DeltaCertificateDescriptor ::= SEQUENCE { serialNumber CertificateSerialNumber, Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 15] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 signature [0] IMPLICIT AlgorithmIdentifier {SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM, {...}} OPTIONAL, issuer [1] IMPLICIT Name OPTIONAL, validity [2] IMPLICIT Validity OPTIONAL, subject [3] IMPLICIT Name OPTIONAL, subjectPublicKeyInfo SubjectPublicKeyInfo, extensions [4] IMPLICIT Extensions{CertExtensions} OPTIONAL, signatureValue BIT STRING } ext-deltaCertificateDescriptor EXTENSION ::= { SYNTAX DeltaCertificateDescriptor IDENTIFIED BY id-ce-deltaCertificateDescriptor CRITICALITY { FALSE } } -- Request Attributes -- id-at-deltaCertificateRequest OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-temporaryArc 2 } DeltaCertificateRequestValue ::= SEQUENCE { subject [0] IMPLICIT Name OPTIONAL, subjectPKInfo SubjectPublicKeyInfo, extensions [1] IMPLICIT Extensions{CertExtensions} OPTIONAL, signatureAlgorithm [2] IMPLICIT AlgorithmIdentifier {SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM, {...}} OPTIONAL } DeltaCertificateRequest ::= ATTRIBUTE { WITH SYNTAX DeltaCertificateRequestValue SINGLE VALUE TRUE ID id-at-deltaCertificateRequest } id-at-deltaCertificateRequestSignature OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-temporaryArc 3 } DeltaCertificateRequestSignatureValue ::= BIT STRING DeltaCertificateRequestSignature ::= ATTRIBUTE { WITH SYNTAX DeltaCertificateRequestSignatureValue SINGLE VALUE TRUE ID id-at-deltaCertificateRequestSignature } Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 16] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 END Appendix B. Examples This appendix includes some example certificates which demonstrate the use of the mechanism specified in this document. Two use cases of this mechanism are demonstrated: algorithm migration and dual use. The PEM text and dumpasn1 output for each certificate is provided. B.1. Root certificates The two certificates in this section represent the two root Certification Authorities which issue the end-entity certificates in the following section. B.1.1. EC P-521 root certificate This is the EC root certificate. -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDBTCCAmagAwIBAgIUDCQO4j68JeS6tggSujZ2W/+5RMAwCgYIKoZIzj0EAwQw gYsxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlhYMTUwMwYDVQQKDCxSb3lhbCBJbnN0aXR1dGUgb2YgUHVi bGljIEtleSBJbmZyYXN0cnVjdHVyZTErMCkGA1UECwwiUG9zdC1IZWZmYWx1bXAg UmVzZWFyY2ggRGVwYXJ0bWVudDEYMBYGA1UEAwwPRUNEU0EgUm9vdCAtIEcxMB4X DTIzMDkxMjEyMTg0MVoXDTMzMDkwOTEyMTg0MVowgYsxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlhYMTUw MwYDVQQKDCxSb3lhbCBJbnN0aXR1dGUgb2YgUHVibGljIEtleSBJbmZyYXN0cnVj dHVyZTErMCkGA1UECwwiUG9zdC1IZWZmYWx1bXAgUmVzZWFyY2ggRGVwYXJ0bWVu dDEYMBYGA1UEAwwPRUNEU0EgUm9vdCAtIEcxMIGbMBAGByqGSM49AgEGBSuBBAAj A4GGAAQAh+tYFO6c0kKrJ1Pu7Y6bApCvxk+urofls4ehqxKxMPDt5TGEGrTJo4RH CaYClX7NUjrBbxWLlLH3TD+BOmDYAAMAvwrv/eTEr/bW4clFDvJMDRv+OLOeSjAm nmbn+WVnlgxZZHz0S08BoXyY4MrAqRepmTPeW60gW9PaOAFRC8WqRJOjYzBhMA8G A1UdEwEB/wQFMAMBAf8wDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgEGMB0GA1UdDgQWBBR/FeuKivAa Oj8kbsg6J0m5Pic4XTAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBR/FeuKivAaOj8kbsg6J0m5Pic4XTAK BggqhkjOPQQDBAOBjAAwgYgCQgDZrj2eo+LhmH8egdsT/uxO8wmOJ6SxOymzxAwf TnbH0JsZmQOgrAtDNZ0sgMPi+GQP0BEHaIT5jeuBZvFHcZVTOwJCAN4urAjamN3N KBObDovxaF3XWGW5AeIifkZrF6eJEH9k3vqLL+Wp8fEvm1X+o5NwTq9WetCLL5YS vP9ln6snUlWC -----END CERTIFICATE----- 0 773: SEQUENCE { 4 614: SEQUENCE { 8 3: [0] { 10 1: INTEGER 2 : } 13 20: INTEGER 0C 24 0E E2 3E BC 25 E4 BA B6 08 12 BA 36 76 5B FF B9 44 C0 35 10: SEQUENCE { 37 8: OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecdsaWithSHA512 (1 2 840 10045 4 3 4) : } Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 17] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 47 139: SEQUENCE { 50 11: SET { 52 9: SEQUENCE { 54 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6) 59 2: PrintableString 'XX' : } : } 63 53: SET { 65 51: SEQUENCE { 67 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10) 72 44: UTF8String : 'Royal Institute of Public Key Infrastructure' : } : } 118 43: SET { 120 41: SEQUENCE { 122 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11) 127 34: UTF8String 'Post-Heffalump Research Department' : } : } 163 24: SET { 165 22: SEQUENCE { 167 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3) 172 15: UTF8String 'ECDSA Root - G1' : } : } : } 189 30: SEQUENCE { 191 13: UTCTime 12/09/2023 12:18:41 GMT 206 13: UTCTime 09/09/2033 12:18:41 GMT : } 221 139: SEQUENCE { 224 11: SET { 226 9: SEQUENCE { 228 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6) 233 2: PrintableString 'XX' : } : } 237 53: SET { 239 51: SEQUENCE { 241 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10) 246 44: UTF8String : 'Royal Institute of Public Key Infrastructure' : } : } 292 43: SET { 294 41: SEQUENCE { 296 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11) Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 18] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 301 34: UTF8String 'Post-Heffalump Research Department' : } : } 337 24: SET { 339 22: SEQUENCE { 341 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3) 346 15: UTF8String 'ECDSA Root - G1' : } : } : } 363 155: SEQUENCE { 366 16: SEQUENCE { 368 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecPublicKey (1 2 840 10045 2 1) 377 5: OBJECT IDENTIFIER secp521r1 (1 3 132 0 35) : } 384 134: BIT STRING : 04 00 87 EB 58 14 EE 9C D2 42 AB 27 53 EE ED 8E : 9B 02 90 AF C6 4F AE AE 87 E5 B3 87 A1 AB 12 B1 : 30 F0 ED E5 31 84 1A B4 C9 A3 84 47 09 A6 02 95 : 7E CD 52 3A C1 6F 15 8B 94 B1 F7 4C 3F 81 3A 60 : D8 00 03 00 BF 0A EF FD E4 C4 AF F6 D6 E1 C9 45 : 0E F2 4C 0D 1B FE 38 B3 9E 4A 30 26 9E 66 E7 F9 : 65 67 96 0C 59 64 7C F4 4B 4F 01 A1 7C 98 E0 CA : C0 A9 17 A9 99 33 DE 5B AD 20 5B D3 DA 38 01 51 : 0B C5 AA 44 93 : } 521 99: [3] { 523 97: SEQUENCE { 525 15: SEQUENCE { 527 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER basicConstraints (2 5 29 19) 532 1: BOOLEAN TRUE 535 5: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 537 3: SEQUENCE { 539 1: BOOLEAN TRUE : } : } : } 542 14: SEQUENCE { 544 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER keyUsage (2 5 29 15) 549 1: BOOLEAN TRUE 552 4: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 554 2: BIT STRING 1 unused bit : '1100000'B : } : } 558 29: SEQUENCE { 560 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER subjectKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 14) 565 22: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 19] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 567 20: OCTET STRING : 7F 15 EB 8A 8A F0 1A 3A 3F 24 6E C8 3A 27 49 B9 : 3E 27 38 5D : } : } 589 31: SEQUENCE { 591 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER authorityKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 35) 596 24: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 598 22: SEQUENCE { 600 20: [0] : 7F 15 EB 8A 8A F0 1A 3A 3F 24 6E C8 3A 27 49 B9 : 3E 27 38 5D : } : } : } : } : } : } 622 10: SEQUENCE { 624 8: OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecdsaWithSHA512 (1 2 840 10045 4 3 4) : } 634 140: BIT STRING, encapsulates { 638 136: SEQUENCE { 641 66: INTEGER : 00 D9 AE 3D 9E A3 E2 E1 98 7F 1E 81 DB 13 FE EC : 4E F3 09 8E 27 A4 B1 3B 29 B3 C4 0C 1F 4E 76 C7 : D0 9B 19 99 03 A0 AC 0B 43 35 9D 2C 80 C3 E2 F8 : 64 0F D0 11 07 68 84 F9 8D EB 81 66 F1 47 71 95 : 53 3B 709 66: INTEGER : 00 DE 2E AC 08 DA 98 DD CD 28 13 9B 0E 8B F1 68 : 5D D7 58 65 B9 01 E2 22 7E 46 6B 17 A7 89 10 7F : 64 DE FA 8B 2F E5 A9 F1 F1 2F 9B 55 FE A3 93 70 : 4E AF 56 7A D0 8B 2F 96 12 BC FF 65 9F AB 27 52 : 55 82 : } : } : } B.1.2. Dilithium root certificate This is the Dilithium root certificate. It contains a Delta Certificate Descriptor extension which includes sufficient information to recreate the ECDSA P-521 root. Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 20] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIZbzCCDGqgAwIBAgIUFWd6hCxGhDNL+S1OL3UY7w+psbQwDQYLKwYBBAECggsM BgUwgY8xCzAJBgNVBAYTAlhYMTUwMwYDVQQKDCxSb3lhbCBJbnN0aXR1dGUgb2Yg UHVibGljIEtleSBJbmZyYXN0cnVjdHVyZTErMCkGA1UECwwiUG9zdC1IZWZmYWx1 bXAgUmVzZWFyY2ggRGVwYXJ0bWVudDEcMBoGA1UEAwwTRGlsaXRoaXVtIFJvb3Qg LSBHMTAeFw0yMzA5MTIxMjE4NDFaFw0zMzA5MDkxMjE4NDFaMIGPMQswCQYDVQQG EwJYWDE1MDMGA1UECgwsUm95YWwgSW5zdGl0dXRlIG9mIFB1YmxpYyBLZXkgSW5m cmFzdHJ1Y3R1cmUxKzApBgNVBAsMIlBvc3QtSGVmZmFsdW1wIFJlc2VhcmNoIERl cGFydG1lbnQxHDAaBgNVBAMME0RpbGl0aGl1bSBSb290IC0gRzEwgge0MA0GCysG AQQBAoILDAYFA4IHoQC/oCNTg2F5sHPzM6lP5YM2wLRNh9+mj3fwb8BHjwO+eXvy W0lTDJuIXrcwXaNA+/Xjm6WSMZgYTe6ysIwLT4V6WZqc0L3bOOwnudfv7eK1OCvH Sr/JMRhRQF7m65PdbCjoHr0/n2n/RKxe8BfhXqCeR1X7clovLS6Xam604qxAd4iX WmMSV0KTZd/kdwSECeacRyUNjKGeegiaITwTPwU0BrGRfMPXZtcrirY4wAvElBEJ 1FzHls4C6PsceCQurgu0Y2WE85rxMTCUqJ2W13tx2AwtqDYttT8PgQDGAkVyYY8t KnEqyP6owmaZsOb0XvFgPqHg5+0RuyNrKWfFFlZzahhAajfdh1+FGLsje/gCLJAW 3MabOFDuWOE0CfM7jYIiMvQ8PQEELNkF2zRt2Soy5tSQQN/h4VRQZzTrLPAtsGeP Q1oUiP1+4TBLiRYV7EJDNLHp/6MVimfTkC2EdQQp691wxC40HrV3LZGwRMQLSNwS XK+c3uxFSatja1dbaZR853Za9KlyBsVg1Fsbg0+NHvz6TgkxpK0EtDPpvOreZTGx eqz/BS3jZCIlW4mvRDU0vFQ0FKzHVBAscwMYG8AcsT8n8JEGNma2NYwBZebMl6RV ar/8jDoo5GHTxcD/tXuXI2A4nIvtmoLJojHufsK3ZnNWY5DWf+K2dRpTmeZHLr5o iuyHDQiMKKkQbxiO3W0MYWgGLNNel19gnOMRzY/rh6kGjIewIJlWfnOSZMbZ5Sg9 y9W0fvU6JNtc5pf+USBpl6tqBWxS2Bq82rBVkleN+Nc5LYlzDO1AIgdxf4+uDXvc iOGg+iTKoY5W92xASrmu54hy2J/4vZkMHshcQKfAQ8WXIM9nx8dWnwwTszOEMLcf NH5Do9TR0VAfLB7LqNI2PB1F1BGEnyGLAzU0/We1Vun8XI9PqFlPMOfJrAVkT13e YlntITKRLF7/Esj14ZCwGrIePrEwvbEVwVHE1Tl/M2FmZPCIYxa2HYEfytcTeWfd oOYvklEk34no73O1bRh1D36Dp2KE6IVT37hBupGrJl4Dl8/qWJqjMMqLyTunlbH2 R8U6i4oX23qSz+IczarMfCEIwhmyUXaTAo5QnwAiLcsbOnyv69rGEMKZKtIPsGNC raOArJ9+vjJj5X5eR/Trwv/y6NqBsKDQZypr0DNplyVOnuurSi9le5sZ4GIyuFXG gP6NbIcX8pqZuPkCiJhxNfA3NrFac76OT6XqAusarhJ3gJycxxXjhssGDJ37ZruQ oGk99+1CRxWEd6f4sKs/L50u9K02CvvK8NKyT6Gke2hPD4K/3Do8BveKx8wfeYbW BDcFK+BX1b3WiggZaejBSMdFBwC3MsOsigNzmz45+G5QMJGedrPqJ4/fCEHhTBGz UPjWOLTnnWQBEWITF8S4ayzqUACEL2XkQw7pSiNpkpgZL+uWpnAkpoJhlQnuURep UyPuYPCGmLWDI0ePzLgpHwDmx38a9rJBM21HAzOdQnvkzisfXQNuWwxNb8Oy+800 hp/tK+MleGKGK6carCOWiPq5XhznHyNNtL4S4DGACssNvZBCjCh87cLtukFS2d0n 3XwyCxH9MqkPatUcJmarIc6H4875d/wZ7fE08uTuPu8oFJ2eQ/726OyUjYnMLZ+L uWVnVilr9kEBR4chNp2QjIV90qGNDk5r+K+6pNresOEP5c1zNun20MC8/9hzncfC F2C8WFcwrgBYXI3hE5KIeqZ/8/3mhmITzZFBGKj1Jj0FiZrVo89Z4gfOQh7G0/k2 USyQF0SHHN8W+gj5nOlUHWbJBrVl+qSrYEXmmzjp7dpC+lG28qcJ0hvN+gUewemy lyguyUHd4yd+C5lkXyyhEKGgAeiO6Z3vpi0Gg4pM9UhznjBgaEH6y/gi+SFemNL0 CgdL+qXynTBOWTSwxE5gtQ9xhsML05jpR7pryfCoS9KawlpZeKkfO13Yt35MuMZ6 MlPPEKmdvWSr41xXPY3/ORbN7jLEiA5+Pu3MEPl6Hvt/eQuK2QRUunhdUU2908u1 aslaEjIrNEYhF//WhFYCJGDekNkrHeB/Y+3LTIq7v+e4JkhrHXg8hmkasusfPZIW 9D8k64Bn/UAMcpaFZYv7uSmKxKhM6ZEt9deD4OH6c71kNzD9BZy7EHCv1Mwdafgw 9XqTO6xq7ybaXoCli5T9DH1GLPiYQLxboePn6ly8Q2wYxVQdMRDRmI/W9Q41kc1D INRSmZDmgXf2AR57aMIIz5x6PvEQHJtRWEyyyO5Uh0SMuTzH7GmlIjZylhzHbl+g ve53FYRoJCLrouOiS+WgPO7l3YkPxc955Bn7FLWrfSqZ7/YRT88mswjUzKtAXMX9 LXlJNpz/eEngf29AeIcRLotgNroewRaOCc8PVPpTm1eLCc0toHzJam9HnKcmpQdb 6xKrGDJoVV5mk3MJDBz6BZEoap3zBcw/rjbdbJw/YnMl++3yFiKeSTQm8RSuRcYd Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 21] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 iWLTaCAl/7LVrNlRovaqZx0t4nqt8rkHSoPAFM288XyFJJbazs00lqxV1LneNYFc Ps45I2mjtveHRrAVNzZV1H+AN+YsYhQVJ/5wood0ymg+e1gavkh9U753baJHn6OC A0AwggM8MA8GA1UdEwEB/wQFMAMBAf8wDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgGGMB0GA1UdDgQW BBSneSj7WSclcRYCY0jLaShyMkGkbzAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBSneSj7WSclcRYCY0jL aShyMkGkbzCCAtcGCmCGSAGG+mtQBgEEggLHMIICwwIUDCQO4j68JeS6tggSujZ2 W/+5RMCgCgYIKoZIzj0EAwShgY4wgYsxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlhYMTUwMwYDVQQKDCxS b3lhbCBJbnN0aXR1dGUgb2YgUHVibGljIEtleSBJbmZyYXN0cnVjdHVyZTErMCkG A1UECwwiUG9zdC1IZWZmYWx1bXAgUmVzZWFyY2ggRGVwYXJ0bWVudDEYMBYGA1UE AwwPRUNEU0EgUm9vdCAtIEcxo4GOMIGLMQswCQYDVQQGEwJYWDE1MDMGA1UECgws Um95YWwgSW5zdGl0dXRlIG9mIFB1YmxpYyBLZXkgSW5mcmFzdHJ1Y3R1cmUxKzAp BgNVBAsMIlBvc3QtSGVmZmFsdW1wIFJlc2VhcmNoIERlcGFydG1lbnQxGDAWBgNV BAMMD0VDRFNBIFJvb3QgLSBHMTCBmzAQBgcqhkjOPQIBBgUrgQQAIwOBhgAEAIfr WBTunNJCqydT7u2OmwKQr8ZPrq6H5bOHoasSsTDw7eUxhBq0yaOERwmmApV+zVI6 wW8Vi5Sx90w/gTpg2AADAL8K7/3kxK/21uHJRQ7yTA0b/jiznkowJp5m5/llZ5YM WWR89EtPAaF8mODKwKkXqZkz3lutIFvT2jgBUQvFqkSTpFAwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQD AgEGMB0GA1UdDgQWBBR/FeuKivAaOj8kbsg6J0m5Pic4XTAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBR/ FeuKivAaOj8kbsg6J0m5Pic4XQOBjAAwgYgCQgDZrj2eo+LhmH8egdsT/uxO8wmO J6SxOymzxAwfTnbH0JsZmQOgrAtDNZ0sgMPi+GQP0BEHaIT5jeuBZvFHcZVTOwJC AN4urAjamN3NKBObDovxaF3XWGW5AeIifkZrF6eJEH9k3vqLL+Wp8fEvm1X+o5Nw Tq9WetCLL5YSvP9ln6snUlWCMA0GCysGAQQBAoILDAYFA4IM7gCFwp5l3NMkskQy fOnL+2z9BDjBmPo5RJQnKtD8FWOZf4mRXVYgEuEcxAnUFLjgVgqhubdu9MiOs4gC x+t2JPrNDXNGw9r+BZDN/SbznE1H/X2k11VWSqVpkdwflW6TPkAJBzTr4rpCKSlH lubLSQbJyqJ9qZMjPE2NfhZf/51d4SM3zYn3izN2vwRHHowKcUBTOm2CkavZWoIp ggn5T68ycCImHwHPldmojpE6GXXKgs8pglUX4kjLj5yRyzA6mjqkW/GZTctLK5eB 2G41dofKeYl4hKiPcEBrB14SBIEmD/HEEMosPNzoLXQcpn3+2JfdiCA1O9yE+Szj PebS5YJohbb0NBwh7ZMXKRTXcfvRmYi8a+vWBiPVU5IV0rEgHFeiD4Ast4dicxis TnbgoheDKdvLyCtZczlZu0Y0tgXjEoE4qcvjkVfxuAWz/tWFrmfEpFdzPs6ytdR4 8a6ZIJFpldRKJ69mPJfcXz7115yWZjTUt2jfGuRhssazTCM3ycTCMAq1tF2yeJtJ o5pneg08+XepFeeQSPV+F6z6ZaCdtrWJ7FFkOjitJefENt4gGHX0heumIgiLTtRd NrRJvMmDvxiuBGJBDlsR//z6/R5eJhYZxqkIgEvDub6owef4VxYczNvmTd337qY6 FF+UQYOPGJ2wezdDhOdZG0RHkwW5U+LCVMC2ljpEku37GVui8c5L+bB7IHKd6gXm YFJuTQBF3l9n6SaNusvep/NIics/W4F6IDZdW3vGkMkxFh7OiPM++syRkSWjMYTJ mgVcBwK6i+YA34kyq5EQLRyVXiNeksRjkrTBee9YmjKSKZyIu8ztDJsBMNrfb35r SSGVgnwoJglY/uR5zyXstdXhyNMkZRx/PsuUc7AAzxq6lBohV5GQtHOhLVT4Bhdl W9hbf9Dv6KOKaj3upBexBkU+ne3DLnldWbZFLbZe0530fHqRRAY+lifGKftkcok+ w1oSjuITj5EMnRrvhippTuCMD8PNNg5CPdPEN650sQHqAoiCl+3HC0pa2nfTv5QR gH5TILdvP6LHdKn4EGWJQSepwPXM2sr/VniAlTzR3pc7xuLraWJKc9pvQwbVujjb ighHXiH2gad8V9Ha6GOd82Khr94Q+2mQtjF5zQsDw2HBcREbRnVzzfy0foeeh/od +FxXn7SWkNKae4ZHj5xp8VR+vtQuBKbORhQoxcHLdvwx2ta3q0Ln249NwrHS+xWG kOpMZfbdi5GfJGtx7JJT3w1cy3yTaAQQDyaWs79pTBGjccxiTEaL0fyMjN5a4oLt Ja1DjcDiEwJtYtrTtPQ5iK4TZINorfa51LGfaTGTW3Cby/hvS51P9EKflnLDs5Cf CSiDN7P/stZs8WMS6SJn/4JbJ8xgWmmEIuX+7oJpJlaExUUK0L7YgxkONs+Vg/xU Hi0wyEtTgg8RCKNI/o7fx/ff+2UoJ41CJl/hNOomK759iL2E0q3RPIqLhtdm/PBm hHnb9Cxc7a/VZf4kbIYntMLofw7hdcF4pH9CcvAp+OAg8KUNnEutB2RQraZa99sq Nb78tdL97xT4LRac2ZWeSHIjZALUon6FtfbfcTl+qvjFgdpC5vAu92nRvLBVno3y mOru7qrFmOW3mqA2P9AHXuPrYR0Vx3QDXeAyjYK9vF+iE4yF222OVeimJQwHt02f jUp+8BHjSCwTqLOdtVpWKUrWYEwttLPayqcAG5xdHlMyRbzVDpcQYfyLv3DC39xu wbPAi8Ep2P0e9akYn7lAUGOTA6QIapLnycFubKDPBgnuZQUzuWlXUARb8gVvH+sI Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 22] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 mRCKYZj63ERiiUjXWvu3K5l4sNVpn6tvaOudRCj1lOGUl+X7YadvORDWE+g+4ciN XJhT5KQS6WVkUJeP5FzEnVWkDrTfIELIHS5XhoFRV56TcG6wCZrelukZXmNVqwSp nMBV91G7wbTwlefXOaSAqa6TDI8BY0B9seVgPzX/YjTY95GdRDZGD5+yXGIWw55S rOwVzQb2B8rX1zPBXwjPgca9IvWG7VW5TqityMnIDiFIy6vSDYnnHDxP7p0X8Exy 6swD0VgCak4G/nSrg2ilSdeSqeyXaSnnL0RXwp7CCZbmLunFMZABPQx/u8lWLU+D 34iD6tYfdRNtIttKnUPW3v9NdnX/pukHRbURhNka+XGtbTxQnrxBu6Y/8PUiCrvZ OCxUldpfQivOp8yqLiBCG/O1jQEzx2TVuWXcIouLI8WYR9jv6HDAxDquWuDKz1vK znKQYj/RP3tJ1fftTzf1xwnT8hGuRT6do0Jz3cknufc+Eq5q4hndkWNcuAKBnNmW FeD2QuxRyDg8wqVoZCYol+PpGexAqFD13/EyoWTZkB7hPoghMAShJ/VvYMPKs9Zn AqeovIKzN2RddzPDeIjGMb63FSXN1BtsTppOdzzDx7b/doETwoJgaw6KVamtPd+N RyYe8Du7uKb7/jwPGSPFcl+iUXG62jBzITwk+4FE/eO84C8yvFKqshrbsFbDE5Pf oCyvmEchfzGWvpgwrgSydie/fZgPBmHu4uxBXJIrRGCMz+ihjEuNoaQJ5f6NDqhq y6CCIqnZlzsAt7BIfpGZiWeUPUHNVGfC86PPXqCBw8lBI177dcnsiciiJ1uwQG7T FIYv1tLccXfsH/PBs4r+m2roNKpB4g/6abUvP3VCU8nrT7H7F1k6DKIGFTWHOoS1 wW1YPbnzTODbsZlqqm3vNM+6PlisNsBzQnCqZ/LAtBNRVuyFn6JOyoZDJGF4ZU7V qQQnCO1vAeIt9rz8s6v5QOrHS8jrqF6SJOOPRT8GfZYsOixR9Uo+VuUeWGESyOZ5 AQ6PJlRupXJNGB0qr9cZnCrE+f4JLfS74P6MMYzVVuxziGVGu7X2FKNo12r6/W6D AVUAvUygmrv8okVhIAfp+xGPBZmiov/2wooUHqAHSsbZE0ds8JAOSIA5jz5yQiQ4 kueq89+zfiL6IHQ2drzqH01ARZK30qLClv7iOpH3RUsDO//6KNPU9IHgdpsBbYwD UewiMGy0qTfoE+tco2Aw7+Bh8shEgXg67P9wBMooAxCOj98Zzs1mUHz9mFmfeuki 9TwHzL3UHapH7PP1hCTzFR8VuiTr8Y0u0/XpCjXikTeK+qhOm1bK18OtyOlsQNwY RWaO4GkUz6NXaLrO/YiYT1cxuhciqcMIDdwJL84a+AE6Ws+58dwqkrRHlXG5aMFH hRgqESQpp3gXgo4rCUz9H5jhNZEVqqGPFfcvXD5kbPZsfUWPmEj5edwzVbzQblqp T1le9Vy4SXgS40Zr0rHS/PxEw6xU7QwDwm22lVNK2EGIgy5HlgW23fMLmgd34fBE U/Xf0hJ8JQHFHSTH0YjZEKYDgBpArpkcL9JtnAHZsWDYPkjz216V2Pmiywfd310R gSrwHbJswE9Ww09rvzUxeDz5dJ16LF4hivYFqb9vO/FopidZo0mnB4JF4nDcYE26 PpfEvi5Qdjl/2Y8Y6IJCNAd+LMqOw7mJo7CxTl0RL74RUd8nhnDs5YxyVTYTBKBi Khc9KVvezrAWvpEdNyj0wxoHGiV6/RFfHFhfQYwXUNG4lSIje/vH7Yr1rhc1S88x r3Wec8BhBSXB3bLsrrhCl+GsKlrPf5n8Ijr1FWhz5st2PNre7j7kDZAqxMkvbArV LJdR9zKgMACHpjC7lgY/NmgSYlTdmWUj80yTYWqX7N5FAmnyXcaAIS1XuiE1L1eT d69Ogi7I9S8YZOl5EsP060hhVByucZiCTbeGQbLjjMolnzQsWFN1jpiodcDv+1F0 1yJdJ4DbaF/3uKql+PAhuhOeflgY0K5t+weHpru2boS8Yx6mbtQC5n28xexW3rwZ 7PXPKQ/0T2yO4P5WebSu/5rr2BhJ8+kKhgn9ivPwjnOTEExpzakCFPyIsbpLtj1F Q4d9U5azQ2z2S6U0Jb9+cs2EDmXcsrA6yAhYygBF4d9SF8eUpUzW9lggFEJThxzm yPLFG+qoBNaQ//H7PKTCajX/1jL+6p01tv740kVbPWn4nfZZ0vjj63Adz2r54Zzs lW1L9lO8PChncUsdNvGWrg4L4vEpAtwZRfE2TQV0btEi8HXmVRRQ4bikJT3mhPtj 9gxRhSBk/ny55PIRiCEPmL+tOEnAGajx+k3vWiz7ohP/iZbWgQ3ZZIxHfS4mQBT+ tamb+AR0xNUdeEQixEVVc2A7+66ir1cWU7FtOaPXP5b57D44f8vr7dt9bkqxdr56 unGvRRjQyVVzmr9BQov3HqLGSrxzkBC7jZ3MGUdrMpTf0eeyht/SkEkA+GRZTMWU wwAzbcX7AxlPzwtkK6Pp6/GlYOrPXQomOHR/DBEtMsfL1P8UKEhZfIaLj7O8wOf6 YY6PlbO94uRkgIKFmLu/NTZBgdTaAAAAAAAAAAAFDRoiKS8= -----END CERTIFICATE----- Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 23] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 0 6511: SEQUENCE { 4 3178: SEQUENCE { 8 3: [0] { 10 1: INTEGER 2 : } 13 20: INTEGER 15 67 7A 84 2C 46 84 33 4B F9 2D 4E 2F 75 18 EF 0F A9 B1 B4 35 13: SEQUENCE { 37 11: OBJECT IDENTIFIER '1 3 6 1 4 1 2 267 12 6 5' : } 50 143: SEQUENCE { 53 11: SET { 55 9: SEQUENCE { 57 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6) 62 2: PrintableString 'XX' : } : } 66 53: SET { 68 51: SEQUENCE { 70 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10) 75 44: UTF8String : 'Royal Institute of Public Key Infrastructure' : } : } 121 43: SET { 123 41: SEQUENCE { 125 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11) 130 34: UTF8String 'Post-Heffalump Research Department' : } : } 166 28: SET { 168 26: SEQUENCE { 170 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3) 175 19: UTF8String 'Dilithium Root - G1' : } : } : } 196 30: SEQUENCE { 198 13: UTCTime 12/09/2023 12:18:41 GMT 213 13: UTCTime 09/09/2033 12:18:41 GMT : } 228 143: SEQUENCE { 231 11: SET { 233 9: SEQUENCE { 235 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6) 240 2: PrintableString 'XX' : } : } 244 53: SET { Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 24] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 246 51: SEQUENCE { 248 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10) 253 44: UTF8String : 'Royal Institute of Public Key Infrastructure' : } : } 299 43: SET { 301 41: SEQUENCE { 303 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11) 308 34: UTF8String 'Post-Heffalump Research Department' : } : } 344 28: SET { 346 26: SEQUENCE { 348 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3) 353 19: UTF8String 'Dilithium Root - G1' : } : } : } 374 1972: SEQUENCE { 378 13: SEQUENCE { 380 11: OBJECT IDENTIFIER '1 3 6 1 4 1 2 267 12 6 5' : } 393 1953: BIT STRING : BF A0 23 53 83 61 79 B0 73 F3 33 A9 4F E5 83 36 : C0 B4 4D 87 DF A6 8F 77 F0 6F C0 47 8F 03 BE 79 : 7B F2 5B 49 53 0C 9B 88 5E B7 30 5D A3 40 FB F5 : E3 9B A5 92 31 98 18 4D EE B2 B0 8C 0B 4F 85 7A : 59 9A 9C D0 BD DB 38 EC 27 B9 D7 EF ED E2 B5 38 : 2B C7 4A BF C9 31 18 51 40 5E E6 EB 93 DD 6C 28 : E8 1E BD 3F 9F 69 FF 44 AC 5E F0 17 E1 5E A0 9E : 47 55 FB 72 5A 2F 2D 2E 97 6A 6E B4 E2 AC 40 77 : [ Another 1824 bytes skipped ] : } 2350 832: [3] { 2354 828: SEQUENCE { 2358 15: SEQUENCE { 2360 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER basicConstraints (2 5 29 19) 2365 1: BOOLEAN TRUE 2368 5: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 2370 3: SEQUENCE { 2372 1: BOOLEAN TRUE : } : } : } 2375 14: SEQUENCE { 2377 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER keyUsage (2 5 29 15) 2382 1: BOOLEAN TRUE Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 25] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 2385 4: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 2387 2: BIT STRING 1 unused bit : '1100001'B : } : } 2391 29: SEQUENCE { 2393 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER subjectKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 14) 2398 22: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 2400 20: OCTET STRING : A7 79 28 FB 59 27 25 71 16 02 63 48 CB 69 28 72 : 32 41 A4 6F : } : } 2422 31: SEQUENCE { 2424 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER authorityKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 35) 2429 24: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 2431 22: SEQUENCE { 2433 20: [0] : A7 79 28 FB 59 27 25 71 16 02 63 48 CB 69 28 72 : 32 41 A4 6F : } : } : } 2455 727: SEQUENCE { 2459 10: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : deltaCertificateDescriptor (2 16 840 1 114027 80 6 1) 2471 711: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 2475 707: SEQUENCE { 2479 20: INTEGER : 0C 24 0E E2 3E BC 25 E4 BA B6 08 12 BA 36 76 5B : FF B9 44 C0 2501 10: [0] { 2503 8: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : ecdsaWithSHA512 (1 2 840 10045 4 3 4) : } 2513 142: [1] { 2516 139: SEQUENCE { 2519 11: SET { 2521 9: SEQUENCE { 2523 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6) 2528 2: PrintableString 'XX' : } : } 2532 53: SET { 2534 51: SEQUENCE { 2536 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10) 2541 44: UTF8String : 'Royal Institute of Public Key Infrastructure' Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 26] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 : } : } 2587 43: SET { 2589 41: SEQUENCE { 2591 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11) 2596 34: UTF8String 'Post-Heffalump Research Department' : } : } 2632 24: SET { 2634 22: SEQUENCE { 2636 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3) 2641 15: UTF8String 'ECDSA Root - G1' : } : } : } : } 2658 142: [3] { 2661 139: SEQUENCE { 2664 11: SET { 2666 9: SEQUENCE { 2668 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6) 2673 2: PrintableString 'XX' : } : } 2677 53: SET { 2679 51: SEQUENCE { 2681 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10) 2686 44: UTF8String : 'Royal Institute of Public Key Infrastructure' : } : } 2732 43: SET { 2734 41: SEQUENCE { 2736 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11) 2741 34: UTF8String 'Post-Heffalump Research Department' : } : } 2777 24: SET { 2779 22: SEQUENCE { 2781 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3) 2786 15: UTF8String 'ECDSA Root - G1' : } : } : } : } 2803 155: SEQUENCE { Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 27] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 2806 16: SEQUENCE { 2808 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecPublicKey (1 2 840 10045 2 1) 2817 5: OBJECT IDENTIFIER secp521r1 (1 3 132 0 35) : } 2824 134: BIT STRING : 04 00 87 EB 58 14 EE 9C D2 42 AB 27 53 EE ED 8E : 9B 02 90 AF C6 4F AE AE 87 E5 B3 87 A1 AB 12 B1 : 30 F0 ED E5 31 84 1A B4 C9 A3 84 47 09 A6 02 95 : 7E CD 52 3A C1 6F 15 8B 94 B1 F7 4C 3F 81 3A 60 : D8 00 03 00 BF 0A EF FD E4 C4 AF F6 D6 E1 C9 45 : 0E F2 4C 0D 1B FE 38 B3 9E 4A 30 26 9E 66 E7 F9 : 65 67 96 0C 59 64 7C F4 4B 4F 01 A1 7C 98 E0 CA : C0 A9 17 A9 99 33 DE 5B AD 20 5B D3 DA 38 01 51 : 0B C5 AA 44 93 : } 2961 80: [4] { 2963 14: SEQUENCE { 2965 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER keyUsage (2 5 29 15) 2970 1: BOOLEAN TRUE 2973 4: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 2975 2: BIT STRING 1 unused bit : '1100000'B : } : } 2979 29: SEQUENCE { 2981 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER subjectKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 14) 2986 22: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 2988 20: OCTET STRING : 7F 15 EB 8A 8A F0 1A 3A 3F 24 6E C8 3A 27 49 B9 : 3E 27 38 5D : } : } 3010 31: SEQUENCE { 3012 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : authorityKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 35) 3017 24: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 3019 22: SEQUENCE { 3021 20: [0] : 7F 15 EB 8A 8A F0 1A 3A 3F 24 6E C8 3A 27 49 B9 : 3E 27 38 5D : } : } : } : } 3043 140: BIT STRING, encapsulates { 3047 136: SEQUENCE { 3050 66: INTEGER : 00 D9 AE 3D 9E A3 E2 E1 98 7F 1E 81 DB 13 FE EC Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 28] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 : 4E F3 09 8E 27 A4 B1 3B 29 B3 C4 0C 1F 4E 76 C7 : D0 9B 19 99 03 A0 AC 0B 43 35 9D 2C 80 C3 E2 F8 : 64 0F D0 11 07 68 84 F9 8D EB 81 66 F1 47 71 95 : 53 3B 3118 66: INTEGER : 00 DE 2E AC 08 DA 98 DD CD 28 13 9B 0E 8B F1 68 : 5D D7 58 65 B9 01 E2 22 7E 46 6B 17 A7 89 10 7F : 64 DE FA 8B 2F E5 A9 F1 F1 2F 9B 55 FE A3 93 70 : 4E AF 56 7A D0 8B 2F 96 12 BC FF 65 9F AB 27 52 : 55 82 : } : } : } : } : } : } : } : } 3186 13: SEQUENCE { 3188 11: OBJECT IDENTIFIER '1 3 6 1 4 1 2 267 12 6 5' : } 3201 3310: BIT STRING : 85 C2 9E 65 DC D3 24 B2 44 32 7C E9 CB FB 6C FD : 04 38 C1 98 FA 39 44 94 27 2A D0 FC 15 63 99 7F : 89 91 5D 56 20 12 E1 1C C4 09 D4 14 B8 E0 56 0A : A1 B9 B7 6E F4 C8 8E B3 88 02 C7 EB 76 24 FA CD : 0D 73 46 C3 DA FE 05 90 CD FD 26 F3 9C 4D 47 FD : 7D A4 D7 55 56 4A A5 69 91 DC 1F 95 6E 93 3E 40 : 09 07 34 EB E2 BA 42 29 29 47 96 E6 CB 49 06 C9 : CA A2 7D A9 93 23 3C 4D 8D 7E 16 5F FF 9D 5D E1 : [ Another 3181 bytes skipped ] : } B.2. Algorithm migration example B.2.1. Dilithium signing end-entity certificate This is an end-entity signing certificate which certifies a Dilithium key. -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIWLDCCCSegAwIBAgIUQZG8jQpzWDji9fN14AOMsoG89SIwDQYLKwYBBAECggsM BgUwgY8xCzAJBgNVBAYTAlhYMTUwMwYDVQQKDCxSb3lhbCBJbnN0aXR1dGUgb2Yg UHVibGljIEtleSBJbmZyYXN0cnVjdHVyZTErMCkGA1UECwwiUG9zdC1IZWZmYWx1 bXAgUmVzZWFyY2ggRGVwYXJ0bWVudDEcMBoGA1UEAwwTRGlsaXRoaXVtIFJvb3Qg LSBHMTAeFw0yMzA5MTIxMjE4NDFaFw0zMzA5MDkxMjE4NDFaMC8xCzAJBgNVBAYT AlhYMQ8wDQYDVQQEDAZZYW1hZGExDzANBgNVBCoMBkhhbmFrbzCCB7QwDQYLKwYB BAECggsMBgUDggehAGciTkvYrra2rghjHQuBFbYgdVdKDF0pRu2BxotfWNFqUX2k Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 29] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 b3FybQ+cIEfZHSUersMUBWKGmssfPGK3jKQB4euFvXDYq1blurGimfEkxmQA8HsD wEUSIe9WPl7oKH7VMrzFRdUB/0UHinZSsKQn5k3q5Vx7S1JfAsPuQB2iaKqe0jCS 7U8WQXwoE3H6rgVs1464WfYy8Gih8w3Melofi1O/77Hu0vXJ4X+vq4ILKnQyvvvh 6sMEa78VA5Ydf5cTh2BjOt535e5LRy6eQwOvVvuilQPxoFx3eH73YQU1sbVJGCAm Ix3fUhwHruQSELUISO/z0twRNKw5EYeiDQKILzFzixSbJRWvaA14mNLBr+CkK/y1 7aE0fDNMjnrxkm81/puuXHTCZT/tHEm2dGjsAv5rvJHp4FuJurnEzDEv+ChALSqF bl7T1+8KhHi8n1wAGheNHkbwl1oToUDLRmF705p1h1oT19SUnCy6r/arI29jboFO ttPhquT4mqmcjpOqxvIIRLmQzFn8A6A97U3b20anlDlWeF3cIEda9E4xJzVT1ON6 JcfdGcF6okerqsKb0QF+VaUiEWPl+unlsHkiTq/IyCUKy/wQKh//zN0DvwbCIbAh H8cqSycd5/rWRcc5Wfq+XAXllkkR7GL7XdVLj2e9ursprhyx4ID+nFMaqnf8xkVf a2VmNdhC7nZoYEPFbcBZmPHkS0iSLiX76CLMDk3805jD7f+jJnI0tu0hcXqTeO21 YNmwEOeBm1s5/oSoFSqZ617GnqatysMNbmaH9YiTI06S2+I3YGf0K3vJhVs0nAqr tqbn2NJiXiGCTzz/rn8GpmKgsIYgNXq6Ud9B9n14F/WAjfcpf4qmUf7fVIzrX3DW 23xefGg3didUkx+rL7utpiEj0wqzIb1Huc3oJwD2qcsS+W23cL1NlqiyElHs7n1+ /lVehRKJzAYYgK54+6uf34dwaEXH2X4Ey3Iq8HR9yBl7L8ZjhCsgZ80k60n31/9L K6tqINvlMdlCGRqSUg+e+BDK3y4C89AwAr0QDDWb/PISQH+taxHzFlMu5ec1Pt5Q dXAZfI2ARrW0hJstrmbdL/d7RMRLEP3Z4iJHfRdiGtp9U5F6pBxabB3kdM2rXLbb ZAiK1gRJFDIAaYoHoD2snstGDjBeII9TKARIEe25s5bCkbg1otvTWX3xyYrW3e1K IEE6TgnI5sX4lPGZ5dnCIeRWi2HfrO3FywmtNzhZ59F9N74Hu0Zd3dC7yYyu2tj1 GV210MZJfUWWUohuKFF//MmvJ+xoT2Lo+mt+r8AOidptvKNQzcYMhvNESg+LCss7 G3R1vPOmzxNcZsGwCmBpBOdNiIA77UgdLHBX/jv7UJM77Q0SgGm1V4bEvw1tH0vH vRi9FkTHXsoNhM04eT0/7zqlnE0lHdBEykEP0HPfdL5v35vkZqOWBcqJbwZLOWGt QW1nYCy7T79AVmiCRvAerhDsQzF2ljUORn3BY/IjrQSBubJvSXvKIxzhRcSWQg0q oxMU50RWZL2uCaJCRWAkITHOeorXzL0Jb2Epth7wJwNv71+QktJh6a9inr5Tjgg2 2Czldfe4xs7nBNzhFeB7+xoSaDtdJw1l1kdnISpBZ6+5iFBg1/4byVI6hc5SPerp 9Ud1aY/ZnV5eqgagKH/8iblssdGekJiEqKfhW79Slz7F9WzJ26C8+EgCJtsmUGOW bmZ/NkwRwEd+fl6G0wnyL9X9cnuL97H5wlEXlc+KO0vVFLbauNqlXFAIaB8jE1V6 s0yVhpjbZ8aADdFEHbrraALOcUoPvucx0Z/kc6G33Gspfh4+RNj6WL2zbfiya4lg /vQ8ZznBVt82cf1EZYE+Xbwn+xMJvjbz6I9da84Z1z0wUc14C7+tAlMpKsMznR5B tW6kha+x2kkG6J+nAWaK6pH/y5YuRikao4EvPxbcffE1wpPNXVLzL7AhEVDyTL6S Xu5lHj+7k63v7foOzt9+Ujj7qQ+Slw4CK9wZJDZOIcp9R/sYoJFL0trWAAYB0IM5 5ub/aMgX3cEUED49B+2IfjTKz3PrM3bAu/RlyvwTnZYrpp4YeX0pV95y69x/FgLS NGs0Y42w2G2EktSnu+ZK4dxdNBk6ng+yQ8psUHACiQySocKkEiVjJtBXCtTLn9Fy +0dIcnyNly00S7z5WS1xg/Y04mKeldMA0kMS2O2YSlJjlHAtrROs832OV+N+/VAK ny5VcWjyZK5C3K0J9xbUrUHUFtDqQLoHBK96zlGubSEhNj8AZ8apLSC4cs43AMPV K0PAY7ZBBgvdRnHmphjprpE7Phf76znO4NlDferQ9xJ7Ywg5gXVUtuSFk1bgZvme 5DYJXvPN8wLsMcLX2ueuboNNx3MQ8RSW6sacu+Cay7tAkliXPKGxkQiZsRl6HtS5 o7q4WU+1nlDDX8dzTjneNhDzPPNvw98pFx5VDHAB6KdMCymuurmLJPqXKAKJszvT x/Xrr0SStQFvFT27vKF6ZmYjSPqY+3bGXn4oRXhlG2LxH6Wlug81SJUcR79kvxFY dutAh376w2b/ZdOqi0iA/PjM5DLX7x/isHOVpbve7V3eMEp2F/SbkIkRFngRo2Aw XjAMBgNVHRMBAf8EAjAAMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIHgDAdBgNVHQ4EFgQURUdBlaut wk48U+FlkZSPHJfIY6swHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUp3ko+1knJXEWAmNIy2kocjJBpG8w DQYLKwYBBAECggsMBgUDggzuAFUuZHJjvKxwouPtyEIeREBcwh2UzHYPnqu9FkHO 7a4jeCtn50UKU0NmqbHcdIkpntB+IJT8lm3DCnjRa+v41lSYe1msXk66INXvLuqR mS7stzEbpOWASsukE4Z1aPQruJ6X44lMw7ayZ2LXAMjlVHuN9j5tfKVLxFytbfg4 cqPyU08lF/r96MrOxqWcbuiObeIb+bZgDFBwIOZghCFIVK389EgHUizim9BIHwVd ni3+WNqjTCFcONoZPs4FC/rFhbDa5IOg4LEbJd17FbUn5Am02YAWoJH3ML4oAXY6 1yp7dcMdxJEt7aWi7UyN4J6D2p0XVjI1nLi3P3aQqrRYjkQFLTQ2Ga6eBsdVHObo Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 30] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 8I/mDXMUAtbTn6lOXsYsoqq3pdC61D9s3/2ZywgNvxSRuYDvbV8/75g3t0z77wvq V7tmtMLuoeZxSLx2jLcdqgKSf5yNvnqYMuMpLcptZicP1xQVtwjyzikn4SY8qR5H CpwfdBONBG7F7gSTq7bhFZSjm8Dp6cXGFZpOwUuyFcY3sYvrBwEKLffBluos9fK5 8ukEn65aEVyOuySPmw2v+KCJ1Z4w/YTfUcAOqrGhRrFVRlCBv1dAOTCN42LbE3pO 11FlbeinakWUnZw/8ZEzrTIDS5mY8QuRGx4TUZEqHClLyE3k5jNdpYjttHOaaM9G lrtfn05QMIZC+ZqlkkBatPcvJIT5me+St1Nso9opQNSCp45pRGVZ+ppsCGclfA32 3zHOedz2RLjCfScfJstJ+Csca8h+HAbk/nq+jdKHV7P40QB7EpRQwnSQIQjO0W6w ypI9APFd9jvnIzJMG9ECi/QVHQjpY1gywI6XFAF4bOTncguiOlOjehwLueVW3esK 0T430iraTlVbpDK7onvMhqciXbJ4qoKKKtZjMeRxCazxgeCKYulzquWD4i2/5ZxD Mdi+otxlpHrqZ80r/aDpOZ8GuKnJbZ1mxv6wrgibe/y86vJ+Upd0IMsS2vuly9se sA+OSAjijaYtdctNl9tVRlzoMtYaYwAg+e4ImyNVAY/FgHoNk5iU/zs4IL/LIa+Y eR/8Q9JNBFadWwpzNB72y6KDEUg3BydrJhWhV4qJxk9qDRjyAC/aawc53+2ty0Ju gqd4Z8ORTOrz/hw/Z3YDkvVOG2iDOt1WpDBEKiuNRPc7uudKjrHhhN+6aFC0rE4L nSF0X4pIxMKrZkO22PW3dhRAybQ8r0CofxRrN3b838Xe50FDsPTXPUvYZ3tfgUY5 fyTBeQWXBOFTaf/jhyMvdpRRqJpJ1YiSMVD/gybpjdpilzANHHeIhWJZgzj9+ciW 0jsYlheajDP1JQTttyewiPaukll8l0b+EBMNJgYJqG0ngCwztO2ueUmaTihxw45R gq8ssusbpZuuOl/eJRSUMKJac8JDuc91v5jPs1PDbp9pnfFE6LgY3Gq069PUgUb5 dFlXhnlmIyYsrivD1IH47DScHDzD9rBfb0FU2uwMwQkleLh4vnuHKTYyeWowpoFO VRu2OKQYgDYgXr8CzeJLi3+6RJ+5Cih+zmQ5DgFVKoZMZmHbYEClc1hHMhYxjKCp tfq6lEqLBcKMUaYO9ZjcgqlUEVWY/CVdzitMQoU7EP+PXLqmE5egco6RvwRtlIzr peDCaC28CqaRgtStSoJhYET5DikY1FHUtsUW00xgmL1AYxgB1uEgzrAMFPWzWhPo vAEcKyd8sVTXX+AEBxAe3oXck5e9hh57E4NP+pfv/Dhb/hYd53ps4OTOvFn6POdU rvavvA1Ww52iW9e4q0ppzxuyNAxBnpJXCJg3QDJ1X8v9mATiiFBdT0GMNbNJ3aD2 IZncY3e+No817JOkkj7B8E7AupkM9jAcbFiGky3xXUo0oP+vNcfvgo9/Zq266Kfz 1eOKeqbg3lnnCKQY6Rr/1wBaHJTbJH7Z3HTSuAnqrO4n+EkPGB0F7aXnVk7aw7/t 887I+q5Br1yDG7Yj/GbX20osiqCMV6mjser+Vj6Ezrf+bIvxP9syMJQXv3DgEVwb cwX+AryA5MqOKAxDem16XAGYu1WRvqmS8xY1LxEs/vfWrZ24yZ7Vff2sLF7dJWhB PKx9BDTLeCkUlLhh4VuheqcUKIJSJm+OvY2fGDqyOgCo3WVwxCx847k4VEgfTSwM uhvZ5gkTS2ZKBQtGWmsVZcaIgAveL+wpIN2GlVV/NoVGAZlwi8w7mZ9ZxJfyAeck IskYd3XUpzAsOb1mEbpPscmRRFpmJzKHcO1N6j8nBL8WgJpUXi3p/hWJjIYH6aID gVpM48G89uFA4n85+otEgirCdjFBjfTuv/37R1tMv5yDErCQPKmHunvGYnPBB6A5 lHLTRQMxnn+IqfHmJxd2jBUcG7OmAHc5wHQrPO/t3eLsmyWbSSNCqgLN5nDAzW0d 3ZOCiYrWZeH5hriwGrPt3lMZQ30naKtXjl2IRtmg3AOZbwm5JAr9aV9SyRv/KCCB DejIraG66lqCrEKhPtykLzqPxMwcZCmvzeOFsBq/RPq7uM6AUitBIM9sA10lLEnU irBcE9a01U1Ic3X4EE5/ieaxMUNL7ObkMP5SlphPtJeJ85rbk5jvrMrLmqfxZyXZ NjxY3poSQCgkAHaemB+ADV5FvwP/JO95x17/hU8GcwDCfO7d7Fx72fQebCFIlTmP yGnGDN8JgBv7kZgqJYXMKcEFh9MuO+Aw6gfcglbT1wwDm6D5w55+owzDIsbbKc1R X6BwDe4/ZXda/DSt1jT3rfjVybV/4o7ir2vX2sAFUIm0dXI/na0SmAGNKUspU5Bx 8kne/9ttFG/xqpajeyT1Vm9WzT1ExHTHdgewWDhfqXXC5xHnuP8F/KM7fHT24BQU sJFosn5BGWciR9+A0C8qZwmv9kPyvYAWK1UDvSSaN67y9qIfpZ49FADhIxUBFMoy fskIa26YrBLi/Ios+gsGelx8Obe3ERr/5Z0/t/fe6qiUlL6TSVQavJvlnnnKcV7d mOSuUv80y8f0D8LF15vLSovW1IZkEo8lsPg6DH45u9Jqk+G/zyHSGn1ZDd16jwyB r4B2ab5xjtS0uU0aA9qG4VKd3ey67QM50o/LOl66rk78ihpXvU6FzTOb+2EMIE27 Iq/6G8pkunGWzuGA0OZe2qAORFFtXkiRzc6bIVK/HF3niXpb6BmWDzKIHkGUZTB7 WVkOLf/LfBPeadN63jY8K9+0/dR1aL3Ek9jno5oePyZc0gVUYDEP9FUjAG9Zy792 5zrrHmn6CbmR+jv4lmD2q39wmCkHMyExbZDlouvb5J20btSi02+giAT+RupKHZC3 YFJQGgHbzXZ6aTGEwrXxsyO+7F8AhJKAcRXyxRPvGhLHSpCmvuZD4TGIbDMfSY86 ec9iBnFa7mzohNfTO858oIC4SgNwjE5M6lviHPsVHRB60B2ZqzemeIykHSaw2bIC Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 31] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 hFgzG37k+FgcbYppQFeldhWZSsay6LNrKrxX4lEH0RWDSKSF5ebaWhFYp6r8M0rm yIYU6l8tYybHGXTNYLWesDciWSuANQvzNhgZ+bHFLcCVkfpUEF46IXSXFZmEy7Kq c0TzuHgmdtRhMQlUFN6pe6LKXgMe9EBv3vkYsxWk1snfv2OCsiQPW4oMAqdTYXwJ FuuldA7JaFpihLFlStzQzEZ/+ZVgFZncWqQwGlyK1dkd0jTUS/cAI2ZsfVG30gQI jh0AlqTLC39jEXYnVvnaiqopcBvNvWRYF11w+69JUeITRC377TVaZ+TLfTY6Sha3 o6L7vnn3QClbMluvm8b64tL6+DGf7EAXeoVtDMzW562L9BX4VGCp+GCvvdaIkenz iGrR0PoWwiv1flwrobW/wCfxdzpH7hAsSzCIwnWXqSLSbEzFLDD17+lKUj1mPkwY SfAvPShT0XHvznuxj4ZvJqlQmd+TsowoljwGOYji2PHLPosD0MKY9VstcZrxGOOC ADbQNx3qT7tpf/POqzuReGI+Z0cuo5KdohtKft1fKOz4+tZaHXVeG4Ik1RfQqrXd BCvQlMtAVyqZjQy2V9w+a6c9/W6Ay7SusRHCQvOC0VuROt5ixIe4ZpHzZV5ubkN0 6YfrXr0XyskKCyWyVYLMqLIIfDnCNfQv9YXmWyTLPTlI/rYHxBe9qrCYRsZgPdCU vg1clnh8SilfhmgP+VvArGfXe0qKiijjghfyEoitCqpvLjDobzpb61nriezYtYXz 7bfn6zNpxafvPPFoQE7FUj+1TQYbZg1cWKonJVe2/jHapy4iun4XPHEIf8StpvLn IIepcjT7k66oJDpM4bEXvex6fn70FA4UnvdpxF0x80t3tLz0sfbMvzNuNTyn1/bt lqKSJTE6xNPx9j9VVlt+k5+jtcjk7Q0xb4CdpPVDfKa8xPYkW4otZXqa0QAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAcTGiAjKA== -----END CERTIFICATE----- 0 5676: SEQUENCE { 4 2343: SEQUENCE { 8 3: [0] { 10 1: INTEGER 2 : } 13 20: INTEGER 41 91 BC 8D 0A 73 58 38 E2 F5 F3 75 E0 03 8C B2 81 BC F5 22 35 13: SEQUENCE { 37 11: OBJECT IDENTIFIER '1 3 6 1 4 1 2 267 12 6 5' : } 50 143: SEQUENCE { 53 11: SET { 55 9: SEQUENCE { 57 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6) 62 2: PrintableString 'XX' : } : } 66 53: SET { 68 51: SEQUENCE { 70 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10) 75 44: UTF8String : 'Royal Institute of Public Key Infrastructure' : } : } 121 43: SET { 123 41: SEQUENCE { 125 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11) 130 34: UTF8String 'Post-Heffalump Research Department' : } : } 166 28: SET { Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 32] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 168 26: SEQUENCE { 170 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3) 175 19: UTF8String 'Dilithium Root - G1' : } : } : } 196 30: SEQUENCE { 198 13: UTCTime 12/09/2023 12:18:41 GMT 213 13: UTCTime 09/09/2033 12:18:41 GMT : } 228 47: SEQUENCE { 230 11: SET { 232 9: SEQUENCE { 234 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6) 239 2: PrintableString 'XX' : } : } 243 15: SET { 245 13: SEQUENCE { 247 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER surname (2 5 4 4) 252 6: UTF8String 'Yamada' : } : } 260 15: SET { 262 13: SEQUENCE { 264 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER givenName (2 5 4 42) 269 6: UTF8String 'Hanako' : } : } : } 277 1972: SEQUENCE { 281 13: SEQUENCE { 283 11: OBJECT IDENTIFIER '1 3 6 1 4 1 2 267 12 6 5' : } 296 1953: BIT STRING : 67 22 4E 4B D8 AE B6 B6 AE 08 63 1D 0B 81 15 B6 : 20 75 57 4A 0C 5D 29 46 ED 81 C6 8B 5F 58 D1 6A : 51 7D A4 6F 71 72 6D 0F 9C 20 47 D9 1D 25 1E AE : C3 14 05 62 86 9A CB 1F 3C 62 B7 8C A4 01 E1 EB : 85 BD 70 D8 AB 56 E5 BA B1 A2 99 F1 24 C6 64 00 : F0 7B 03 C0 45 12 21 EF 56 3E 5E E8 28 7E D5 32 : BC C5 45 D5 01 FF 45 07 8A 76 52 B0 A4 27 E6 4D : EA E5 5C 7B 4B 52 5F 02 C3 EE 40 1D A2 68 AA 9E : [ Another 1824 bytes skipped ] : } 2253 96: [3] { 2255 94: SEQUENCE { 2257 12: SEQUENCE { Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 33] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 2259 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER basicConstraints (2 5 29 19) 2264 1: BOOLEAN TRUE 2267 2: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 2269 0: SEQUENCE {} : } : } 2271 14: SEQUENCE { 2273 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER keyUsage (2 5 29 15) 2278 1: BOOLEAN TRUE 2281 4: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 2283 2: BIT STRING 7 unused bits : '1'B (bit 0) : } : } 2287 29: SEQUENCE { 2289 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER subjectKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 14) 2294 22: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 2296 20: OCTET STRING : 45 47 41 95 AB AD C2 4E 3C 53 E1 65 91 94 8F 1C : 97 C8 63 AB : } : } 2318 31: SEQUENCE { 2320 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER authorityKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 35) 2325 24: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 2327 22: SEQUENCE { 2329 20: [0] : A7 79 28 FB 59 27 25 71 16 02 63 48 CB 69 28 72 : 32 41 A4 6F : } : } : } : } : } : } 2351 13: SEQUENCE { 2353 11: OBJECT IDENTIFIER '1 3 6 1 4 1 2 267 12 6 5' : } 2366 3310: BIT STRING : 55 2E 64 72 63 BC AC 70 A2 E3 ED C8 42 1E 44 40 : 5C C2 1D 94 CC 76 0F 9E AB BD 16 41 CE ED AE 23 : 78 2B 67 E7 45 0A 53 43 66 A9 B1 DC 74 89 29 9E : D0 7E 20 94 FC 96 6D C3 0A 78 D1 6B EB F8 D6 54 : 98 7B 59 AC 5E 4E BA 20 D5 EF 2E EA 91 99 2E EC : B7 31 1B A4 E5 80 4A CB A4 13 86 75 68 F4 2B B8 : 9E 97 E3 89 4C C3 B6 B2 67 62 D7 00 C8 E5 54 7B : 8D F6 3E 6D 7C A5 4B C4 5C AD 6D F8 38 72 A3 F2 : [ Another 3181 bytes skipped ] Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 34] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 : } B.2.2. EC signing end-entity certificate with encoded Delta Certificate This is an end-entity signing certificate which certifies an EC key. It contains a Delta Certificate Descriptor extension which includes sufficient information to recreate the Dilithium signing end-entity certificate. -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIYIzCCF4WgAwIBAgIUQFy9NSVq9ZXG6QZyo14DJ/bew58wCgYIKoZIzj0EAwQw gYsxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlhYMTUwMwYDVQQKDCxSb3lhbCBJbnN0aXR1dGUgb2YgUHVi bGljIEtleSBJbmZyYXN0cnVjdHVyZTErMCkGA1UECwwiUG9zdC1IZWZmYWx1bXAg UmVzZWFyY2ggRGVwYXJ0bWVudDEYMBYGA1UEAwwPRUNEU0EgUm9vdCAtIEcxMB4X DTIzMDkxMjEyMTg0MVoXDTMzMDkwOTEyMTg0MVowLzELMAkGA1UEBhMCWFgxDzAN BgNVBAQMBllhbWFkYTEPMA0GA1UEKgwGSGFuYWtvMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZI zj0DAQcDQgAEbtX9IXsFmdqH4MWTDbifSOUFAUzd7HP5hnUObBqV0kXcuOwC99A0 4B87WQxjUKoawKtvu+LOJz1z7pQ5nUSxwaOCFiAwghYcMAwGA1UdEwEB/wQCMAAw DgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgeAMB0GA1UdDgQWBBQW6srxnhU1Tq6zHIhrUWbDTXwQKTAf BgNVHSMEGDAWgBR/FeuKivAaOj8kbsg6J0m5Pic4XTCCFboGCmCGSAGG+mtQBgEE ghWqMIIVpgIUQZG8jQpzWDji9fN14AOMsoG89SKgDQYLKwYBBAECggsMBgWhgZIw gY8xCzAJBgNVBAYTAlhYMTUwMwYDVQQKDCxSb3lhbCBJbnN0aXR1dGUgb2YgUHVi bGljIEtleSBJbmZyYXN0cnVjdHVyZTErMCkGA1UECwwiUG9zdC1IZWZmYWx1bXAg UmVzZWFyY2ggRGVwYXJ0bWVudDEcMBoGA1UEAwwTRGlsaXRoaXVtIFJvb3QgLSBH MTCCB7QwDQYLKwYBBAECggsMBgUDggehAGciTkvYrra2rghjHQuBFbYgdVdKDF0p Ru2BxotfWNFqUX2kb3FybQ+cIEfZHSUersMUBWKGmssfPGK3jKQB4euFvXDYq1bl urGimfEkxmQA8HsDwEUSIe9WPl7oKH7VMrzFRdUB/0UHinZSsKQn5k3q5Vx7S1Jf AsPuQB2iaKqe0jCS7U8WQXwoE3H6rgVs1464WfYy8Gih8w3Melofi1O/77Hu0vXJ 4X+vq4ILKnQyvvvh6sMEa78VA5Ydf5cTh2BjOt535e5LRy6eQwOvVvuilQPxoFx3 eH73YQU1sbVJGCAmIx3fUhwHruQSELUISO/z0twRNKw5EYeiDQKILzFzixSbJRWv aA14mNLBr+CkK/y17aE0fDNMjnrxkm81/puuXHTCZT/tHEm2dGjsAv5rvJHp4FuJ urnEzDEv+ChALSqFbl7T1+8KhHi8n1wAGheNHkbwl1oToUDLRmF705p1h1oT19SU nCy6r/arI29jboFOttPhquT4mqmcjpOqxvIIRLmQzFn8A6A97U3b20anlDlWeF3c IEda9E4xJzVT1ON6JcfdGcF6okerqsKb0QF+VaUiEWPl+unlsHkiTq/IyCUKy/wQ Kh//zN0DvwbCIbAhH8cqSycd5/rWRcc5Wfq+XAXllkkR7GL7XdVLj2e9ursprhyx 4ID+nFMaqnf8xkVfa2VmNdhC7nZoYEPFbcBZmPHkS0iSLiX76CLMDk3805jD7f+j JnI0tu0hcXqTeO21YNmwEOeBm1s5/oSoFSqZ617GnqatysMNbmaH9YiTI06S2+I3 YGf0K3vJhVs0nAqrtqbn2NJiXiGCTzz/rn8GpmKgsIYgNXq6Ud9B9n14F/WAjfcp f4qmUf7fVIzrX3DW23xefGg3didUkx+rL7utpiEj0wqzIb1Huc3oJwD2qcsS+W23 cL1NlqiyElHs7n1+/lVehRKJzAYYgK54+6uf34dwaEXH2X4Ey3Iq8HR9yBl7L8Zj hCsgZ80k60n31/9LK6tqINvlMdlCGRqSUg+e+BDK3y4C89AwAr0QDDWb/PISQH+t axHzFlMu5ec1Pt5QdXAZfI2ARrW0hJstrmbdL/d7RMRLEP3Z4iJHfRdiGtp9U5F6 pBxabB3kdM2rXLbbZAiK1gRJFDIAaYoHoD2snstGDjBeII9TKARIEe25s5bCkbg1 otvTWX3xyYrW3e1KIEE6TgnI5sX4lPGZ5dnCIeRWi2HfrO3FywmtNzhZ59F9N74H u0Zd3dC7yYyu2tj1GV210MZJfUWWUohuKFF//MmvJ+xoT2Lo+mt+r8AOidptvKNQ zcYMhvNESg+LCss7G3R1vPOmzxNcZsGwCmBpBOdNiIA77UgdLHBX/jv7UJM77Q0S gGm1V4bEvw1tH0vHvRi9FkTHXsoNhM04eT0/7zqlnE0lHdBEykEP0HPfdL5v35vk ZqOWBcqJbwZLOWGtQW1nYCy7T79AVmiCRvAerhDsQzF2ljUORn3BY/IjrQSBubJv Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 35] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 SXvKIxzhRcSWQg0qoxMU50RWZL2uCaJCRWAkITHOeorXzL0Jb2Epth7wJwNv71+Q ktJh6a9inr5Tjgg22Czldfe4xs7nBNzhFeB7+xoSaDtdJw1l1kdnISpBZ6+5iFBg 1/4byVI6hc5SPerp9Ud1aY/ZnV5eqgagKH/8iblssdGekJiEqKfhW79Slz7F9WzJ 26C8+EgCJtsmUGOWbmZ/NkwRwEd+fl6G0wnyL9X9cnuL97H5wlEXlc+KO0vVFLba uNqlXFAIaB8jE1V6s0yVhpjbZ8aADdFEHbrraALOcUoPvucx0Z/kc6G33Gspfh4+ RNj6WL2zbfiya4lg/vQ8ZznBVt82cf1EZYE+Xbwn+xMJvjbz6I9da84Z1z0wUc14 C7+tAlMpKsMznR5BtW6kha+x2kkG6J+nAWaK6pH/y5YuRikao4EvPxbcffE1wpPN XVLzL7AhEVDyTL6SXu5lHj+7k63v7foOzt9+Ujj7qQ+Slw4CK9wZJDZOIcp9R/sY oJFL0trWAAYB0IM55ub/aMgX3cEUED49B+2IfjTKz3PrM3bAu/RlyvwTnZYrpp4Y eX0pV95y69x/FgLSNGs0Y42w2G2EktSnu+ZK4dxdNBk6ng+yQ8psUHACiQySocKk EiVjJtBXCtTLn9Fy+0dIcnyNly00S7z5WS1xg/Y04mKeldMA0kMS2O2YSlJjlHAt rROs832OV+N+/VAKny5VcWjyZK5C3K0J9xbUrUHUFtDqQLoHBK96zlGubSEhNj8A Z8apLSC4cs43AMPVK0PAY7ZBBgvdRnHmphjprpE7Phf76znO4NlDferQ9xJ7Ywg5 gXVUtuSFk1bgZvme5DYJXvPN8wLsMcLX2ueuboNNx3MQ8RSW6sacu+Cay7tAkliX PKGxkQiZsRl6HtS5o7q4WU+1nlDDX8dzTjneNhDzPPNvw98pFx5VDHAB6KdMCymu urmLJPqXKAKJszvTx/Xrr0SStQFvFT27vKF6ZmYjSPqY+3bGXn4oRXhlG2LxH6Wl ug81SJUcR79kvxFYdutAh376w2b/ZdOqi0iA/PjM5DLX7x/isHOVpbve7V3eMEp2 F/SbkIkRFngRpEAwHQYDVR0OBBYEFEVHQZWrrcJOPFPhZZGUjxyXyGOrMB8GA1Ud IwQYMBaAFKd5KPtZJyVxFgJjSMtpKHIyQaRvA4IM7gBVLmRyY7yscKLj7chCHkRA XMIdlMx2D56rvRZBzu2uI3grZ+dFClNDZqmx3HSJKZ7QfiCU/JZtwwp40Wvr+NZU mHtZrF5OuiDV7y7qkZku7LcxG6TlgErLpBOGdWj0K7iel+OJTMO2smdi1wDI5VR7 jfY+bXylS8RcrW34OHKj8lNPJRf6/ejKzsalnG7ojm3iG/m2YAxQcCDmYIQhSFSt /PRIB1Is4pvQSB8FXZ4t/ljao0whXDjaGT7OBQv6xYWw2uSDoOCxGyXdexW1J+QJ tNmAFqCR9zC+KAF2Otcqe3XDHcSRLe2lou1MjeCeg9qdF1YyNZy4tz92kKq0WI5E BS00NhmungbHVRzm6PCP5g1zFALW05+pTl7GLKKqt6XQutQ/bN/9mcsIDb8UkbmA 721fP++YN7dM++8L6le7ZrTC7qHmcUi8doy3HaoCkn+cjb56mDLjKS3KbWYnD9cU FbcI8s4pJ+EmPKkeRwqcH3QTjQRuxe4Ek6u24RWUo5vA6enFxhWaTsFLshXGN7GL 6wcBCi33wZbqLPXyufLpBJ+uWhFcjrskj5sNr/igidWeMP2E31HADqqxoUaxVUZQ gb9XQDkwjeNi2xN6TtdRZW3op2pFlJ2cP/GRM60yA0uZmPELkRseE1GRKhwpS8hN 5OYzXaWI7bRzmmjPRpa7X59OUDCGQvmapZJAWrT3LySE+ZnvkrdTbKPaKUDUgqeO aURlWfqabAhnJXwN9t8xznnc9kS4wn0nHybLSfgrHGvIfhwG5P56vo3Sh1ez+NEA exKUUMJ0kCEIztFusMqSPQDxXfY75yMyTBvRAov0FR0I6WNYMsCOlxQBeGzk53IL ojpTo3ocC7nlVt3rCtE+N9Iq2k5VW6Qyu6J7zIanIl2yeKqCiirWYzHkcQms8YHg imLpc6rlg+Itv+WcQzHYvqLcZaR66mfNK/2g6TmfBripyW2dZsb+sK4Im3v8vOry flKXdCDLEtr7pcvbHrAPjkgI4o2mLXXLTZfbVUZc6DLWGmMAIPnuCJsjVQGPxYB6 DZOYlP87OCC/yyGvmHkf/EPSTQRWnVsKczQe9suigxFINwcnayYVoVeKicZPag0Y 8gAv2msHOd/trctCboKneGfDkUzq8/4cP2d2A5L1ThtogzrdVqQwRCorjUT3O7rn So6x4YTfumhQtKxOC50hdF+KSMTCq2ZDttj1t3YUQMm0PK9AqH8Uazd2/N/F3udB Q7D01z1L2Gd7X4FGOX8kwXkFlwThU2n/44cjL3aUUaiaSdWIkjFQ/4Mm6Y3aYpcw DRx3iIViWYM4/fnIltI7GJYXmowz9SUE7bcnsIj2rpJZfJdG/hATDSYGCahtJ4As M7TtrnlJmk4occOOUYKvLLLrG6Wbrjpf3iUUlDCiWnPCQ7nPdb+Yz7NTw26faZ3x ROi4GNxqtOvT1IFG+XRZV4Z5ZiMmLK4rw9SB+Ow0nBw8w/awX29BVNrsDMEJJXi4 eL57hyk2MnlqMKaBTlUbtjikGIA2IF6/As3iS4t/ukSfuQoofs5kOQ4BVSqGTGZh 22BApXNYRzIWMYygqbX6upRKiwXCjFGmDvWY3IKpVBFVmPwlXc4rTEKFOxD/j1y6 phOXoHKOkb8EbZSM66XgwmgtvAqmkYLUrUqCYWBE+Q4pGNRR1LbFFtNMYJi9QGMY AdbhIM6wDBT1s1oT6LwBHCsnfLFU11/gBAcQHt6F3JOXvYYeexODT/qX7/w4W/4W Hed6bODkzrxZ+jznVK72r7wNVsOdolvXuKtKac8bsjQMQZ6SVwiYN0AydV/L/ZgE 4ohQXU9BjDWzSd2g9iGZ3GN3vjaPNeyTpJI+wfBOwLqZDPYwHGxYhpMt8V1KNKD/ Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 36] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 rzXH74KPf2atuuin89Xjinqm4N5Z5wikGOka/9cAWhyU2yR+2dx00rgJ6qzuJ/hJ DxgdBe2l51ZO2sO/7fPOyPquQa9cgxu2I/xm19tKLIqgjFepo7Hq/lY+hM63/myL 8T/bMjCUF79w4BFcG3MF/gK8gOTKjigMQ3ptelwBmLtVkb6pkvMWNS8RLP731q2d uMme1X39rCxe3SVoQTysfQQ0y3gpFJS4YeFboXqnFCiCUiZvjr2Nnxg6sjoAqN1l cMQsfOO5OFRIH00sDLob2eYJE0tmSgULRlprFWXGiIAL3i/sKSDdhpVVfzaFRgGZ cIvMO5mfWcSX8gHnJCLJGHd11KcwLDm9ZhG6T7HJkURaZicyh3DtTeo/JwS/FoCa VF4t6f4ViYyGB+miA4FaTOPBvPbhQOJ/OfqLRIIqwnYxQY307r/9+0dbTL+cgxKw kDyph7p7xmJzwQegOZRy00UDMZ5/iKnx5icXdowVHBuzpgB3OcB0Kzzv7d3i7Jsl m0kjQqoCzeZwwM1tHd2TgomK1mXh+Ya4sBqz7d5TGUN9J2irV45diEbZoNwDmW8J uSQK/WlfUskb/ygggQ3oyK2huupagqxCoT7cpC86j8TMHGQpr83jhbAav0T6u7jO gFIrQSDPbANdJSxJ1IqwXBPWtNVNSHN1+BBOf4nmsTFDS+zm5DD+UpaYT7SXifOa 25OY76zKy5qn8Wcl2TY8WN6aEkAoJAB2npgfgA1eRb8D/yTvecde/4VPBnMAwnzu 3exce9n0HmwhSJU5j8hpxgzfCYAb+5GYKiWFzCnBBYfTLjvgMOoH3IJW09cMA5ug +cOefqMMwyLG2ynNUV+gcA3uP2V3Wvw0rdY096341cm1f+KO4q9r19rABVCJtHVy P52tEpgBjSlLKVOQcfJJ3v/bbRRv8aqWo3sk9VZvVs09RMR0x3YHsFg4X6l1wucR 57j/BfyjO3x09uAUFLCRaLJ+QRlnIkffgNAvKmcJr/ZD8r2AFitVA70kmjeu8vai H6WePRQA4SMVARTKMn7JCGtumKwS4vyKLPoLBnpcfDm3txEa/+WdP7f33uqolJS+ k0lUGryb5Z55ynFe3ZjkrlL/NMvH9A/Cxdeby0qL1tSGZBKPJbD4Ogx+ObvSapPh v88h0hp9WQ3deo8Mga+Admm+cY7UtLlNGgPahuFSnd3suu0DOdKPyzpeuq5O/Ioa V71Ohc0zm/thDCBNuyKv+hvKZLpxls7hgNDmXtqgDkRRbV5Ikc3OmyFSvxxd54l6 W+gZlg8yiB5BlGUwe1lZDi3/y3wT3mnTet42PCvftP3UdWi9xJPY56OaHj8mXNIF VGAxD/RVIwBvWcu/duc66x5p+gm5kfo7+JZg9qt/cJgpBzMhMW2Q5aLr2+SdtG7U otNvoIgE/kbqSh2Qt2BSUBoB2812emkxhMK18bMjvuxfAISSgHEV8sUT7xoSx0qQ pr7mQ+ExiGwzH0mPOnnPYgZxWu5s6ITX0zvOfKCAuEoDcIxOTOpb4hz7FR0QetAd mas3pniMpB0msNmyAoRYMxt+5PhYHG2KaUBXpXYVmUrGsuizayq8V+JRB9EVg0ik heXm2loRWKeq/DNK5siGFOpfLWMmxxl0zWC1nrA3IlkrgDUL8zYYGfmxxS3AlZH6 VBBeOiF0lxWZhMuyqnNE87h4JnbUYTEJVBTeqXuiyl4DHvRAb975GLMVpNbJ379j grIkD1uKDAKnU2F8CRbrpXQOyWhaYoSxZUrc0MxGf/mVYBWZ3FqkMBpcitXZHdI0 1Ev3ACNmbH1Rt9IECI4dAJakywt/YxF2J1b52oqqKXAbzb1kWBddcPuvSVHiE0Qt ++01Wmfky302OkoWt6Oi+75590ApWzJbr5vG+uLS+vgxn+xAF3qFbQzM1ueti/QV +FRgqfhgr73WiJHp84hq0dD6FsIr9X5cK6G1v8An8Xc6R+4QLEswiMJ1l6ki0mxM xSww9e/pSlI9Zj5MGEnwLz0oU9Fx7857sY+GbyapUJnfk7KMKJY8BjmI4tjxyz6L A9DCmPVbLXGa8RjjggA20Dcd6k+7aX/zzqs7kXhiPmdHLqOSnaIbSn7dXyjs+PrW Wh11XhuCJNUX0Kq13QQr0JTLQFcqmY0MtlfcPmunPf1ugMu0rrERwkLzgtFbkTre YsSHuGaR82Vebm5DdOmH6169F8rJCgslslWCzKiyCHw5wjX0L/WF5lskyz05SP62 B8QXvaqwmEbGYD3QlL4NXJZ4fEopX4ZoD/lbwKxn13tKiooo44IX8hKIrQqqby4w 6G86W+tZ64ns2LWF8+235+szacWn7zzxaEBOxVI/tU0GG2YNXFiqJyVXtv4x2qcu Irp+FzxxCH/Eraby5yCHqXI0+5OuqCQ6TOGxF73sen5+9BQOFJ73acRdMfNLd7S8 9LH2zL8zbjU8p9f27ZaikiUxOsTT8fY/VVZbfpOfo7XI5O0NMW+AnaT1Q3ymvMT2 JFuKLWV6mtEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHExogIygwCgYIKoZIzj0EAwQDgYsAMIGH AkIB94/f11NGw/9b2HV23KHu7qsJZdIOUiR7wkR+t+37fm75cbt7yQk+E3Vvy+BH q9IBgTfuZ2+Du0PEZj5AR857t3kCQU3PuZASllVF3g6Ap/oX5u2vmA6Yx2tXb3s8 L8ldCG2gSBVb2p0vSBi1v3ALm4TjNb0l+P7wGwBycQqmJCHVinxJ -----END CERTIFICATE----- Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 37] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 0 6179: SEQUENCE { 4 6021: SEQUENCE { 8 3: [0] { 10 1: INTEGER 2 : } 13 20: INTEGER 40 5C BD 35 25 6A F5 95 C6 E9 06 72 A3 5E 03 27 F6 DE C3 9F 35 10: SEQUENCE { 37 8: OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecdsaWithSHA512 (1 2 840 10045 4 3 4) : } 47 139: SEQUENCE { 50 11: SET { 52 9: SEQUENCE { 54 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6) 59 2: PrintableString 'XX' : } : } 63 53: SET { 65 51: SEQUENCE { 67 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10) 72 44: UTF8String : 'Royal Institute of Public Key Infrastructure' : } : } 118 43: SET { 120 41: SEQUENCE { 122 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11) 127 34: UTF8String 'Post-Heffalump Research Department' : } : } 163 24: SET { 165 22: SEQUENCE { 167 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3) 172 15: UTF8String 'ECDSA Root - G1' : } : } : } 189 30: SEQUENCE { 191 13: UTCTime 12/09/2023 12:18:41 GMT 206 13: UTCTime 09/09/2033 12:18:41 GMT : } 221 47: SEQUENCE { 223 11: SET { 225 9: SEQUENCE { 227 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6) 232 2: PrintableString 'XX' : } : } 236 15: SET { Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 38] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 238 13: SEQUENCE { 240 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER surname (2 5 4 4) 245 6: UTF8String 'Yamada' : } : } 253 15: SET { 255 13: SEQUENCE { 257 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER givenName (2 5 4 42) 262 6: UTF8String 'Hanako' : } : } : } 270 89: SEQUENCE { 272 19: SEQUENCE { 274 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecPublicKey (1 2 840 10045 2 1) 283 8: OBJECT IDENTIFIER prime256v1 (1 2 840 10045 3 1 7) : } 293 66: BIT STRING : 04 6E D5 FD 21 7B 05 99 DA 87 E0 C5 93 0D B8 9F : 48 E5 05 01 4C DD EC 73 F9 86 75 0E 6C 1A 95 D2 : 45 DC B8 EC 02 F7 D0 34 E0 1F 3B 59 0C 63 50 AA : 1A C0 AB 6F BB E2 CE 27 3D 73 EE 94 39 9D 44 B1 : C1 : } 361 5664: [3] { 365 5660: SEQUENCE { 369 12: SEQUENCE { 371 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER basicConstraints (2 5 29 19) 376 1: BOOLEAN TRUE 379 2: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 381 0: SEQUENCE {} : } : } 383 14: SEQUENCE { 385 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER keyUsage (2 5 29 15) 390 1: BOOLEAN TRUE 393 4: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 395 2: BIT STRING 7 unused bits : '1'B (bit 0) : } : } 399 29: SEQUENCE { 401 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER subjectKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 14) 406 22: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 408 20: OCTET STRING : 16 EA CA F1 9E 15 35 4E AE B3 1C 88 6B 51 66 C3 : 4D 7C 10 29 : } Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 39] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 : } 430 31: SEQUENCE { 432 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER authorityKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 35) 437 24: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 439 22: SEQUENCE { 441 20: [0] : 7F 15 EB 8A 8A F0 1A 3A 3F 24 6E C8 3A 27 49 B9 : 3E 27 38 5D : } : } : } 463 5562: SEQUENCE { 467 10: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : deltaCertificateDescriptor (2 16 840 1 114027 80 6 1) 479 5546: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 483 5542: SEQUENCE { 487 20: INTEGER : 41 91 BC 8D 0A 73 58 38 E2 F5 F3 75 E0 03 8C B2 : 81 BC F5 22 509 13: [0] { 511 11: OBJECT IDENTIFIER '1 3 6 1 4 1 2 267 12 6 5' : } 524 146: [1] { 527 143: SEQUENCE { 530 11: SET { 532 9: SEQUENCE { 534 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6) 539 2: PrintableString 'XX' : } : } 543 53: SET { 545 51: SEQUENCE { 547 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10) 552 44: UTF8String : 'Royal Institute of Public Key Infrastructure' : } : } 598 43: SET { 600 41: SEQUENCE { 602 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11) 607 34: UTF8String 'Post-Heffalump Research Department' : } : } 643 28: SET { 645 26: SEQUENCE { 647 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3) 652 19: UTF8String 'Dilithium Root - G1' Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 40] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 : } : } : } : } 673 1972: SEQUENCE { 677 13: SEQUENCE { 679 11: OBJECT IDENTIFIER '1 3 6 1 4 1 2 267 12 6 5' : } 692 1953: BIT STRING : 67 22 4E 4B D8 AE B6 B6 AE 08 63 1D 0B 81 15 B6 : 20 75 57 4A 0C 5D 29 46 ED 81 C6 8B 5F 58 D1 6A : 51 7D A4 6F 71 72 6D 0F 9C 20 47 D9 1D 25 1E AE : C3 14 05 62 86 9A CB 1F 3C 62 B7 8C A4 01 E1 EB : 85 BD 70 D8 AB 56 E5 BA B1 A2 99 F1 24 C6 64 00 : F0 7B 03 C0 45 12 21 EF 56 3E 5E E8 28 7E D5 32 : BC C5 45 D5 01 FF 45 07 8A 76 52 B0 A4 27 E6 4D : EA E5 5C 7B 4B 52 5F 02 C3 EE 40 1D A2 68 AA 9E : [ Another 1824 bytes skipped ] : } 2649 64: [4] { 2651 29: SEQUENCE { 2653 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER subjectKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 14) 2658 22: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 2660 20: OCTET STRING : 45 47 41 95 AB AD C2 4E 3C 53 E1 65 91 94 8F 1C : 97 C8 63 AB : } : } 2682 31: SEQUENCE { 2684 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : authorityKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 35) 2689 24: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 2691 22: SEQUENCE { 2693 20: [0] : A7 79 28 FB 59 27 25 71 16 02 63 48 CB 69 28 72 : 32 41 A4 6F : } : } : } : } 2715 3310: BIT STRING : 55 2E 64 72 63 BC AC 70 A2 E3 ED C8 42 1E 44 40 : 5C C2 1D 94 CC 76 0F 9E AB BD 16 41 CE ED AE 23 : 78 2B 67 E7 45 0A 53 43 66 A9 B1 DC 74 89 29 9E : D0 7E 20 94 FC 96 6D C3 0A 78 D1 6B EB F8 D6 54 : 98 7B 59 AC 5E 4E BA 20 D5 EF 2E EA 91 99 2E EC : B7 31 1B A4 E5 80 4A CB A4 13 86 75 68 F4 2B B8 : 9E 97 E3 89 4C C3 B6 B2 67 62 D7 00 C8 E5 54 7B Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 41] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 : 8D F6 3E 6D 7C A5 4B C4 5C AD 6D F8 38 72 A3 F2 : [ Another 3181 bytes skipped ] : } : } : } : } : } : } 6029 10: SEQUENCE { 6031 8: OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecdsaWithSHA512 (1 2 840 10045 4 3 4) : } 6041 139: BIT STRING, encapsulates { 6045 135: SEQUENCE { 6048 66: INTEGER : 01 F7 8F DF D7 53 46 C3 FF 5B D8 75 76 DC A1 EE : EE AB 09 65 D2 0E 52 24 7B C2 44 7E B7 ED FB 7E : 6E F9 71 BB 7B C9 09 3E 13 75 6F CB E0 47 AB D2 : 01 81 37 EE 67 6F 83 BB 43 C4 66 3E 40 47 CE 7B : B7 79 6116 65: INTEGER : 4D CF B9 90 12 96 55 45 DE 0E 80 A7 FA 17 E6 ED : AF 98 0E 98 C7 6B 57 6F 7B 3C 2F C9 5D 08 6D A0 : 48 15 5B DA 9D 2F 48 18 B5 BF 70 0B 9B 84 E3 35 : BD 25 F8 FE F0 1B 00 72 71 0A A6 24 21 D5 8A 7C : 49 : } : } : } B.3. Dual use example B.3.1. EC signing end-entity certificate This is an end-entity signing certificate which certifies an EC key. Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 42] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIICYTCCAcOgAwIBAgIUVcVNficoipRs4c6JBiF731VtDLAwCgYIKoZIzj0EAwQw gYsxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlhYMTUwMwYDVQQKDCxSb3lhbCBJbnN0aXR1dGUgb2YgUHVi bGljIEtleSBJbmZyYXN0cnVjdHVyZTErMCkGA1UECwwiUG9zdC1IZWZmYWx1bXAg UmVzZWFyY2ggRGVwYXJ0bWVudDEYMBYGA1UEAwwPRUNEU0EgUm9vdCAtIEcxMB4X DTIzMDUyNjEzMDYzMVoXDTI2MDUyMjEzMDYzMVowLzELMAkGA1UEBhMCWFgxDzAN BgNVBAQMBllhbWFkYTEPMA0GA1UEKgwGSGFuYWtvMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZI zj0DAQcDQgAEQiVI+I+3gv+17KN0RFLHKh5Vj71vc75eSOkyMsxFxbFsTNEMTLjV uKFxOelIgsiZJXKZNCX0FBmrfpCkKklCcqNgMF4wDAYDVR0TAQH/BAIwADAOBgNV HQ8BAf8EBAMCB4AwHQYDVR0OBBYEFFtwp5gX95/2N9L349xEbCEJ17vUMB8GA1Ud IwQYMBaAFI7CFAlgduqQOOk5rhttUsQXfZ++MAoGCCqGSM49BAMEA4GLADCBhwJC ATB+4mSAPRhLdoM3WSPx4l7PoZeuiYObCVZF7vV61bqmPhFskmZ+1aXSMIABfaNE L5Tc+fiSFOXuZs4JSfWxyTlaAkFiK9X4q5kvyHWy97YbxkMOODeEq0ImwaMabmNO Es40EGEHbEPLIHzW347BR8iZquPCA9wspc6y8edyXcBv/g2Yhw== -----END CERTIFICATE----- 0 609: SEQUENCE { 4 451: SEQUENCE { 8 3: [0] { 10 1: INTEGER 2 : } 13 20: INTEGER 55 C5 4D 7E 27 28 8A 94 6C E1 CE 89 06 21 7B DF 55 6D 0C B0 35 10: SEQUENCE { 37 8: OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecdsaWithSHA512 (1 2 840 10045 4 3 4) : } 47 139: SEQUENCE { 50 11: SET { 52 9: SEQUENCE { 54 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6) 59 2: PrintableString 'XX' : } : } 63 53: SET { 65 51: SEQUENCE { 67 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10) 72 44: UTF8String : 'Royal Institute of Public Key Infrastructure' : } : } 118 43: SET { 120 41: SEQUENCE { 122 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11) 127 34: UTF8String 'Post-Heffalump Research Department' : } : } 163 24: SET { 165 22: SEQUENCE { 167 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3) Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 43] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 172 15: UTF8String 'ECDSA Root - G1' : } : } : } 189 30: SEQUENCE { 191 13: UTCTime 26/05/2023 13:06:31 GMT 206 13: UTCTime 22/05/2026 13:06:31 GMT : } 221 47: SEQUENCE { 223 11: SET { 225 9: SEQUENCE { 227 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6) 232 2: PrintableString 'XX' : } : } 236 15: SET { 238 13: SEQUENCE { 240 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER surname (2 5 4 4) 245 6: UTF8String 'Yamada' : } : } 253 15: SET { 255 13: SEQUENCE { 257 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER givenName (2 5 4 42) 262 6: UTF8String 'Hanako' : } : } : } 270 89: SEQUENCE { 272 19: SEQUENCE { 274 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecPublicKey (1 2 840 10045 2 1) 283 8: OBJECT IDENTIFIER prime256v1 (1 2 840 10045 3 1 7) : } 293 66: BIT STRING : 04 42 25 48 F8 8F B7 82 FF B5 EC A3 74 44 52 C7 : 2A 1E 55 8F BD 6F 73 BE 5E 48 E9 32 32 CC 45 C5 : B1 6C 4C D1 0C 4C B8 D5 B8 A1 71 39 E9 48 82 C8 : 99 25 72 99 34 25 F4 14 19 AB 7E 90 A4 2A 49 42 : 72 : } 361 96: [3] { 363 94: SEQUENCE { 365 12: SEQUENCE { 367 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER basicConstraints (2 5 29 19) 372 1: BOOLEAN TRUE 375 2: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 377 0: SEQUENCE {} : } Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 44] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 : } 379 14: SEQUENCE { 381 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER keyUsage (2 5 29 15) 386 1: BOOLEAN TRUE 389 4: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 391 2: BIT STRING 7 unused bits : '1'B (bit 0) : } : } 395 29: SEQUENCE { 397 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER subjectKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 14) 402 22: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 404 20: OCTET STRING : 5B 70 A7 98 17 F7 9F F6 37 D2 F7 E3 DC 44 6C 21 : 09 D7 BB D4 : } : } 426 31: SEQUENCE { 428 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER authorityKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 35) 433 24: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 435 22: SEQUENCE { 437 20: [0] : 8E C2 14 09 60 76 EA 90 38 E9 39 AE 1B 6D 52 C4 : 17 7D 9F BE : } : } : } : } : } : } 459 10: SEQUENCE { 461 8: OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecdsaWithSHA512 (1 2 840 10045 4 3 4) : } 471 139: BIT STRING, encapsulates { 475 135: SEQUENCE { 478 66: INTEGER : 01 30 7E E2 64 80 3D 18 4B 76 83 37 59 23 F1 E2 : 5E CF A1 97 AE 89 83 9B 09 56 45 EE F5 7A D5 BA : A6 3E 11 6C 92 66 7E D5 A5 D2 30 80 01 7D A3 44 : 2F 94 DC F9 F8 92 14 E5 EE 66 CE 09 49 F5 B1 C9 : 39 5A 546 65: INTEGER : 62 2B D5 F8 AB 99 2F C8 75 B2 F7 B6 1B C6 43 0E : 38 37 84 AB 42 26 C1 A3 1A 6E 63 4E 12 CE 34 10 : 61 07 6C 43 CB 20 7C D6 DF 8E C1 47 C8 99 AA E3 : C2 03 DC 2C A5 CE B2 F1 E7 72 5D C0 6F FE 0D 98 : 87 : } Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 45] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 : } : } B.3.2. EC dual use end-entity certificate with encoded Delta Certificate This is an end-entity key exchange certificate which certifies an EC key. It contains a Delta Certificate Descriptor extension which includes sufficient information to the recreate the EC signing end- entity certificate. -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDyjCCAyygAwIBAgIUczxcVsNa7M9uSs598vuGatGLDuIwCgYIKoZIzj0EAwQw gYsxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlhYMTUwMwYDVQQKDCxSb3lhbCBJbnN0aXR1dGUgb2YgUHVi bGljIEtleSBJbmZyYXN0cnVjdHVyZTErMCkGA1UECwwiUG9zdC1IZWZmYWx1bXAg UmVzZWFyY2ggRGVwYXJ0bWVudDEYMBYGA1UEAwwPRUNEU0EgUm9vdCAtIEcxMB4X DTIzMDUyNjEzMDYzMVoXDTI2MDUyMjEzMDYzMVowLzELMAkGA1UEBhMCWFgxDzAN BgNVBAQMBllhbWFkYTEPMA0GA1UEKgwGSGFuYWtvMHYwEAYHKoZIzj0CAQYFK4EE ACIDYgAEWwkBuIUjKW65GdUP+hqcs3S8TUCVhigr/soRsdla27VHNK9XC/grcijP ImvPTCXdvP47GjrTlDDv92Ph1o0uFR2Rcgt3lbWNprNGOWE6j7m1qNpIxnRxF/mR noQk837Io4IBqjCCAaYwDAYDVR0TAQH/BAIwADAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCAwgwHQYD VR0OBBYEFArjoP6d1CV2mLXrcuvKDOe/PfXxMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFI7CFAlgduqQ OOk5rhttUsQXfZ++MIIBRAYKYIZIAYb6a1AGAQSCATQwggEwAhRVxU1+JyiKlGzh zokGIXvfVW0MsDBZMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHA0IABEIlSPiPt4L/teyj dERSxyoeVY+9b3O+XkjpMjLMRcWxbEzRDEy41bihcTnpSILImSVymTQl9BQZq36Q pCpJQnKkLzAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCB4AwHQYDVR0OBBYEFFtwp5gX95/2N9L349xE bCEJ17vUA4GLADCBhwJCATB+4mSAPRhLdoM3WSPx4l7PoZeuiYObCVZF7vV61bqm PhFskmZ+1aXSMIABfaNEL5Tc+fiSFOXuZs4JSfWxyTlaAkFiK9X4q5kvyHWy97Yb xkMOODeEq0ImwaMabmNOEs40EGEHbEPLIHzW347BR8iZquPCA9wspc6y8edyXcBv /g2YhzAKBggqhkjOPQQDBAOBiwAwgYcCQXY+Rtd1hMrl4tW7Is3cNjiwHNYs5L12 J5Rv+O78opL/a6UfbGpceiB1OIeBkjj/RyVCTTSQit67FWc/gmDkkyiMAkIB+YuM wRXlfQVO3ivNdTluEOAI44SjpmXo63QjwqXLViTE66mOWZHBoXL6IilEtFajrkO/ HAuJrywI2E3RoOHS+lY= -----END CERTIFICATE----- 0 970: SEQUENCE { 4 812: SEQUENCE { 8 3: [0] { 10 1: INTEGER 2 : } 13 20: INTEGER 73 3C 5C 56 C3 5A EC CF 6E 4A CE 7D F2 FB 86 6A D1 8B 0E E2 35 10: SEQUENCE { 37 8: OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecdsaWithSHA512 (1 2 840 10045 4 3 4) : } 47 139: SEQUENCE { 50 11: SET { 52 9: SEQUENCE { 54 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6) Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 46] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 59 2: PrintableString 'XX' : } : } 63 53: SET { 65 51: SEQUENCE { 67 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationName (2 5 4 10) 72 44: UTF8String : 'Royal Institute of Public Key Infrastructure' : } : } 118 43: SET { 120 41: SEQUENCE { 122 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER organizationalUnitName (2 5 4 11) 127 34: UTF8String 'Post-Heffalump Research Department' : } : } 163 24: SET { 165 22: SEQUENCE { 167 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER commonName (2 5 4 3) 172 15: UTF8String 'ECDSA Root - G1' : } : } : } 189 30: SEQUENCE { 191 13: UTCTime 26/05/2023 13:06:31 GMT 206 13: UTCTime 22/05/2026 13:06:31 GMT : } 221 47: SEQUENCE { 223 11: SET { 225 9: SEQUENCE { 227 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER countryName (2 5 4 6) 232 2: PrintableString 'XX' : } : } 236 15: SET { 238 13: SEQUENCE { 240 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER surname (2 5 4 4) 245 6: UTF8String 'Yamada' : } : } 253 15: SET { 255 13: SEQUENCE { 257 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER givenName (2 5 4 42) 262 6: UTF8String 'Hanako' : } : } : } 270 118: SEQUENCE { Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 47] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 272 16: SEQUENCE { 274 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecPublicKey (1 2 840 10045 2 1) 283 5: OBJECT IDENTIFIER secp384r1 (1 3 132 0 34) : } 290 98: BIT STRING : 04 5B 09 01 B8 85 23 29 6E B9 19 D5 0F FA 1A 9C : B3 74 BC 4D 40 95 86 28 2B FE CA 11 B1 D9 5A DB : B5 47 34 AF 57 0B F8 2B 72 28 CF 22 6B CF 4C 25 : DD BC FE 3B 1A 3A D3 94 30 EF F7 63 E1 D6 8D 2E : 15 1D 91 72 0B 77 95 B5 8D A6 B3 46 39 61 3A 8F : B9 B5 A8 DA 48 C6 74 71 17 F9 91 9E 84 24 F3 7E : C8 : } 390 426: [3] { 394 422: SEQUENCE { 398 12: SEQUENCE { 400 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER basicConstraints (2 5 29 19) 405 1: BOOLEAN TRUE 408 2: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 410 0: SEQUENCE {} : } : } 412 14: SEQUENCE { 414 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER keyUsage (2 5 29 15) 419 1: BOOLEAN TRUE 422 4: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 424 2: BIT STRING 3 unused bits : '10000'B (bit 4) : } : } 428 29: SEQUENCE { 430 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER subjectKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 14) 435 22: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 437 20: OCTET STRING : 0A E3 A0 FE 9D D4 25 76 98 B5 EB 72 EB CA 0C E7 : BF 3D F5 F1 : } : } 459 31: SEQUENCE { 461 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER authorityKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 35) 466 24: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 468 22: SEQUENCE { 470 20: [0] : 8E C2 14 09 60 76 EA 90 38 E9 39 AE 1B 6D 52 C4 : 17 7D 9F BE : } : } : } Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 48] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 492 324: SEQUENCE { 496 10: OBJECT IDENTIFIER : deltaCertificateDescriptor (2 16 840 1 114027 80 6 1) 508 308: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 512 304: SEQUENCE { 516 20: INTEGER : 55 C5 4D 7E 27 28 8A 94 6C E1 CE 89 06 21 7B DF : 55 6D 0C B0 538 89: SEQUENCE { 540 19: SEQUENCE { 542 7: OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecPublicKey (1 2 840 10045 2 1) 551 8: OBJECT IDENTIFIER prime256v1 (1 2 840 10045 3 1 7) : } 561 66: BIT STRING : 04 42 25 48 F8 8F B7 82 FF B5 EC A3 74 44 52 C7 : 2A 1E 55 8F BD 6F 73 BE 5E 48 E9 32 32 CC 45 C5 : B1 6C 4C D1 0C 4C B8 D5 B8 A1 71 39 E9 48 82 C8 : 99 25 72 99 34 25 F4 14 19 AB 7E 90 A4 2A 49 42 : 72 : } 629 47: [4] { 631 14: SEQUENCE { 633 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER keyUsage (2 5 29 15) 638 1: BOOLEAN TRUE 641 4: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 643 2: BIT STRING 7 unused bits : '1'B (bit 0) : } : } 647 29: SEQUENCE { 649 3: OBJECT IDENTIFIER subjectKeyIdentifier (2 5 29 14) 654 22: OCTET STRING, encapsulates { 656 20: OCTET STRING : 5B 70 A7 98 17 F7 9F F6 37 D2 F7 E3 DC 44 6C 21 : 09 D7 BB D4 : } : } : } 678 139: BIT STRING, encapsulates { 682 135: SEQUENCE { 685 66: INTEGER : 01 30 7E E2 64 80 3D 18 4B 76 83 37 59 23 F1 E2 : 5E CF A1 97 AE 89 83 9B 09 56 45 EE F5 7A D5 BA : A6 3E 11 6C 92 66 7E D5 A5 D2 30 80 01 7D A3 44 : 2F 94 DC F9 F8 92 14 E5 EE 66 CE 09 49 F5 B1 C9 : 39 5A 753 65: INTEGER : 62 2B D5 F8 AB 99 2F C8 75 B2 F7 B6 1B C6 43 0E Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 49] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 : 38 37 84 AB 42 26 C1 A3 1A 6E 63 4E 12 CE 34 10 : 61 07 6C 43 CB 20 7C D6 DF 8E C1 47 C8 99 AA E3 : C2 03 DC 2C A5 CE B2 F1 E7 72 5D C0 6F FE 0D 98 : 87 : } : } : } : } : } : } : } : } 820 10: SEQUENCE { 822 8: OBJECT IDENTIFIER ecdsaWithSHA512 (1 2 840 10045 4 3 4) : } 832 139: BIT STRING, encapsulates { 836 135: SEQUENCE { 839 65: INTEGER : 76 3E 46 D7 75 84 CA E5 E2 D5 BB 22 CD DC 36 38 : B0 1C D6 2C E4 BD 76 27 94 6F F8 EE FC A2 92 FF : 6B A5 1F 6C 6A 5C 7A 20 75 38 87 81 92 38 FF 47 : 25 42 4D 34 90 8A DE BB 15 67 3F 82 60 E4 93 28 : 8C 906 66: INTEGER : 01 F9 8B 8C C1 15 E5 7D 05 4E DE 2B CD 75 39 6E : 10 E0 08 E3 84 A3 A6 65 E8 EB 74 23 C2 A5 CB 56 : 24 C4 EB A9 8E 59 91 C1 A1 72 FA 22 29 44 B4 56 : A3 AE 43 BF 1C 0B 89 AF 2C 08 D8 4D D1 A0 E1 D2 : FA 56 : } : } : } Acknowledgments TODO acknowledge. Authors' Addresses C. Bonnell DigiCert Email: J. Gray Entrust Email: Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 50] Internet-Draft A Mechanism for Encoding Differences in July 2024 D. Hook KeyFactor Email: T. Okubo DigiCert Email: M. Ounsworth Entrust Email: Bonnell, et al. Expires 3 January 2025 [Page 51]