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IETF Administration LLC receives first contribution: Thanks, Comcast NBCUniversal!

24 Jan 2019

Comcast NBCUniversal, a long-time supporter of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), has made a significant contribution to the IETF Administration LLC (IETF LLC), which was established at the end of August 2018 to provide an updated administrative and legal framework for the work of the IETF.

Comcast NBC Universal


Comcast NBCUniversal's contribution is the first directed to the IETF LLC after the generous support provided by the Internet Society in establishing the IETF LLC. Comcast is already an IETF Global Host, so this extends their ongoing commitment to the IETF community and the open Internet standards process. As a new legal entity, the IETF LLC houses the IETF’s administration and fundraising efforts. This contribution exemplifies the ability envisioned for the IETF LLC to directly receive support from organizations and companies that are involved with, or use the results of, Internet standards developed by the large, open international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers that participate in the IETF.

Jason Livingood, Comcast’s Vice President for Technology Policy & Standards said, “As an IETF Global Host and longtime IETF sponsor, we supported the IETF’s effort to create the new IETF LLC and so are pleased to make a contribution to support it now - and we encourage others to do the same.”

Additional interest in supporting the work of the IETF through contributions to the IETF LLC are welcome, and may be directed to the IETF sponsorship team.

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