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Pre-IETF 110 technical update

2 Mar 2021

With the IETF 110 meeting beginning next week, this post provides an update on the steps that have been taken since IETF 109 to improve the technical services that support participation in IETF online meetings.

Based on a review of feedback received and data collected during and after the IETF 109 meeting, we set a plan for addressing areas identified as requiring improvement, including support processes, production service testing ahead of the meeting, and service monitoring during the meeting.

Integration manager and incident controller

Sean Croghan, the IETF Network Operations Center (NOC) Lead, serves as the integration manager and incident controller for IETF 110. He has ensured meeting services have been tested as an integrated suite at the scale, scope, volume, and duration expected during the meeting. Sean will also serve as incident controller during IETF 110 to ensure all reported issues are quickly and appropriately investigated, and meeting participants are kept informed as services are restored as quickly as possible.

Production Service Testing

Since IETF 109, the IETF NOC team has put in place and carried out extensive testing of services to be used for IETF 110. This includes client test machines staged at various locations around the world to create over 400 virtual attendees that mimic real attendees signing into and participating in Meetecho sessions more than an hour long with hundreds of Datatracker logins. In addition the team has conducted extensive component/service failover testing. The NOC team reports being very happy with the results of the testing.

Support and monitoring

The NOC has extended the meeting monitoring to include services and systems that are external to the NOC’s direct control, but important to meeting services. Additional detail is now available on the public-facing IETF Meeting Dashboard. There is also a new Incident Detail page, which will allow meeting participants to track any issues that arise as they are addressed by the NOC.

Single location for Issue Reporting
We have unified the reporting system for meeting issues to make it simpler to report problems. Any technical problem or issue encountered during the meeting, can be sent via email to More information about how to report various issues is available via the main IETF 110 meeting webpage.

Next steps

As always, we will be conducting a post-meeting survey and look forward to the responses so that we may further improve all aspects of the IETF meeting experience. We will also be watching closely the monitoring systems the NOC has put in place, and I want to thank them for their efforts to prepare for the meeting. Finally, I look forward to seeing many of you participating in IETF 110 in the Gather space throughout the meeting week and welcome your feedback there.

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