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20 Apr 2014

The two-day NETmundial conference that starts on Wednesday. Me, Russ, and several other IETFers are attending this event.

NetMundial Meeting logo

The agenda for the meeting can be found here and a draft outcome document can be viewed here. Comments can be provided (until tomorrow April 21st), and several organisations, such as ISOC, are submitting feedback. Much of the discussion is on high-level topics, such as principles and roadmaps for Internet Governance.

But even more concrete topics, such as IANA transition will be on the agenda. (This reminds me that we have an ongoing discussion on IAB’s internetgovtech list about the IANA changes process; please comment.)

Remote participation is possible, the details are here.

We will provide a brief summary once the meeting is over.

Update Apr 25th: An outcome document is now available. This is the result of a panel editing a draft, based on discussions before and during the meeting. I will post more information and some of my own observations about this topic in the next couple of days.

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