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New Version of the Tao of the IETF

23 May 2019

Since 1993 the Tao of the IETF has functioned as the guide for new attendees to the IETF. Over time both the IETF and the Tao have changed. The last revision of the Tao was in 2012, which led us to believe it might be time for a new version.

Screenshot of the New Tao of the IETF

This new version is what we would like to present to you today. 

We, the editors, have built on the work of great editors before us, and benefited greatly from suggestions, comments, and reviews from the community in general, and from the tao-discuss list and the Internet Engineering Steering Group specifically. 

We hope you will deem the new version of the Tao an improvement, and above all we hope this will help and stimulate new participants to become part of our community.

Translations of previous versions of the Tao have been contributed by several organizations. If you or your organization would be interested in contributing a translation of this updated version, please contact the IETF Chair.

If you have comments, questions or suggestions, these are all very welcome on the tao-discuss list, and we are also very happy suggestions in the form of pull requests on Github.

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