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Support for MLS
18 Jul 2023
Messaging Layer Security (MLS) has been developed with broad participation and input to make it easy for apps to provide the highest level of end-to-end security for their users
Read more about how MLS was developed, is designed to be efficient and secure, and can be easily updated.
“The Messaging Layer Security protocol (MLS) is truly remarkable. It is the culmination of close global collaboration between engineers, applied cryptographers, security professionals, and private citizens from across industry, academia, and the wider public. MLS’s design was created from the ground up with a privacy first approach to security by design, openness, best practices and countless hard won-lessons gained over decades of cryptographic protocol design and secure communication. As a result, MLS embodies the state-of-the-art in end-to-end encryption with unmatched flexibility, scalability, agility, and resilience. This makes MLS a truly powerful tool in the defense of privacy and digital security.
“Since the early days of MLS, AWS has been a core contributor by sharing our cryptographic expertise and engineering experience. We are proud to have been a part of this major milestone on our collective path towards a more private and secure world and look forward to MLS becoming a central pillar of how people and devices communicate.”
Joël Alwen, Principal Applied Scientist with AWS Wickr
“Cisco is committed to providing collaboration solutions that ensure the privacy and security of users and their content. We've supported the Messaging Layer Security (MLS) effort since its inception — including by using a draft version of MLS for Webex Zero Trust meetings — and are delighted to welcome the publication of the MLS protocol standard. We're looking forward to using MLS to enable stronger end-to-end security in Webex meetings and more places to come.”
Richard Barnes, Distinguished Engineer, Security and Collaboration, Cisco
“As an advocate for a more secure and trustworthy Internet, Cloudflare welcomes the publication of the Messaging Layer Security (MLS) protocol standard. We believe that the focus on end-to-end security for group communication aligns perfectly with our mission to help build a better Internet. With MLS, we see a future where large-scale, dynamic group communication can be private, secure, and efficient. We are eager to support and adopt this promising new standard, reinforcing our pledge to deliver top-tier security solutions for a safer and more secure digital world.”
Nick Sullivan, Head of Research, Cloudflare
"As the first open standard for end-to-end encrypted messaging, Messaging Layer Security (MLS) fills a critical protocol gap for secure, modern messaging. With seven years of development, MLS is mature and rigorously validated, making it the ideal choice to provide the security foundations of interoperable messaging."
Giles Hogben, Director of Privacy Engineering, Android
The Foundation
“Matrix is a strong proponent of open standards and secure communication, so MLS is a great fit for us. We’re pleased to have participated in the standardization process, along with many other organizations. By being produced in the open in the IETF process, MLS will benefit from the experience and knowledge of many groups and individuals.
“MLS provides more opportunities for improving the security of conversations in Matrix thanks to being formally standardised in the IETF process, helping open the door to formal methods analysis for correctness. MLS is particularly useful for conversations with large numbers of encrypted devices, thanks to its algorithmic improvements over the Double Ratchet.
“We have been working on integrating MLS into Matrix to take advantage of its benefits; the biggest task has been developing extensions to enable MLS to operate in a decentralized environment - see for details. With other interested parties, we’re continuing to develop decentralized best practices for MLS (so-called Decentralized MLS) that will work without modification in a decentralized environment such as Matrix or IETF’s MIMI which should be available for testing later in the year.”
Matthew Hodgson, Technical co-founder, Matrix
“Meta is happy to see the publication of the Messaging Layer Security standard. We conducted early research into Ratchet Trees alongside collaborators from Oxford University, and are delighted to have been able to contribute to the MLS working group as it improved upon these ideas to develop a viable scalable end-to-end encryption protocol. We look forward to seeing MLS helping applications across industry to deploy end-to-end encryption, which is a vital privacy measure.”
Jon Millican, Meta Engineer
“The publication of the Messaging Layer Security (MLS) protocol standard is an important step toward more modern and secure multi-party communications. Although end-to-end encryption is at the heart of this initiative, interoperability, scalability, and performance were significant goals met along the way. Mozilla is proud to support this new standard, which will improve security and privacy to all internet users.”
Benjamin Beurdouche, Security Researcher, Mozilla
Phoenix R&D
“MLS was born from the industry’s desire to have a fully-specified and well-analyzed protocol for end-to-end encryption. The final version not only addresses that, but also makes group communication more efficient and paves the way for modern messaging architectures.
“We are glad we could co-author the MLS protocol and help turn it into something that can be used in multiple deployment scenarios. We see the publication of the RFC as an important milestone toward a future with more ubiquitous end-to-end encryption.
“We believe that accessibility to encryption technology is vital, and to that end we complement the specification with a general-purpose, open-source implementation: OpenMLS. Along with our partners at Cryspen, we have evolved OpenMLS into a software library that can be used in various projects. OpenMLS is licensed under the MIT license to minimize friction and make it broadly accessible.”
Raphael Robert, CEO, Phoenix R&D
“The advent of Messaging Layer Security marks a monumental leap forward in establishing secure communications, poised to redefine the entire communications industry permanently.
“Previously, technologies like Voice-over-IP and WebRTC played a significant role in democratizing global communication. Now, with MLS, we are building upon this success to again impact billions of people and achieve secure communication at an unprecedented scale. Moreover, MLS serves as an essential technical foundation, enabling interoperability between encrypted messaging solutions on an Internet-wide level.”
Alan Duric, Co-Founder and Chief Scientist, Wire