This document extends the use of DNS NOTIFY which is described in RFC 1996. It is well written and clear for its scope, but I have few suggestions. I think that Appendix A on "Efficiency and Convergence Issues in DNS Scanning" is quite relevant to understand the use cases that this document aims to address, and therefore, it could be moved earlier in this document, e.g. as a subsection of the Introduction. I would add a sentence at the beginning of section 2 on "DSYNC RR Type" just to introduce what is defined in this section, i.e. a new RR TYPE for endpoint discovery. From an OPSDIR point of view, I noticed that some references about the deployment are provided in section 7 on "Implementation Status". Since this section is supposed to be removed before publication, I would rather keep it and summarize the main results of the implementation especially with regards to interoperability and backwards compatibility aspects.