Title: SPEECHSC Requirements for W3C MMI Standards Source: IETF SPEECHSC Work Group To: W3C Multimedia Interaction Work Group Contact Persons: Name: Eric Burger Tel. Number: +1 603 890 7587 E-Mail: eburger@brooktrout.com Name: Dave Oran Tel. Number: +1 978 264 2048 E-Mail: oran@cisco.com 1. Overall Description: The speechsc Work Group is tasked with developing protocols to support distributed media processing of audio streams. The focus of this working group is to develop protocols to support ASR, TTS, and SV. The working group will only focus on the secure distributed control of these servers. The full description of the SPEECSC Charter, including documents and milestones, can be found here: http://ietf.org/html.charters/speechsc-charter.html A supplemental work group web page can be found here: http://flyingfox.snowshore.com/i-d/speechsc 2. Background to Request The consensus of the SPEECHSC work group is that EMMA is the preferred encoding for speech recognition results for MRCPv2 transport. It is our plan to require MRCPv2-conforming protocol endpoints to support EMMA (currently referenced at ). This will occur once EMMA reaches Candidate Recommendation status. However, it is our understanding that this will not happen until mid-2005. Because there is a demand for MRCPv2 today, we need a normative reference to a recognition markup. The consensus of the SPEECHSC work group is that NLSML (currently referenced at ) is closest to our needs. However, there is no normative (Candidate Recommendation or later) for NLSML. Until the W3C publishes EMMA as a Candidate Recommendation, MRCPv2 endpoints will be required to support a different markup. However, once EMMA is published, it will be the default, required markup for returning recognition results. This markup will not be called NLSML. MRCPv2 will include a negotiation mechanism such that follow-on markups to EMMA will be automatically supported by the protocol. 3. Requests to W3C: A) Please keep us informed to the progress of EMMA. B) Please progress EMMA to Candidate Recommendation as fast as possible. C) It is our intention to reference the NLSML specification, per the W3C copyright rules specified in the NLSML specification, found at --