What to expect: Guides Edition
This document is an overview of the IETF Guides Program, including basic information, a recommended schedule of interaction and suggestions for communicating with your assigned New Participant.
Welcome to the Guides Program! Thank you for volunteering to help new IETF participants get the most out of the IETF meeting. Your generosity is greatly appreciated! Many participants have said that having a Guide greatly improved their introduction to the IETF. Guides have said that they equally benefited from the experience.
If you have any questions, please contact the IETF Guides Program leads.
- The Guides FAQ will help answer common questions. The Guides Program Expectations outlines the expected standard behavior. We suggest reading both the FAQ and Expectations prior to signing up to be a Guide.
- It may take some time for your assigned New Participant to determine what their goals are in relation to their participation in the IETF. Guides can assist New Participants to help discover their goals and provide guidance in use of IETF procedures and common practices to achieve those goals.
- Either the Guide or the New Participant may request a new match at any time. If this occurs, please notify the program leads so that replacements can be found.
- Guides need to be available for a few conversations, email communications and in-person connection during an IETF meeting. Any additional time provided is purely optional and for the benefit of both parties.
- A sample schedule for this journey is provided below and can be modified as needed.
This is an example of what a typical interaction schedule could look like between a Guide and their New Participant. The timing will vary depending on the schedules, availability, and time zones of each person involved. When you start interacting with the New Participant will depend on when you were connected with your Participant. The goal is to make your best effort.
Timing | Communication |
2-3 weeks prior to the IETF meeting | Introduction email
1 week prior to the IETF meeting | Check-in with your New Participant
IETF meeting week | Meet up with your New Participant
Post meeting week (not required) | Follow-up with your New Participant
Suggestions for first-time discussion with your assigned New Participant:
- General introductions/background
- What is the New Participant’s goal for the IETF meeting?
- Bringing a specific proposal or contribution to the IETF?
- Interested in specific sessions or areas?
- Employer sending you to the IETF to find out more about a particular topic and how they can get involved?
- No specific goal - just want to understand how the IETF works?
- Look at some of the areas that were in the matching email.
- Depending on how familiar they are with the IETF organization, do a general review of how the IETF works
- Suggest participating in the New Participant activities and joining the mailing list if they have not already done so
- New Participant Meetecho Test Sessions (2 weeks prior to the IETF and 1 during the meeting week)
- New Participant Overview
- Quick Connections
See the New Participants page for upcoming IETF Meetings for details of when these sessions take place.
- Review the agenda and make some suggestions on which sessions they should attend
- Let the New Participant know how best to contact you and your general availability - trade contact information.
- Additional topics of conversation
- IETF Toolchain
- Meeting agenda and wiki
- IETF App
- Zulip
- Meetecho
- Datatracker (where all Internet Drafts, Working Group and Research group agenda’s and RFCs can be found, and more)
- Webpage about getting the most out of IETF
- Webpage about IETF process
- Specific questions about mutual topics of interest
- relevant working groups or research groups
- relevant authors, working group chairs and area directors.
Here is a sample email to your assigned new participant:
SUBJECT: IETF Guides Program - Introduction
I have been assigned as your IETF Guide for the upcoming IETF XXX, in <INSERT CITY HERE>.
Prior to the IETF meeting, I would like to have a <CALL, TELECONFERENCE, ETC> so we can discuss the IETF meeting, your areas of interest and how to make the most of our Guide/New Participant experience.
The best way to contact me is <FILL IN HERE>.
For more information, please see the following documents:
What to Expect: New Participant Edition
I look forward to connecting with you.
Best regards,