Managed Incident Lightweight Exchange (MILE) Minutes Monday Afternoon session II 16:10-18:10, November 5, (Bangkok) Chairs: Nancy Cam-Winget and Takeshi Takahashi, Note Takers: Chris Inacio and Roman Danilyw Jabber scribe: Bret Jordan MILE status =========== presenters: chairs slides: The chairs summarized the status of the WG -- updated charter language and associated drafts. Per draft-ietf-mile-rolie-csirt-00: Q: (Nancy) Are there volunteers to review the CSIRT ROILE drafts? A: Roman. Mike, Wei(??), Frank Q: (Nancy) Are there volunteers to help with the STIX mapping to ROILE? A: Bret would work with Stephen on doing that mapping Bret already has a bunch of text, needs answers from Banghart/Waltermire to finish up ROLIE CSIRT extension is expired draft; reach out to Banghart and/or Waltermire to submit WG draft XMPP Grid ========= presenter: Nancy Cam Winget draft: draft-ietf-mile-xmpp-grid-07 Nancy Cam-Winget summarized status of the XMPP grid draft. Tried to get rid of NITS in submission, and moved XEP's from Normative to Informative, although they are likely to be Normative. Will work with AD and publication to fix if needed. JSON IODEF ========== presenters: Takeshi Takahashi, Mio Suzuki draft: draft-ietf-mile-jsoniodef-06 slides (draft overview): slides (JSON-XML converter): Takeshi Takahashi summarized the status on the JSON-IODEF draft. Authors believe the draft is ready for WGLC. Q: (Bret Jordan): There is limited tooling for CDDL - to consume or process. There there is going to be adoption, programming support is needed A: (Alexey Melnikov): I'm not sure that's true A: (Takeshi Takahashi): We are using the CDL tool developed by Carsten A: (Alexey Melnikov): CDDL is about to be completed and is going through WGLC A: (Bret Jordan): Wants it to have more programming languages and support and adoption by industry; worried that we shouldn't use it in our stanadards without larger adoption A: (Nancy): has listed tools Q: (Frank Liang Xia): Why did you switch from JSON to CBOR since compactness of format isn't a priority here A: (Takeshi Takahashi): JSON schema was not ready at the time. CDDL provides an approach for a schema A: (Chris Inacio): CDDL is the schema definition language; and CDDL also allows the ability to act as a schema for JSON A: (Alexey Melnikov): CDDL has directly generate JSON (but certain typing will be lost) Errata in IODEFv2 found and converting REAL to xs:Float to enable conversion Alexey Melnikov: working group agrees to errata and I'll approve it Roman Danyliw: Yes, errata is correct Alexey Melnikov: approve errata message Roman Danyliw: yes I will Roman Danyliw: second errata is correct as well, will respond to errata request Chair: reviewer please Frank will review Chair: by December Frank: Yes Mio Suzuki summarized progress and showed a demon of a XML-to-JSON converter tool refined at this year's Hackathon. done.