AGENDA 1. Data Discovery Michael McBride If data is the new oil of the 21st century, then we need a standardized way of locating, capturing, classifying and transforming this raw data to generate insights and recommendations. Data, like oil, needs to be discovered and captured in order to be refined and valuable. While the topic of data discovery can be far reaching, a set of documents focuses on the problem of actually locating data, throughout a network of data servers, including edge and mobile, in a standardized way. ---- 2. Generic Ciphertext Format Yaron Sheffer NIST standards define the basic format of encrypted data, such as raw binary data encrypted with AES. But many organizations need to manage encrypted data at scale, and to enable that, the bare ciphertext must be augmented with metadata. The extra metadata typically appears as a header. It may include the identity of the key that encrypted the data, the key’s version, and possibly other information. This format needs to be standardized in order to allow multiple crypto libraries and multiple key management systems to interoperate. I present a simple format that addresses this need. My goal is to team up with others who are interested in this space, hopefully leading to a BoF. Draft format: Follow up directly with me: ----