- 2002/11/20

[10:58] %% andersa has arrived.
[11:18] %% has arrived.
[11:21] %% mallman has arrived.
[11:27] %% jhutz has arrived.
[11:37] %% rhg has arrived.
[11:58] %% mlshore has arrived.
[12:03] %% jis has arrived.
[12:06] %% tbamonti has arrived.
[12:06] %% tbamonti has left.
[12:07] %% rhg has left.
[12:08] %% mallman has left.
[12:08] <jis> not much happening, eh?
[12:10] <jhutz> Nope. I guess AAA doesn't have anyone doing the jabber thing
[12:13] <> They had enough trouble finding two regular scribes.
[12:16] %% john loughney has arrived.
[12:17] <jhutz> I know this is off-topic, but are either of you planning on paying attention to the trigtran BOF?
[12:18] <> Allison is the sponsoring AD; she hasn't asked me yet.
[12:21] <john loughney> I had a chat with the trigtran folks at breakfast - some possible usage in the wireless space
[12:22] <jhutz> Yeah; it looks interesting (I'm in their BOF now).
[12:24] <john loughney> more intersting than aaa, I bet.
[12:24] %% john loughney has left.
[12:26] <jhutz> security issues coming up soon in trigtran, I think. I'll confine further comments to the appropriate conference
[12:31] %% mrose has arrived.
[12:31] <> ACK.
[12:33] %% john loughney has arrived.
[12:40] %% john loughney has left.
[12:40] %% andersa has left.
[12:40] %% has left.
[12:48] %% mlshore has left.
[12:49] %% _ruffi_ has arrived.
[12:49] %% _ruffi_ has left.
[12:51] %% jhutz has left.
[12:57] %% mrose has left.
[13:00] %% TheOuch has arrived.
[13:07] %% hta has arrived.
[13:09] %% hta has left.
[13:26] %% jis has left.
[13:26] %% jis has arrived.
[13:26] %% jis has left.
[14:28] %% TheOuch has left.