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LDP Implementation Survey Results
12 Responses
10 Public, 2 Anonymous.
10 Product; 2 Beta
11 On sale; 1 Other
Implementation Approach
7 From spec;
4 Purchased/free code + additions;
1 Purchased code.

Every item in survey questionnaire implemented by at least 2 respondents.
Each of the 8 Label Distribution Modes implemented and tested;
8t 2y 2n DU, Ord Cntl, Lib Reten 6t 1y 5n DU, Ord Cntl, Con Reten
7t 1y 4n DU Ind Cntl, Lib Reten 6t 0y 6n DU, Ind Cntl, Con Reten
7t 1y 4n DoD Ord Cntl, Cons Reten 4t 3y 5n DoD, Ord Cntl, Lib Reten
6t 1y 5n DoD, Ind Cntl, Cons Reten 4t 2y 6n DoD, Ind, Cntl, Lib Reten
Platform and Interface Label Spaces both widely supported.
12t 0y 0n Per Platform 7t 1y 4n Per Interface
Basic and Targeted Sessions both widely supported.
12t 0y 0n Basic/Directly Connected 11t 1y 0n Targeted
TCP MD5 Option not widely implemented.
3t 1y 8n
PPT Version