- 2003/03/17

[08:51] %% jaltman has arrived.
[09:40] %% mls has arrived.
[09:46] %% hildjj has arrived.
[09:46] %% mrose has arrived.
[09:47] <mrose> jeff - hi!
[09:47] <jaltman> hi marshall
[09:47] <mls> hi marshall
[09:48] <mrose> regrettably, i'm going to be in netconf this morning... can someone get someone to scribe in apparea?
[09:48] <jaltman> I think I will be in IPR
[09:49] <mls> I am not on-site
[09:49] <mrose> well, i'll scribe in netconf... can you scribe in ipr
[09:50] %% michael has arrived.
[09:52] %% rjs3 has arrived.
[09:53] %% paf has arrived.
[09:57] <paf> Anyone interested in jabbering apparea for us?
[09:59] <mrose> i'll jabber in netconf...
[10:02] <michael> I'll try and help out..... It works better if you have at least two who will pick up the slack of the other.
[10:02] <paf> Thanks!
[10:02] <paf> I will be around as well of course.
[10:06] <michael> np
[10:08] %% TonyHansen has arrived.
[10:09] %% pgmillard has arrived.
[10:12] %% jaltman has left.
[10:17] %% leg has arrived.
[10:18] %% dblacka has arrived.
[10:27] <michael> Slide appears: Application Area Open Meeting IETF 56
[10:27] %% jaltman has arrived.
[10:27] %% mls has left.
[10:27] %% pgmillard has left.
[10:28] %% mls has arrived.
[10:28] <michael> Agenda: thanks to paf for long service
[10:28] <michael> IPv6 issues
[10:28] <michael> Phil Nesser's drafts
[10:28] <michael> Site Local issues
[10:29] %% pgmillard has arrived.
[10:29] <michael> Slide: Thanks Patrik!
[10:29] <michael> (Applause)
[10:30] <michael> Slide: IPv6 issues
[10:31] <michael> Site Local -- Margaret Wasserman
[10:31] <michael> Ipv4 specifivicyt: (fell off the slide)
[10:32] <michael> its a list of application layer issues with IPv6.....
[10:32] <michael> waiting on Margeret Wasserman....
[10:32] <michael> moving on in the meantime....
[10:34] <michael> Area Advisor plan slide. Lots of working group names with either Ted or Ned beside it (the {T|N}ed Show}
[10:34] <michael> Ted is pretty much taking on the groups that paf was handling
[10:36] <michael> going back to the IPv6 presentation
[10:36] <michael> HIstory: a few IETFs ago the apps area was charged with looking at hte application layer impacts of Ipv6
[10:38] <michael> Slide: Impact of Site-Local Addressing on Applications
[10:38] <michael> Slide: What is Site-Local
[10:38] <michael> IPv6 introduces scoped unicast addressing
[10:38] <michael> Link-local, site-local and global
[10:39] <michael> Site-local addresses are constrained to a single administrative site (not well-defined)
[10:39] <michael> Packets to/from site-local addresses are dropped at site borders
[10:41] %% gk has arrived.
[10:43] %% pgmillard has left.
[10:47] %% pgmillard has arrived.
[10:48] %% stephennadas has arrived.
[10:48] %% kibozer has arrived.
[10:51] <leg> as if v4 to v6 isn't hard enough without these sorts of worries...
[10:51] <paf> Is not the solution to just use global addresses?
[10:52] %% michael has left.
[10:52] %% mls has left.
[10:52] %% leg has left.
[10:53] %% michael has arrived.
[10:53] %% Akuma has arrived.
[10:53] <michael> I think the application layer policy is to only ever use global addresses....
[10:53] %% pgmillard has left.
[10:53] * Akuma idles
[10:54] <paf> Exactly my thinking (not as AD, just as a person which have been concerned about the complicated design that just has been described).
[10:54] <michael> does this strike anyone else as a layer violation?
[10:56] %% gk has left.
[10:57] %% pgmillard has arrived.
[10:57] %% mls has arrived.
[10:57] %% pmodi_ipu has arrived.
[10:57] %% pmodi_ipu has left.
[10:58] %% pmodi_ipu has arrived.
[10:58] %% pmodi_ipu has left.
[10:59] <hildjj> margaret: "i don't know who is on the security directorate; they're very secretive"
[11:00] %% leg has arrived.
[11:02] <michael> there seems to be a concensus that if site-local requires UI changes it will never be used.
[11:03] <leg> who are arguing for the non-limited approach?
[11:03] <hildjj> margaret: "all IPv6 nodes will have multiple addresses"
[11:03] %% stephennadas has left.
[11:04] <hildjj> margaret: "i think of dns as an application"
[11:04] <hildjj> (sorry, i'm just pulling out quotes that strike me as interesting)
[11:05] <hildjj> resnick: reversability?
[11:05] <hildjj> margaret: same as v4, more or less
[11:05] <hildjj> crocker: "nixon: we could do it, but it would be wrong"
[11:06] %% wcw has arrived.
[11:06] <hildjj> crocker: the protocols don't know about the topology of the network, which is a **good** thing.
[11:06] <leg> crocker: "massively more complicated than can possibly justified"
[11:07] %% pgmillard has left.
[11:08] * Akuma feels like a blind man with a (suspected) elephant in front of him
[11:09] %% pgmillard has arrived.
[11:09] %% michael has left.
[11:10] %% michael has arrived.
[11:10] <hildjj> who is the speaker?
[11:11] <paf> Now Martin Düerst.
[11:14] <michael> slide: documents in queueuueue a long time
[11:15] <michael> There are a number of docs that have been in queue a long time, but we're working on it. Please check the data tracker, make sure your document is in the state you expect. Please help Ted understand the docs.
[11:15] <michael> new tracker feature: event notification
[11:16] %% gk has arrived.
[11:17] <hildjj> how about an RSS feed?
[11:20] <leg> mailing list, imap interface, etc., too
[11:24] <hildjj> lemonade...
[11:24] %% wcw has left.
[11:24] <hildjj> follow-on to vpim
[11:24] <hildjj> vpim focus on server to server
[11:25] <hildjj> lemonade focus on client to server
[11:27] %% Olaf has arrived.
[11:27] <hildjj> imap-ext is trying to meet. are there rooms available?
[11:27] <hildjj> open mike.
[11:28] %% randy has arrived.
[11:28] %% mls has left.
[11:29] <leg> yay pete!
[11:31] %% wcw has arrived.
[11:34] %% pgmillard has left.
[11:35] %% hildjj has left.
[11:35] %% wcw has left.
[11:37] %% TonyHansen has left.
[11:39] %% dblacka has left.
[11:39] %% Akuma has left.
[11:40] %% Olaf has left.
[11:41] %% rjs3 has left.
[11:42] %% paf has left.
[11:44] %% leg has left.
[11:53] %% michael has left.
[11:57] %% jaltman has left.
[12:06] %% randy has left.
[12:13] %% Akuma has arrived.
[12:13] %% gk has left.
[12:15] %% TonyHansen has arrived.
[12:19] %% TonyHansen has left.
[12:27] %% wcw has arrived.
[12:27] %% wcw has left.
[12:29] %% kibozer has left.
[12:30] %% mls has arrived.
[12:30] %% michael has arrived.
[12:32] %% mls has left.
[12:36] %% michael has left.
[12:36] %% michael has arrived.
[12:36] %% michael has left.
[13:08] %% mrose has left.
[13:43] %% Akuma has left.
[14:40] %% kibozer has arrived.
[15:05] %% kibozer has left.
[15:07] %% kibozer has arrived.
[15:09] %% randy has arrived.
[15:10] %% randy has left.
[15:13] %% kibozer has left.
[15:13] %% kibozer has arrived.
[16:25] %% Akuma has arrived.
[16:39] %% kibozer has left.
[16:52] %% kibozer has arrived.
[17:38] %% Akuma has left.
[18:11] %% akstebbens has arrived.
[18:15] %% akstebbens has left.
[18:43] %% kibozer has left.
[18:43] %% kibozer has arrived.
[18:59] %% kibozer has left.
[20:33] %% Akuma has arrived.
[20:34] %% Akuma has left.