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First published two IETF ago,
Addresses a CCAMP WG item of the new charter:

Define signaling and routing mechanisms to make possible the creation of paths that span multiple IGP areas, multiple ASes, and multiple providers, including techniques for crankback.

The draft defines two scenarios for signalling and routing of TE LSPs spanning multiples ASes
Per-AS path computation
Distributed path computation between PCSes (ASBR)

Can be used in combination with Hierarchical LSPs, crankback, …

draft-vasseur-mpls-loose-path-reopt-01.txt proposes a set of mechanisms allowing a Head-end to exert a strict control on the TE LSP reoptimization process and draft-ietf-mpls-nodeid-subobject-00.txt to support MPLS TE Fast Reroute
draft-vasseur-inter-AS-TE-01.txt IETF-58 Minneapolis
PPT Version