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Proposed improved Algorithms Transmitter sequence number training algorithm*
Transmitted sequence number reset:
Initialize start, mid, end sequence numbers. Initialize a counter to 0.
Start = 1 (MPLS PW) or 0 (L2TPv3 PW)
Mid = 32768 (MPLS PW) or 8388607 (L2TPv3 PW)
End = 65535 (MPLS PW) or 16777215 (L2TPv3 PW)
Send the start-seq-#
Send the mid-seq-#
Send the last-seq-#
If count !=3, bump count and go back to step 2, once count == 3, return to normal sequence number incrementing, i.e. 2,3,4,5,6,....
This process should retrain the peer’s receiver sequence number with minimal to no packet loss.
* Patent filed
PPT Version