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SEED Overview
Feistel structure with 16 rounds
128-bit input/output data block size
128-bit key length
Robust against known attacks such as DC, LC and key related attacks
Effectively implemented in software as well as hardware
Licensing or royalty payments are not required
Korean national-recommended algorithm
Mandatory in most area in Korea
Feedback from ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27
No shortcomings in the strength of the algorithm are found
SEED OID is defined in ISO/IEC 9594-8
iso(1) standard(0) encryption-algorithms(18033) part(3) cipher-128-bit (2) seed(3)
Currently selected official block ciphers
Accepted : 3DES, AES, MISTY, Camellia
Rejected : IDEA, Khazad
TBD : SEED, CAST128 (Determined by this coming April)
PPT Version