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CPCP Issue 8: Re-inviting/re-referring participants that dropped out or did not answer (Cont.)
Proposal 3: Re-write the whole DL. This triggers the focus to go through the DL a see which participants are currently participating and invite the ones that are not.
This does not work very well since the focus might invite users that don't want to re-join.
Proposal 4: Remove the user from the DL then add them again. This requires 2 round trips
Proposal 5: Make the 're-invite' attribute a Boolean. Default is false. It is set to true when a user is needed to be re-invited. The focus then resets it back to false after it has invited the user
Proposal 6: Focus should know if termination was abnormal and it is focus policy decision to re-INVITE (re-REFER). A user that gracefully dropped out can re-join if the moderator adds him/her to the ACL.
I’m leaning towards 6.
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