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Changes to Draft
Numerous editorial changes to clean up language: IKE Peers ? IPSec Peer, VPN Peer ? IPSec Peer, VPN Administration function replaced with Admin after saying would refer to it as such, certificate ? PKC.
Figure 1 Architecture Framework for VPN-PKI Interactions split in to three pictures.  Figure 1 now in 2.1 depicts just the VPN System.  Figure 2 in 2.2 now depicts just the PKI system.  Figure 3 in 2, 3 now shows the interactions (former Figure 1).
Added subsections to 2.3 to address New PKC, Renewal PKC, and Revocation.  Pictures were added to each to explain show the interactions for the IPsec Peer generated keys and PKC request.  Other options should be explictly described in Section 3.  Updated description of steps accordingly.
PPT Version