1  2  3  4 

Issues 31, 44, 45, 48
All comments in these issues accepted except from IPR notices, which were already conforming the guidelines
MIB modules are now put under mib-2 and not anymore under radiusMIB and added IANA considerations for this
Added a statement that these MIB modules can be implemented independent from RFC2618-21 and these RFCs are informative references. Next step: change this to draft-nelson-rfc26xxbis-00.txt
radiusDynAuthClientIdentifier removed
editorial/grammar/format improvements
duplications in server and client MIBs avoided
radiusDynAuthServerIndex and radiusDynAuthClientIndex more clear in saying that this number is allocated by the agent implementing this MIB module and unique in this context
REFERENCE and UNITS clauses added where useful
radiusDynAuthClientRoundTripTime is initially zero
many other smaller improvements and nits are solved

PPT Version