IEE BOF - IETF 64 Vancouver

BOF name: International Email and Extensions (IEE)
BOF area: Apps
BOF chairs: Harald Alvestrand
Date and time: Thursday, November 10, at 0900-1130
Additional BOF page:


Introduction, agenda bashing. Circa 10 minutes.

Review of the general approach. Participants will be expected to have read at least the documents listed below. Circa 20 minutes.

Review and discussion of the proposed charter. 20 minutes

Specific document review and discussion. 70-100 minutes

Document set

Proposed WG charter

Overview and Framework for Internationalized Email

SMTP extension for internationalized email address
Describes the "IMA" SMTP extension negotiating support for messages that use UTF-8 in addresses and headers

Transmission of Email Headers in UTF-8 Encoding
Describes considerations for using UTF-8 in email headers

Downgrading mechanism for Internationalized eMail Address
Describes procedures for sending an IMA message to non-IMA recipients