The DKIM Working Group meeting was called to order at 09:00 Pacific Standard Time on 7 Nov 2006, in San Diego, CA. About 75 people were in attendance. The base document finished IETF last call on Nov 7. The few comments received are being processed by the editors and working group chairs. We went over the open issues with the "sender signing policy requirements" document. A major meta-issue there, which we discussed for a while, is what to do with the document, ultimately: should it become an informational RFC, or should it just live as a draft document, guiding the development of the signing policy specification(s), and then expire? After a surprising amount of discussion on that point, we got a "hum" from the room marginally in favour of making it an informational RFC. Next, three participants presented their proposals for specific details of a signing policy specification. We limited discussion during the presentations, and had an open-mike period afterward. Phillip Hallam-Baker's presentation offered a mix-and-match set of three independent aspects, and it was well received. It seems likely that at least some parts of his proposal will become part of the final specification. Tony Hansen reviewed the status of the DKIM Overview document, and we got another "hum" from the room about preference to put the document out soon, to aid implementations of the DKIM base, with a possible second version later, covering subsequent topics... or to publish the overview document only after the working group completes (or largely completes) the rest of its work. The consensus was again not overwhelming, and was marginally in favour of publishing a first version now. Paul Hoffman presented a brief overview of a reputation protocol, Vouch By Reference, that's being experimented with by the Domain Assurance Council, an organization he runs. Finally, we revised the SSP milestone, deciding to set a new date of July '07 for a final SSP spec, and to add a new milestone for February for the working group's acceptance of an SSP spec as a working group document. The meeting was adjourned at 11:35 Pacific Standard Time. -- Barry Leiba, DKIM Working Group co-chair