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Changes from Interim meeting
Reading of the draft still bother some people. Suggestion was the delete section 3 and provide a short labels as subsection heading in Section 5 with a reference to Figure 2 – No change at this point
Move most of QoS, Policy and media functions from flow draft to architecture draft. – Only policy and media (within media some brief QoS discussion)
How much media discussion should be on the draft? (Transcoding, QoS, Media Relay, etc). – We should have a section (possibly MF) that discusses briefly these issues.
Is a description of which entities perform what functions needed? – PF was incorporated into other functions and aligned with the terminology discussed on the list (Peer/Session independent/Dependent)
Should we remove all mentions of speermint on the draft? - yes
How much of the federation concept should be on the draft? – yes, part of the draft.
Do we need a canonical example on the architecture draft? – No, call flows has it
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