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Comments & Resolutions

Why not use a Link_Handover_Imminent primitive of 802.21 instead of a Link_Going_Down ?
According to 802.21 document, a Link_Going_Down is more appropriate than a Link_Handover_Imminent for handover preparation.
“A Link_Going_Down provides …the time interval required to anticipate in advance and make adequate a priori preparation to handover a connection …” (in IEEE 802.21 document.)

A MOB_NBR-ADV is not enough for generating a Link_Detected trigger, because inclusion of a particular BSID in MOB_NBR-ADV does not mean that the target BS is within the MN's radio coverage.
It is reflected so that when an MN receives MOB_NBR-ADV including new BSID, it identifies the BS’s reachability through scanning, and then the Link_Detected is triggered.
PPT Version