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Recap of activity: IETF-69 and Updates in 04 (2)
Loki Jorgenson’s Comments (much summarizing!):
there are implicit assumptions that should be made more explicit, like stream characteristics that are typical and what information is measurable
New paragraph in Background on streams – Neither form is independent of stream characteristics
New section 4.3 – Both forms are 2-point metrics, derived from 1-way Delay (need timestamps)
Addressed in Measurement Considerations Section 8.1
references to "optimizing de-jitter buffer“… motivate the choice of jitter definition - is that related to the (anticipated) mandate of PMOL/APM?
Scope is an Applicability Statement on two forms of IPPM’s metric, using realistic uses for Delay Variation meas.
If this info is applicable elsewhere, so be it. New paragraph in the Scope section 2 gives some cautions.
PPT Version