IETF Vcarddav working group IETF 79 meeting, Beijing, China November 10th 2010, 15h10-16h10 1. Administrativia 2. vcard4 and vcardxml wglc comments (Perreault, Resnick) draft-ietf-vcarddav-vcardrev draft-ietf-vcarddav-vcardxml - i18n email - Problem: How to allow Unicode characters in EMAIL. Choose eai? utf-8? ... - Resolution: None. Chairs will discuss with area directors about. - Restoring N format - Problem: Current format for N is not backward compatible. - Resolution: Go back to vCard 3's format and allow multiple items in each component. - DDAY, BIRTH, DEAH - Problem: New properties which are not widely implemented. - Resolution: Remove them from base vCard 4. (Could be defined as an extension.) - Remove fields from ADR - Problem: PO box and extended address fields are misunderstood and not interoperable. - Resolution: Keep fields, but indicate that they SHOULD be empty. - Link LABEL to ADR - Problem: No way to know which LABEL is associated with which ADR. - Resolution: Remove LABEL property and make it a parameter of ADR. - Remove BINARY - Problem: BINARY value type is redundant with data: URI scheme. - Resolution: Remove BINARY property, remove FMTTYPE and ENCODING parameters. - SEX - Problem: Biological vs psychological semantics are unclear. Allowed values are un-intuitive and restrictive. - Resolution: Rename SEX to GENDER. Change values to (male, female, ). IANA registry for additional values that could be reserved. - TEL property - Problem: Previous parsers of TEL property values cannot parse tel: URIs. - Resolution: Default to free-form text, but SHOULD reset to a URI. - CALSCALE parameter - Problem: Having only a single pre-defined value makes this parameter useless. - Resolution: Refer to iCalendar and create an IANA registry for calendar types. - Calendar properties - Problem: FBURL, CALADRURI, and CALURI are new for vCard 4. Maybe better suited for an extension. - Resolution: Keep them. - Date ranges - Problem: Proposal to add a new parameter for identifying validity ranges for properties. - Resolution: Do not add. - KIND property - Problem: - KIND property is new for vCard 4. - Maybe BEGIN:VGROUP would be better. - Semantics for KIND:thing are vague. - Resolution: - Reduce the list to the ones we think we understand well right now. - If you want new ones registered, you have to write a draft that profiles the fields that make sense for that kind. - RELATED property - Problem: Property is new for vCard 4. Allowed values do not make consensus. Multiple types are impossible. - Resolution: - Use the XFN 1.1 taxonomy. - Allow a list of types. - Synchronization - Problem: Synchronization is new for vCard 4. - Resolution: Keep it. - CATEGORIES property - Problem: Would be nice to use URIs as tags. - Resolution: Do not do this. (Could be specified in an extension.) - VERSION parameter - Problem: VERSION parameter is useless, violates DRY. - Resolution: None. ("Take it to the list.") - Proposal: Drop it. Specify 1.0 in text. - CLASS parameter - Problem: Not used in practice. Interoperability is bad. - Resolution: Drop it. - Case sensitivity - Problem: Case causes interoperability issues in practice. - Resolution: Output SHOULD be upper-case. Accept both. - New ACCOUNT property - Problem: Proposal for a new ACCOUNT property. - Resolution: Reject proposal. (Could be added in an extension.) - REV property - Problem: Proposal for allowing date resolution. - Resolution: Reject proposal. - Cardinality notation - Problem: Notation is new, people are unfamiliar with it. - Resolution: Adopt ABNF notation. 3. Charter discussion Concensus was that there are possible additional work items. Next IETF should have a vcarddav meeting to discuss these.