Minutes of Forces Session, 1510-1610 5-July-2011 * Administravia - Chair (5 minutes) * WG Status -Chair (10 minutes) Outstanding documents: LFB-LIb - presented below, major changes since last time. CE_HA - no major changes due to working on LFB-lib Interop V2 - updated, see below. * LFB Lib - Weiming Wang (30 minutes) Updated to Version 5, was at Version 3 Reoragnized the text structure for readability, and added descriptions. Of particular note, ARP and ND blocks were removed. The Next hop and output LFBs were restructured to allow better flexibility. Issues The main quesiton is whether we have enoughpieces. The general agreement is that we have enough pices for folks to build from. There are suggestions that the IANA consideration section needs more work and will be looked at. The presenter raised quesitons about the various kinds of port IDs. Joel Halpern provided some clarification. We need to add text about the mapping on output from L2Port to Physical port. Plan We hope to last call this document before the next meeting. Review from WG participants as early as possible would be appreciated. * Interop 2 - Kentaro Ogawa (10 minutes) This is draft-ietf-forces-interop-02. Some sections were removed because some tests did not take place. Some sections were reorganized, Security considerations section was added. It was noted that there are many ways to represented data, particularly for nested tables (table in a table.) The presentation states that the coding choices reduce performance. Joel Halpern asked why this is so. Weiming tried to explain. Edward Crabbe agreed that there did not seem to be an issue. This will be discussed later. There are some editorial comments, and then the document should be ready for WG last call. * Wrap up and adjourn - Chair (5 minutes) Reviewed document state. We should be able to send all three documents out soon. Then the WG will be done.