ATOCA 83 Chair presented agenda Chair presented working group status General agreement that milestones were behind schedule, but no changes were need to the actual milestones other than their dates Hannes Tschofenig presented on requirements document Discussion of scaling issues, discussion focussed on scenarios where stateless delivery is possible, vs. stateful (i.e. pub-sub) General agreement that there will be multiple mechanisms for delivery, potentially including a minimal SIP SUB-NOT, possibly a link layer mechanism, and maybe other - already standardized - mechanisms such as XMPP or ATOM. Martin Thomson : Requirements and solution might not require state maintenance in order to provide service. Scaling cheaply depends on stateless operation. Richard Barnes : State may be unavoidable in many deployments General Agreement that a solution that depends on pub-sub or unicasting will probably require state, but requirements should not assume that state exists Discussion naturally progressed into the topic of discovery Brian Rosen presented on discovery Use cases for discovery (local vs. non-local) were non-controversial Information needed from discovery was non-controversial Mechanisms were a little controversial, but there was little time to continue Impromptu discussion on SIP-CAP Discussion on whether this should be adopted Questions about why it was dead, since it came up in discussion frequently James Polk asked about status as a WG item - a: it is not one Suggestion from the chair that the authors revise the draft and provide an updated individual submission, agreement recorded