IETF-86 Proceedings

Introduction  |  Area, Working Goup & BoF Reports  |  Plenaries  |  Training  |  Internet Research Task Force

IS-IS for IP Internets (isis) (WG)

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Routing Area Area Director(s):

Routing Area Advisor

Meeting Slides:

Blue Sheets:


Request for Comments:

Charter (as of 1998-11-06):

IS-IS is an IGP specified and standarized by ISO and incorporating
extensions to support IP. It has been deployed successfully in the
Internet for several years years. The IS-IS Working Group is chartered
to document current protocol implementation practices and
as well as to propose further extensions to be used within the scope
IS-IS and IP routing. Short term, the WG is expected to deliver a set
documents describing common implementation practices and extensions
necessary to scale the protocol. These specifications will encourage
multiple, inter-operable vendor implementations.

This working group will interact with other standards bodies that have
responsibility for standardizing IS-IS.

The status of the WG documents maintained by the WG chairs can be

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