IDR - IETF 86, Orlando Chairs: Sue Hares, John Scudder Notes: John Scudder Jabber Scribe: Jeff Haas Time stamps are approximate and are relative to audio file Audio: Slides: ===================================================== Interdomain Routing (IDR) WG WEDNESDAY, March 13, 2013 0900-1130 Wednesday Morning Session I Caribbean 5 ===================================================== CHAIR(s): Susan Hares John Scudder o Administrivia Chairs 10 minutes - Note Well - Scribe - Blue Sheets - Document Status o North-Bound Distribution of Link-State and TE Information using BGP draft-ietf-idr-ls-distribution-02 Jan Medved 20 minutes o Update Attribute Flag Low Bits draft-hares-idr-update-attrib-low-bits-fix-01 Sue Hares/John Scudder 30 minutes Speaker shuffling time 5 minutes Total 1 hour 5 minutes ===================================================== Meeting begins ~ 00:07:30 Administrivia, chairs report -- Sue presenting - Request for implementation reports - Documents advancing: - AS0: Approved but waiting on downref - Deprecate AS Sets: Approved - Private AS: IETF LC done, with IESG - RFD-Usable: WGLC complete 00:10:43 - MIB update -- Jeff Haas - Same status as last time. Feedback received from MIB doctors long ago. Draft stable. Still waiting for implementation. ---- 00:11:30 o North-Bound Distribution of Link-State and TE Information using BGP draft-ietf-idr-ls-distribution-02 Jan Medved 00:15:55 - Identifier TLV in -02 will likely change in a subsequent revision based on implementor feedback. - Prefix attributes are an important addition in -02. 00:16:45 John: You mentioned update coming soon. If people want to review, should they go ahead, or wait for -03? Jan: Wait for -03. John: Sense of room for who had reviewed/is following the draft? ... Quite a lot. Thanks. Sue: Exciting you're heading toward implementation. Planning to report next time? Jan: Yes, we're planning to write a draft on implementation experience and interoperability. Sue: Based on interest, you might want to send it to the list when available, no need to wait til Berlin. Jan: Will do. ---- 00:18:15 o Update Attribute Flag Low Bits draft-hares-idr-update-attrib-low-bits-fix-01 John Scudder 00:20:15 - -01 changes from "when propagated" to must be zero always, based on WG feedback on -00. 00:25:45 - Authors think WG should adopt the work and progress it "with all deliberate speed". 00:26:15 Stewart Bryant facilitating discussion since chairs are also authors. Stewart: Any comments? Jeff Haas: It's worth reiterating that the text in the spec reserves the bits for future use. But based on actual usage, it's prudent to treat the bits as "toxic". So pragmatically, best to do the right thing and "sanitize" the bits. If we need this functionality in the future it'll have to go into some other extension. John: To clarify, Jeff, are you saying "do what's in -01"? Stewart: That is to say, set them to zero? (yes) 00:28:00 Stewart: Sense of the room for those supporting proposal to set bits to zero and enforce zero? ... OK, that's a lot of people. Anyone who thinks that's NOT the right approach? ... The record should show the proposal was strongly supported with no dissent. We'll confirm on the list. ---- 00:28:35 Sue: That's the end of the agenda. Announcements -- IRTF prize for best paper was to a BGP paper. Please check the IRTF site for the paper. Second, if you have comments on how to deal with errata, please talk to the chairs. Third, note power-aware routing draft in RTGWG, one is BGP related, was moved from IDR. Alvaro: Yes, (RTGWG advertisement). Right now not a WG-forming or work-item adopting meeting, right now gauging interest. 00:31:00 Sue: Meeting done, thank you!