IETF-96 Proceedings
Introduction | Area, Working Goup & BoF Reports | Plenaries | Training | Internet Research Task Force
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Chair(s):Operations and Management Area Area Director(s):Assigned Area Director |
Network Operators are increasingly challenged with operational and management limitations in network deployments due to Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) operating at different administrative and technology layers. This problem is exacerbated by the lack of a common architectural OAM management in those different layers and protocols. New work on network virtualization further complicates the layering model and the problems of coordinating OAM between layers and protocols.
The absence of a common approach to OAM management has made it difficult for operators to:
- Suppress large numbers of unnecessary alarms and notifications related to defects and failures arising in lower layers and visible in each higher layer
- Quickly identify root causes of network failures
- Coordinate end-to-end performance measurement with the results of performance monitoring at different layers in the network
- Correlate defects, faults, and network failures between the different layers to improve efficiency of defect and fault localization and provide better OAM visibility.
The LIME working group will concentrate on the operational challenges in consistent handling of end-to-end OAM and coordination of OAM within underlying network layers. This work will enable consistent configuration, reporting, and presentation for the OAM mechanisms used to manage the network, regardless of the layers and technologies, including management mechanisms to facilitate better mapping between information reported from OAM mechanisms that operate in different network layers. It will also produce architectural guidelines for the development of new OAM tools and protocols in both management plane and data plane so that they may be coherent with these mechanisms and more easily integrated from an operational points of view.
The working group will work on the following deliverables:
- YANG data model(s) for generic layer-independent and technology-independent configuration, reporting and presentation for OAM mechanisms.
- An architecture for OAM that can be used as guidance by other IETF working groups developing new OAM protocols or modifying existing OAM protocols, at any layer and for any technology. This guidance will cover both the management and data planes. Existing OAM architectures will be reviewed.
- Applicability document: The YANG model(s) specified in this working group must be usable and extensible by the existing OAM technologies. This usability and extensibility must be demonstrated, for example with IP Ping, traceroute, BFD, and LSP Ping. Note the technology-specific data model extensions should ideally be worked on in the respective working groups.
The working group will explore and document use-cases for converged management of OAM in multi-layer and multi-technology networks that triggered this work. The use cases will consider scenarios that include (but are not limited to) those that rely upon a centralized control point responsible for the overall OAM management and those that assume the delegation of layer-specific OAM management control points. The working group will decide later whether the use case document needs to be published as an RFC.
If the working group finds it necessary to work on an information model before the data model, it might do so. The working group will decide later whether the information model needs to be published as an RFC.
The initial scope is restricted to a single administrative domain and may be extended for inter-domain scenarios in future as and when a need rises.
The working group will not develop any new OAM protocols.
The LIME WG is not chartered to work on information or data models specific to any data plane or forwarding plane technology that is developed outside of the IETF. However, it is the intention that the generic information and data models produced by the working group should be applicable to multiple layers and technologies in a technology agnostic fashion. Therefore, it is anticipated that the working group will closely coordinate its activities with other SDOs (including, but not limited to the ITU-T, MEF, IEEE, BBF and 3GPP) to ensure that the generic models are harmonized with work done in those SDOs and are applicable to many technologies.