Notes taker: Haomian ZHENG, Will LIU Jabber: Dhruv Dhody IETF 97 - SDN Research Group Meeting Monday, Afternoon Session I 1330-1530 Room Name: Grand Ballroom 1 size: 300 Attendees more than 150. Agenda 1. Administrivia and Agenda Bash - Chair (5 minutes) 2. Existing SDN Research Group Topics (10 minutes) 2.1 Cooperating Layered Architecture for SDN  - Cooperating Layered Architecture for SDN (Presented by Carlos Jesus Bernardos Cano) - Will: go back to NFV case figure, i didn't see this figure in the draft? Carlos Jesus Bernardos Cano: Will be put in next version. Parvez : why mapping actions? Carlos Jesus Bernardos Cano: multiple options Parvez: a example not base line. 3. Special Session: Software Defined Network Telemetry and Big Data Analytics  3.1 Network Health Assessment Using Big Data to Perform Network Diagnosis and Predict Future Issues (15 minutes) - Presenter: Qin Wu 3.2 Enabling DNS Big Data Applications (15 minutes) - Presenter: Moritz Muller [Daniel King]: how to see some link are decreasing? [Moritz Muller]: applicable at that case. you cannot see the traffic on the platform [Naiming]: is this just for history or help to detect the future;  [Moritz Muller]: should be active first.  [Danking]: Good to see the work in sdnrg, please continue using the list.  3.3 Dynamic Network Probes on Programmable Data Plane (15 minutes) - Presenter: Haoyu song Presenter: Motivation:     - lack of real-time performance telemetry (?)      - need for network visibility despite 'big data' problem Presenter: SQL-like API is feasible; Presenter: Similarities between SDN architecture and Map Reduce programming model Presenter: Dynamic Network Probes model offers 40x improvement over static programming, in terms of latency; Presenter: Long list of challenges (security, performance, no language/model/API); Presenter: Related work: INT, Inband OAM, gRPC;   [Dirk Kutscher] scope concern: only on OAM section or the whole network;  [Presenter]: There is number of possible use cases / applications, OAM is currently the most important.  [Dean Bogdanovic] considerations about the data plane if setting probes. [Presenter]: Probes are passive. Trying to avoid changing forwarding behavior; [Daniel King]: How do you intend to publish API? [Presenter]: OpenSource may be good. Already seeing a research. Perhaps standardization organization should help. 3.4 An Architecture of Network Artificial Intelligence(NAI) (15 minutes) - Presenter: Zhenbin Li - Presenter: General AI is 7y old. Network AI not older than 1y. Presenter: Propose to be processed in Routing/OPS area, with BoF or new WG. [Dean Bogdanovic]: How is this different from the goals of the ANIMA WG? [Presenter]: there is some overlap, need to investigate, research job will belong to SDNRG, and if we find any new stuff, will consider RTG/OPS std work. 3.5 gRPC features and protocol  - Presenter: Eric J. Anderson  - [???]: Can you have messages that are completely independent? [Presenter]: Yes.  [Daniel King]: Can you give us examples where gRPC is used? [Presenter]: gRPC usage as Network Management interface available on GitHub (refer to the presentation materials)??? Dan: put the question to mailing list as we are out of time 4. Other SDN Topics 4.1 Autonomic Slice Networking-Requirements and Reference Model (15 minutes) - Presenter: Alex Galis - Dan: put the question to mail list as out of time 4.2 Inter-Op Progress and Considerations in Abstraction Control of Transport Network (ACTN) Architecture (15 minutes) - Presenter: Daniele Ceccarelli  [Kohei Shiomoto] Any standard gap detected during inter-op?  [Presenter] Not many... Dan: put the question to mail list as out of time 4.3 SDN Security: Trust Models, Architecture Hardening and Infrastructure Deployment (15 minutes) - Presenter: Saurabh Chattopadhyay Dan: like to see more SDN security , continue in mailing list. 5. SDN RG State of the Nation - Chairs and Secretary