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A recent message on the MPLS WG mailing list has suggested changes to RFC 3036 ("LDP Specification") and called for comments on the proposed changes. One of the proposed changes is to deprecate the use of the Host Address FEC TLV. Two Implementation Agreements published by the MPLS & Frame Relay Alliance (MFA), "MPLS Proxy Admission Control Definition" and "MPLS Proxy Admission Control Protocol", MFA.6.0.0 and MFA.7.0.0 make use of the Host Address FEC TLV. MPLS Proxy Admission Control provides a bandwidth-based reservation/admission facility for MPLS networks. There are implementations of this protocol in progress.

While the proposed changes make a Prefix FEC TLV with a 32-bit mask equivalent to a Host Address FEC TLV, adopting the Prefix FEC TLV would require changes to approved and published MFA documents, and changes to the implementations. Also, since MPLS Proxy Admission Control only uses host addresses, using the Prefix FEC TLV would necessitate an additional check that the prefix was always 32 bits. Therefore, the MFA kindly requests that the Host Address FEC TLV not be deprecated, and that it continues to be supported in future revisions of LDP.

In RFC 3036, there is a semantic difference between a Host Address and a prefix with length 32. The new version proposes to remove the semantic difference. This is not a problem for the MPLS Proxy Admission Control; we are just requesting that the Host Address codepoint not be deprecated.
PPT Version