IETF-86 Proceedings
Introduction | Area, Working Goup & BoF Reports | Plenaries | Training | Internet Research Task Force
Additional information is available at
Chair(s):SecretaryReal-time Applications and Infrastructure Area Area Director(s):Real-time Applications and Infrastructure Area Advisor |
The Real-time Transport Protocol, RTP, along with its associated
profiles and payload formats provides for real-time transmission of
audio and video over unicast and multicast transports. RTP itself has
been shepherded to Full Standard. Its associated profiles, extensions,
and payload formats are currently at various levels of standards maturity.
The AVTCORE working group is chartered to maintain the core RTP/RTCP
specifications and the AVP, SAVP, AVPF, and SAVPF profiles. The group
will provide architectural guidance for extending the protocols and
guidelines for their proper use. While other working groups may be
chartered to work on application-specific extensions to the protocols,
extensions that are generally applicable will be developed in AVTCORE.
The AVTCORE working group will coordinate closely with the Security Area
while working on maintenance and enhancements to the SRTP Profile.
In addition to the milestones called out below, the AVTCORE working
group's initial tasks will include completing any remaining work
identified in those drafts from the AVT working group already in IESG
Evaluation, with the exception of the Rapid Acquisition of Multicast RTP
sessions, which will complete in the AVTEXT working group.