IETF-86 Proceedings
Introduction | Area, Working Goup & BoF Reports | Plenaries | Training | Internet Research Task Force
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Chair(s):Internet Area Area Director(s):Internet Area Advisor |
The Distributed Mobility Management (DMM) working group specifies IP
mobility, access network and routing solutions, which allow for
setting up IP networks so that traffic is distributed in an
optimal way and does not rely on centrally deployed anchors to manage
IP mobility sessions. The distributed mobility management solutions
aim for transparency above the IP layer, including maintenance of
active transport level sessions as mobile hosts or entire mobile
networks change their point of attachment to the Internet.
The protocol solutions should be based on existing IP mobility
protocols, either host- or network-based, such as Mobile IPv6
[RFC6275, 5555], Proxy Mobile IPv6 [RFC5213, 5844] and
NEMO [RFC3963]. Solutions may also focus specifically
on managing the use of care-of versus home addresses in an
efficient manner for different types of communications.
Although the maintenance of stable home address(es) and/or prefix(es)
and upper level sessions is a desirable goal when mobile hosts/routers
change their point of attachment to the Internet, it is not a strict
requirement. Mobile hosts/routers should not assume that IP
addressing including home address(es) and/or home network prefix(es)
remain the same throughout the entire upper level session lifetime,
or that support for mobility functions is provided on the network side
in all conditions.
The distributed mobility management solutions primarily target IPv6
Deployment and should not be tailored specifically to support IPv4,
in particular in situations where private IPv4 addresses and/or NATs
are used. At least IPv6 is assumed to be present in both the mobile
host/router and the access networks. Independent of the distributed
mobility management solution, backward compatibility must be
maintained. If the network or the mobile host/router do not support
the distributed mobility management enabling protocol, nothing should
Work items related to the distributed mobility management include:
o Solution Requirements: Define precisely the problem of distributed
mobility management and identity the requirements for a distributed
mobility management solution.
o Practices: Document practices for the deployment of existing
mobility protocols in a distributed mobility management
o Gap Analysis and extensions: identify the limitations in the current
practices with respect to providing the expected functionality.
o If limitations are identified as part of the above deliverable,
specify extensions to existing protocols that removes these
limitations within a distributed mobility management environment.