IETF-86 Proceedings
Introduction | Area, Working Goup & BoF Reports | Plenaries | Training | Internet Research Task Force
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Chair(s):SecretaryRouting Area Area Director(s):Routing Area Advisor |
This working group is responsible for defining, specifying and extending
BGP/MPLS IP VPNs solutions (based on RFC4364 and RFC4659) for supporting
provider-provisioned Layer-3 (routed) Virtual Private Networks (L3VPNs).
The WG will continue to extend and enhance RFC4364 and RFC4659 based
solutions so that these solutions can be used to provide IPv4, IPv6, and
MPLS services including multicast.
The following VPN deployment scenarios will be considered by the WG: 1.
Single service provider (SP)/single AS: VPN sites attached to the
network of a single provider within the scope of a single AS.
2. Single SP/multiple AS'es: VPN sites attached to the network of a
single provider consisting of multiple AS'es.
3. Cooperating SPs: VPN sites attached to networks of different
providers that cooperate with each other to provide VPN service.
As part of this effort the WG will work on the following tasks:
1. Additional requirements and framework for Layer 3 VPNs.
2. Solution documents, including applicability statements.
3. MIB definitions.
4. Security mechanisms.
As a general rule, the WG will not create new protocols, but will extend
existing protocols to provide the necessary L3VPN functionality.
Protocol extensions that provide L3VPN functionality will be reviewed by
both the L3VPN WG and by the WG responsible for the protocol being extended.
The WG will continue to extend and enhance the Multicast over BGP/MPLS
VPN solution.