IETF-86 Proceedings
Introduction | Area, Working Goup & BoF Reports | Plenaries | Training | Internet Research Task Force
Additional information is available at
Chair(s):Routing Area Area Director(s):Routing Area AdvisorTechnical Advisor(s) |
The Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) Working Group has completed
the standardization of PIM with RFC 4601. The WG has determined there
is additional work to be accomplished and is chartered to standardize
extensions to RFC 4601 - Protocol Independent Multicast Version 2 -
Sparse Mode. These PIM extensions will involve reliability, resiliency,
scalability, management, and security.
If L2VPN or L3VPN WGs determine that support for multicast in L2VPNs
and/or L3VPNs requires extensions to PIM, then such extensions will be
developed within the PIM WG.
Additional work on the PIM-BIDIR and BSR drafts may also be necessary
by the WG as these drafts progress through Standards Track.
The working group has produced MIB modules for PIM in RFC 5060 and
RFC 5240. The working group currently has no plans to do further work
on management for PIM. If proposals are brought forward to update or
extend the existing MIB modules or to develop YANG modules, the working
group will be rechartered.
The PIM WG will further enhance RFC4601 as an even more scalable,
efficient and robust multicast routing protocol, which is capable of
supporting thousands of groups, different types of multicast
applications, and all major underlying layer-2 subnetwork technologies.
We will accomplish these enhancements by submitting drafts, to the
IESG, involving reliable pim, pim join attributes and pim
The working group primarily works on extensions to PIM, but may take on
work related to IGMP/MLD.
There is a significant number of errata that need to be addressed in
order to advance RFC4601 to Draft Standard. The PIM WG will correct the
errata, as necessary, and update RFC4601.
The working group will initiate a new re-chartering effort if it is
determined that a Version 3 of PIM is required.