Diversity and Inclusion
While the IETF is open to all, there are many barriers that can stand in the way of participation. The IETF actively works to address this and by provide a path to sustained engagement through a range of initiatives and programs.

Meeting fee waivers
We make an unlimited number of fee waivers available to those who wish to participate remotely in an IETF meeting, but for whom the fee would be a barrier. These fee waivers are made available on demand, no questions asked, and with full confidentiality, thereby ensuring that everyone is able to participate and interact in real-time in IETF meetings.
We generally provide ~250 remote fee waivers at each IETF meeting, ~12.5% of all participants.
Childcare at IETF meetings
Free onsite childcare is offered at every IETF meeting to ensure that people who have obligations to young children are able participate onsite at meetings when they otherwise might not be able to do so. We generally have ~10 children in childcare at each meeting.
Closed Captioning
The official language of the IETF is English, but data from our community surveys shows that many for whom it is a second language, find it easier to understand written English than spoken English. Consequently, we provide closed captioning for all official sessions at IETF meetings.
IETF Systers
IETF Systers is a community of women and nonbinary IETF participants who gather to network, share advice and experiences, and collaborate on various projects. IETF Systers welcome women and nonbinary participants of all ages and at any stage of their studies or careers, and serve as an informal mentoring and information gathering network. The IETF Systers has gathered during nearly every IETF meeting since 1993 and hold events and discussions between IETF meetings.
Diversity and Inclusion sponsors
Diversity and Inclusion sponsors help ensure IETF participation is open and welcoming to as many as possible, thereby strengthening the work of the IETF. Sponsorship opportunities are available in Gold, Silver and Bronze - see Meeting Sponsorship for more details.



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