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RFPs and contracts

The IETF Administration LLC follows a formal and transparent process for contracting to ensure fairness and integrity.

Issued RFPs

The table below lists all RFPs issued by the IETF LLC.  Please note the following:

  • RFPs that are still open have "OPEN" in the Vendor/Contract columns
  • Not all RFPs have a Q&A
  • Award links to the announcement of the award of the contract.  Not all awards have been announced but all will be in future.
  • Contracts are posted with financial information and signatures (where possible) redacted.
  • The conflict of interest (COI) form posted is required of all contractors by IETF LLC Policy.  Where the contract was completed before this policy came into place, no COI form was requested.
  • For RFPs posted before the creation of the IETF LLC, please see the archived IAOC site.
Issued Title RFP Vendor Details
July 18, 2023 Infrastructure Services RFI
Painless Security Award
July 18, 2023 Email Processing Services RFP Sirius Open Source Award
SoW 2
SoW 3
June 30, 2022 Salesforce Integration Partner RFP
Wezana Solutions Award
June 21, 2022 UI/UX Services RFP
Torchbox Award
SoW 1
SoW 3
January 7, 2022 RFC Production Center Tools Modernisation BA/PM services RFP Association Management Solutions Award
October 15, 2021 Open Source DBA Services RFP
Sirius Open Source Award
September 3, 2021 IETF Brand Values RFP
Tenet Award
May 31, 2021 Author tools web services re-implementation RFP
Not awarded Not awarded
May 17, 2021 Trac and Subversion migration to GitHub RFP Ribose Award
May 3, 2021 Trac wiki migration to Wiki.js RFP
Not awarded Not awarded
May 3, 2021 BibXML Service RFP Ribose Award

July 16, 2020 Review of current landscape of IETF document processing tools RFP Not awarded Not awarded
June 29, 2020 Reimplementing IETF Website Wagtail templates RFP
Springload Award
SoW 2
Amendment 1
SoW 3
SoW 4

February 5, 2020 Security Review and Remediation of the RFC Production Center Web Accessible Code RFP
ZX Security Award
Amendment 1
October 4, 2019 Temporary RFC Series Project Manager RFP
Standcore LLC
(John Levine)
Amendment 1
Amendment 2
September 27, 2019 Security Review and Remediation of the RFC Production Center Web Accessible Code RFP
Not awarded Not awarded
September 13, 2019 Automatic Schedule Builder RFP DashCare B.V. Award
August 30, 2019 Tools Support (3 components) RFP
    1. Minor Tools Enhancements Painless Security Award
Amendment 2
Amendment 3
Amendment 4
    2. YANG Catalog Maintenance s.r.o Award
Amendment 4
    3. Tools Maintenance Elf Tools
(Henrik Levkowetz)
June 24, 2019 Secretariat Services (4 components) RFP
Q&A (1)
Q&A (2)
    1. CPA Financial Services GRF CPAs & Advisors Award
    2. All other components Association Management Solutions Award
Amendment 2
Amendment 3
April 30, 2019 IRSG Ballots Tool RFP
AKAYLA, Inc Contract
April 8, 2019 RFC Errata Merge Tool RFP
Soaring Hawk Consulting
(Jim Schaad)
February 28, 2019 Datatracker Meeting Application Improvements RFP IOLA Contract
January 23, 2019 YANG Catalog Conversion RFP s.r.o Contract

RFP Process

Our process for RFPs is as follows:

  • The RFP is publicly issued, posted to this page and announced to the RFP Announcement Mailing List, which anyone can subscribe to. 
  • Potential bidders have until (issue date + 2 weeks) to submit any questions by email to  Questions will be treated as anonymous but not private, as explained below.  If you do not receive confirmation that your questions have been received within 24 hours then please resend until you do.
  • A written response to all questions is provided on or before (issue date + 3 weeks), direct to those parties that sent questions, by email to the RFP Announcement Mailing List and posted on this page.  The response will include the questions asked and the answers, but will not identify the company asking the question.  If required, the RFP may be updated to correct or clarify any issues identified.
  • Bids are due by (issue date + 4 weeks) by email to   If you do not receive confirmation that your bid has been received within 24 hours then please resend until you do.  The bid should include the following information (only one of the following two sets will appear in a published RFP):
    • Set one - for projects:
      • Executive summary
      • Project approach including any assumptions.
      • A project plan and schedule for all the deliverables that must include when the work will begin and end, and any other milestones, as well as any dependencies that may delay delivery.
      • A statement confirming that you can meet all the listed requirements and additional details as required to substantiate this.
      • Key personnel experience and availability for the lifetime of the project.
      • Fee and payment schedule.  Fixed priced bids are preferred but if that is not possible then a maximum fee must be specified.
      • A warranty including a proposal for fee reduction or refund due to late- or non-delivery 
    • Set two - for services:
      • Executive Summary
      • Your standard project approach, including any specific methodologies or tools.
      • A statement confirming that you can meet all the listed requirements and additional details as required to substantiate this.
      • Key personnel experience and general availability.
      • Fee and payment schedule. Your fees should be specified as daily or hourly rates.
      • Standard warranties including any fee reductions or refunds due to late- or non-delivery
  • The IETF Administration LLC and designated contractors and volunteers will select a preferred bid and notify the bidder by (issue date + 6 weeks).   The selection process may include questions by email and/or conference call. 
  • The IETF Administration LLC then enters into contract negotiation with the preferred bidder, based on its standard contract and using the relevant sections of the Statement of Work below.  If contract negotiation fails then a different preferred bidder may be chosen.
  • Contract negotiation is anticipated to complete by (issue date + 8 weeks) and result in the award of the contract.  All RFP contract awards are posted on this page and announced to the RFP Announcement Mailing List.  The terms of the contract are later posted publicly on this page, with the fee information and signatures (where possible) redacted.  In addition any Conflict of Interest declarations required of the preferred bidder are also posted publicly on our website.  This transparency is non-negotiable.
  • Work generally begins immediately after award of the contract, unless specified otherwise in the Statement of Work or negotiated contract.

Specialist Service Contracts

The IETF LLC has a number of contracts for specialist services that may continue beyond our normal 6 year maximum contract term. Some of these have been awarded by RFP, some after the vendor won an RFP for a specific project, some through direct negotiation and some predate the formation of the LLC.

Title Vendor Contract COI
RFC Production Center Association Management Solutions Contract
Amendment 1
Amendment 2
Amendment 3
Amendment 4
Amendment 5
Amendment 6
Amendment 7
Meeting Network Services Linespeed Contract COI
Meeting Remote Participation Services Meetecho Contract 2018
Amendment 1
Amendment 2
Amendment 3
Amendment 4
Amendment 5
Amendment 6
Legal Services (General) Biddle Law Contract
Amendment 1
Legal Services (Litigation and Privacy) Thompson Hine COI
RFC Series Consulting Editor Alexis Rossi LLC Contract COI

IANA Contracts

Contracts with ICANN/IANA are not subject to our normal contracting process and not subject to our COI disclosure requirements.

Description Contract
The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) administers many parameters of IETF protocols. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) provides these services to the Internet community through an arrangement with Public Technical Identifiers (PTI). Original MoU (2000)
Supplemental (2018)
Supplemental (2019)
Supplemental (2020)
Amendment (2020)
Supplemental (2021)

Legal contracts with the Internet Society (ISOC) can be found on the LLC overview.