Open Internet
The Open Internet sponsorship supports a long-term future for IETF work, meetings, and vision.

Open access to RFCs
Since the inception of the RFC Series, RFCs have been free to download. This was once considered radical as other technical standards were only available for a fee, but is increasingly adopted by new standards organizations. The RFC Editor function of professional editors and website is a significant cost for the IETF and Open Internet sponsorship helps us to offset this and ensure the long term openness of RFCs.
IETF Endowment
The IETF Endowment is a designated investment fund created in support of the IETF and our activities, intended to ensure the long-term sustainability of the IETF. It is governed by an IETF Endowment Policy, which outlines the structure of the IETF Endowment, as well as the acceptance, withdrawal, and use of funds.
Open Internet sponsorship
By anticipating future needs today, Open Internet sponsors ensure a high-functioning, diverse, and robust IETF community of tomorrow. Sponsorship opportunities are available in Gold, Silver and Bronze - see Meeting sponsorship for more details.