The IETF Ombudsteam allows you to confidentially report and raise concerns about harassment and other conduct within the IETF.
IETF meetings, virtual meetings, and mailing lists are intended for professional collaboration and networking. The IETF strives to create and maintain an environment in which people of many different backgrounds are treated with dignity, decency, and respect. Those who participate in the IETF are expected to behave according to professional standards and demonstrate appropriate workplace behaviour, and must not engage in harassment.
For more information, please see the IESG Anti-Harassment Policy and BCP 25/ RFC 7776 on IETF Anti-Harassment Procedures*.
If you believe you have been harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, you are encouraged to raise your concern in confidence with one of the Ombudspersons at ombudsteam at The current persons in this team are:

Allison Mankin (allison.mankin at
appointed 1 April 2016

Avri Doria (avri at
appointed 21 November 2023

Pete Resnick (resnick at
appointed 1 April 2016

Shivan Sahib (shivankaulsahib at
appointed 21 November 2023

Sofia Celi (cherenkov at
appointed 21 November 2023
To reach the IETF Ombudsteam send email to or to the individuals' email addresses above.
IETF Ombudsteam Procedures
The Ombudsteam follows published procedures for how they document, communicate, intake, and investigate reports they receive.
* If your organization outside the IETF is interested in implementing similar anti-harassment procedures, the authors of RFC 7776 have made a CC0-copyrighted version available.