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Revised IETF sponsorship program

2 Mar 2021

After review, research, and consultation with existing meeting hosts and sponsors, the IETF Administration LLC is implementing a restructured sponsorship program in support of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), Internet Research Task Force (IRTF), and Internet Architecture Board (IAB).

The new sponsorship program is organized to align opportunities and benefits  so they are more appealing to current and potential sponsors, easier to administer, and provide greater certainty for both the IETF and sponsor organizations. For example, sponsorships were previously offered mostly as per-meeting opportunities. In the new structure, most opportunities are presented as annual or multi-year commitments with benefits that extend across and beyond meetings.

Global Host remains the highest level of commitment and recognition across multiple years—each hosting several IETF meetings. A new category, Global Supporter, provides for and recognizes significant multi-year commitments that support the work of the IETF outside of meetings. In addition there are new values-based categories to support running code, diversity and inclusion, and sustainability. These include programs such as IETF Hackathons, meeting registration fee waivers, and initiatives design to reduce our impact on the environment.

Meeting-focused opportunities remain a part of the mix. An organization may host a meeting not already supported by a Global Host. Likewise, separate welcome reception sponsorship opportunities remain, and organizations local to an in-person meeting may be a sponsor for that meeting. Equipment and services sponsors will continue to be recognized for the  support they provide our community’s ongoing operations.

Beyond the sponsorship program itself, the Internet Society (ISOC) has, since it was established in 1992, supported the IETF and is recognized as a foundational sponsor. In addition to providing significant financial support each year, ISOC has committed to matching contributions to the IETF Endowment. The IETF Endowment will be the focus of the IETF LLC Director of Fundraising, when that position is filled.

I invite you to learn more about the new sponsorship program on the IETF website. If you or your organization is interested in learning more about or discussing sponsorship opportunities, please contact Stephanie McCammon

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